Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 292 : New year is approaching, everything is fine

Especially in the production workshop, the person in charge of Yiying was even more startled when he received a call from the headquarters.

Because the call at the headquarters has only one meaning, that is, a batch of super large orders. If possible, let them arrange for people to increase productivity as soon as possible.

In other words, their current productivity is not enough no matter how full of people they are, they need to recruit more people.

This is the unspoken meaning. People didn't say it clearly, but the meaning is there.

Of course, this is not a problem. It’s just that it’s difficult to recruit people now that the end of the year is approaching, but it’s not completely impossible. Salary increases, or overtime work.

However, these persons in charge are all long-time employees of Longteng. They know very well that there must be an emergency in the headquarters to make such a big movement.

So, without the slightest hesitation, everyone is going all out.

You know, increasing production volume is not a trivial matter for Longteng.

Since it is an online sales channel, and it happens to be real-time data, everyone can see the sales of the Neye X mobile phone in China. As for the Xiangjiang side, you can also see some situations.

Xiangjiang does not rely solely on online sales. Everyone knows this.

Although Li Zekai's telecommunications company has also opened an official website store, if you want to buy a Nirvana X phone, you can buy it on the website, but all Xiangjiang people don't choose that.

The answer is very simple, that is, Xiangjiang is really not big, even if you walk through it from beginning to end, it’s just-

Two hours, provided that there is no traffic jam.

And everywhere in Xiangjiang, there are business halls of Li Zekai Telecommunications Company. Those business halls all have their own counters, and they all sell Nirvana X mobile phones.

If you want to buy, take a few steps, or even sit in the car for ten to twenty minutes, you can find a business hall, then go in, show your identity, and you will soon be able to get a Bu Niele X mobile phone.

If it is convenient and there are physical stores for sales, how can you choose the Internet, although there are also-

Some young people will choose to buy online.

But most people are still more willing to lose the physical store to buy, so there are not many sales on the Internet.

As for the business hall, every sale. There will always be a record. These are all data on the surface.

Although it can be faked, don’t forget that Li Zekai’s telecommunications company is a listed company, every-

A report must be published every quarter.

Unfortunately, the Nirvana X mobile phone is included in the report, although it is not stated that it is the sales of the Nirvana X mobile phone, but the number of users of a new package will be announced.

A Niele X mobile phone is bound to be a user of a new package.

You only need to look at the number of users of the new package. You can know how many mobile phones have been sold.

This is a hard standard and must not be faked.

Although there are some listed companies cheating on data, Li Zekai disdains to do such things, because people need to cheat because they don’t have enough data.

However, those are not important, the important thing is here in s city.

The sales volume of Xiangjiang is there, and the market has reached saturation, so the domestic side is about the same, with a little increase.

Sudden increase in production, and still a large amount of production, what is it?

The person in charge of the production workshop quickly saw something from the order. They may stop if they ——

For a while, the output of Nirvana X mobile phones can almost be seen from the orders.

There are as many Nirvana X phones produced as many orders.

This is not a hard standard, but it is almost the same.

The order volume of more than 30 million units is definitely not a joke. The Ke Nijia X production base still placed such an order, which is enough to show that someone placed a large order.

It's not that there is a problem with the group, so there is nothing to say, just let it go.

Increase horsepower, production, continuous production

9 o'clock in the morning on October 10, 2019!

Lin Feng came to the company's headquarters again, entered the office, and never came out since. He has too many things, let alone a few more things recently.

Man United Football Club!

He was just an acquisition of this team before, and he also asked about some things, but he didn't deal with it. In fact, he didn't have the time to rush to Xiangjiang, and then came back. The company has long backlogged a lot of documents waiting for him to deal with.

Today, it was difficult to deal with it, and finally there is time to deal with the team's matters.

The plan he said before was sorted out by Jiang Feng, and then it was formed into a document and placed on his desk. As long as he had read it and there was no problem, then he signed it, and then began to implement it.

"This signature is the money

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He had to pick up the phone and call Min Zhonghang.

The entire Longteng Group’s financial issues must be greeted with Min Zhonghang, the chief financial officer. No one knows better than him.

As soon as the phone was connected, I went straight to the question. In the company, when it comes to official affairs, each other is serious and serious.

"Well, I don't want to use my old books. "

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Is there any money in Longteng Group?

The answer is yes. On the Longteng Group's books, there must be money, and there is still a lot of it. However, the money on the books is not without budget. For example, a large part of the documents he has processed before is allocated, like the previous increase in production.

Do you think you can just open your mouth to increase production?

If it were that simple, how easy it would be for the bosses of those companies.

He has opened his mouth, and he doesn’t need to do other things, but the person below will produce a document and pass it to his desk. After that, he (Qian De Zhao) signs it and the document becomes effective. .

After that, the finance will follow the approval on this document, and allocate as much money as it should be.

To increase production, it is necessary to purchase raw materials. How to produce without purchasing raw materials.

There are also those raw material purchases, which are not what they used to be, and you can pay for the goods first. Everyone is an acquaintance, basically your order is completed and the payment is completed after delivery.

In this way, the advance payment also needs to be counted. If it is a day, it will be delayed for three to five days. If it is delayed for a long time, it will not work. If there are some huge orders, the checkout will be divided.

For example, if one-third of the delivery is delivered, one-third of the purchase price will be paid first.

This is why Lin Feng prefers his old friends. If it is someone else, it is probably because you love to take it. If you don’t take it, I will find someone else to take such an order. Anyway, I have the order in my hand. I am the uncle.

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