Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 294 : Man United Future Head Coach-Tottenham

"Do you look at this document?" Lin Feng handed it over.

Jiang Feng took it and looked at it. He just smiled because he had already read the file: "Is there any problem?"

"There is a problem, and the problem is big."

Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "10 billion land acquisition?"

"Yes." Jiang Feng was even more puzzled.

"Did you know? The one billion I plan to build a new stadium is used together with one billion, excluding land acquisition. In other words, what I need is the city government to grant me free land instead of paying so much. Money comes to requisition the land."

Lin Feng is also a little helpless, he hasn't made it clear before.


Jiang Feng was frightened. How could there be such a good thing in the world: "It's a big piece of land. The city government estimates ~ it's going to be a riot?"

"It's not that the city government will make a noise, but the city government thinks that our company is making money too fast and it won't do us bloodletting."

Lin Feng spread his hands and said, "Sports projects have a preferential policy. I believe that there must be such a preferential policy in the municipal government."

"Support a piece of land, although it is very large, but we will establish a beautiful image for the deep city."

"Do you know? Once our team kills the top leagues and then wins the championship, how much impact will it have on the entire city?"

"Then there is the economic contribution of a team to this city. Have you ever calculated it?

"If our team returns to the World Cup again, it is bound to give Asian countries a deeper understanding of Shenzhen City. Will it bring much benefit to Shenzhen City?"

He said that these are all types of intangible assets, but these intangible assets are definitely not worthless, but very valuable.

"Don't you guys also handed in our future development plan for the team?" Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.


Jiang Feng's eyes were also blackened, and he was really in a hurry: "Does our plan to spend money have any impact on the city?"

"No effect?"

Lin Feng almost didn't rush to beat this guy to death. How could it be unaffected, but he knew, no wonder Jiang Feng was very busy and didn't know much about this kind of thing.

In addition, the management team of the team was only pulled up in these two days. It can be said that Jiang Feng handled the application for the new stadium.

If a person with professional knowledge is allowed to handle this matter, there shouldn't be such a mistake.

"No impact? The impact is great."


"Okay, I understand you too."

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and then asked, "By the way, didn't you mean to pull up a management team? He didn't see anything?"

"He is definitely a professional in this area, but I dug from the Basie team. He was originally the deputy manager of the team. The one with great power, if it weren't for a high salary, and promised to give enough power. , He won't come yet."

Jiang Feng also smiled bitterly. He knew that he was wrong. The mistake was that it shouldn't take a few days. After that person came, he would discuss the matter together.

But I can't blame him. The Chinese New Year is about to come. He wanted to get things done quickly, but he did not expect to make such a big mistake in the end.


"Ding Dong Ding Dong!"

The unique ringtone of Nirvana X mobile phone rang.

"Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, that guy called me."

"You answer it." Lin Feng waved his hand and stopped talking, beckoning Jiang Feng to answer the phone.

Jiang Feng answered the phone. After that, I listened quietly. After a long while: "You wait, I'm in the boss's office, I ask for instructions."

"How?" Lin Feng asked. "He found the problem."

Jiang Feng covered his words, prevented the other party from hearing the call, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "He looked at the plan again, it was too busy, it was a transfer, it was cleaning players, coaches and so on." All He has to do everything,-until now have you listed the future development plan of the team and the stadium. "

"Well, let him come over."

Lin Feng believes that it is necessary to meet this person well.


Jiang Feng said nothing, let go of the phone, and let him come over according to Lin Feng's instructions.

Now the foundation of Manlian Football Club has been transferred to China, and the office is also set in Jinling.

Flowers.0 Of course, the headquarters of Longteng Group is in the suburbs. He has to rush over from the city. It is impossible to arrive in less than half an hour.

For such a long time, Jiang Feng, who is busy with his business, needs to fight hard. No, Jiang Feng returned to his office immediately. He can handle as many things as he can use this time, and wait for someone to come to Lin Feng's office.

Lin Feng is also very busy. In fact, everyone in the company is very busy, including all ordinary employees, because it is the end of the year and there are too many things to do.

If you have time to use, you will naturally use it. Put aside the things you can’t handle, and handle the things you can handle. It’s that simple


An hour later, Jiang Feng showed up in the chairman's office with a foreigner in his forties.

A person who is only in his thirties and less than forty years old looks very calm.

"Sit down, you are welcome."

Lin Feng motioned for a moment. He didn't have a stern face, but smiled indifferently: "Let’s relax and talk.

"Thank you Chairman."

Tottenham, who was born in Basie, also understands Chinese. When he saw Lin Feng sitting on the boss's chair in the office, there was also a board of directors hanging outside the office.

How could it be impossible to guess the identity of the person in front of you!

To be honest, he was dumbfounded.

It is circulating outside that Longteng Group was established by a young man.

Are you kidding me, what does Longteng Group do?

That's a mobile phone manufacturer, a mobile phone manufacturer, and it exploded quickly, even in the deep city, is it impossible?

Without years of accumulation, how could it break out!

Therefore, he is guessing that Longteng Group is a brand new company. This is correct. However, the foundation of Longteng Group is definitely not just established.

It is precisely this kind of speculation that he has reason to infer that Lin Feng should be a man in his forties, and a younger one is about the same age as him.

But when he walked into the office, he saw that Lin Feng was only in his twenties. The contrast with his inference was too great.

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