Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 43 : The God of Wealth is reincarnated and wins trillions

Until 5:30 in the morning, the price of gold showed signs of sluggishness.

2219...2218.78... fell a few points.

In fact, no one understood this international gold market, including four groups of financial personnel including Ma Zheng.

Within a few minutes, the price of gold began to skyrocket again.

In this way, the price curve on the big screen is like a saw.

"Boss, there is news."

At this moment, Mo Xinya strode over with a tablet computer.

Lin Feng took it over, and saw that there was a statement about Trump in the international news, shrinking troops in the Middle East and effectively withdrawing.


As expected, once this news comes out, Middle East oil will usher in a stable period of development, but before that, everyone will sell oil one after another, and the plunge in oil prices is already a certainty.

"Oh my god!"

Ma Zheng on the side suddenly made a sound of horror, and saw that the sell orders continued to appear on the big screen, and countless funds and individuals were selling gold.

The price of gold, which was originally stable in the international market, has gone crazy and has continued to fall. This kind of decline has exceeded any time in history.


In just a few minutes, it fell directly below $1800.

Almost everyone is constantly hitting the market, and they are crazy trying to make up for their losses.

"How is our list?"

At this time, Lin Feng turned around and asked.

"Thanks to the boss, all have been sold and the final amount is being settled."

Since Fengteng Investment put up the gold list as soon as the market opened, gold was still rising at that time, so many funds and individuals rushed to sell all these sold lists.

At 5:40, gold officially fell below $1,600.

At 6 o'clock, gold has returned to the price of a year ago-1,440 US dollars per ounce.

At this time, the decline of gold is not as terrible as before, and it only rises and falls by US$4 or US$5 per hour.

Even Lin Feng was scared into a cold sweat by the sudden drop in the market. If he hadn't stopped early, I'm afraid this wave would have suffered heavy losses.

The opening price of 1620, but now it has fallen to 1440, and this is only an hour.

It is conceivable that most funds and individuals who operate gold have an urge to jump off the building, which is really miserable!

"Hahaha! It's over!"

The financial staff next to him laughed excitedly.

Just now, all the orders they sold have been handed over, and all the amounts have been settled.

This time, Lin Feng's profit appeared on the big screen.

174 billion! ! !

Everyone trembles at this number.

10 billion U.S. dollars entered the market. In just half a month, profits have doubled by 17 times. That is the case with God of Wealth.

Converted into RMB, it is 1,044 billion.

Now Lin Feng has become a trillionaire, the richest man on the face of China, but he has not been exposed.

In less than a day, the name of Fengteng Investment will be heard throughout China.

Taking small gains and gaining trillions in two operations will become the headlines of financial newspapers.

"Boss, should all the money be transferred to China, or should I open a bank card separately?"

Mo Xinya asked respectfully.

"14 billion was converted into RMB, deposited in batches into our four major bank accounts, and another 10 billion was transferred to Fengteng Investment's account as the principal for their future business."

After pondering for a while, Lin Feng said: "The remaining 150 billion will be deposited in a Swiss bank."

If all the US dollars worth more than one trillion are transferred back to China, this will cause great turmoil, not to mention that Lin Feng is in China and does not need so much money at present.

It would be better to stay in a foreign bank account to facilitate future business operations.

"By the way, 500 million will be allocated as a bonus for this operation to four groups of personnel. From tomorrow, they will be the first group of backbone teams of Fengteng Investment."


Mo Xinya immediately responded.

Having said that, Lin Feng glanced at the big screen, did not stop much, and walked straight out of Villa 2.

It was almost 7 o'clock, and he was also a little hungry.

Seeing Lin Feng's departure, everyone in Villa No. 2 was full of admiration.

As for Mo Xinya, accompanied by the financial team, she rushed to the Big Four, although the staff of the Big Four had not yet gone to work at this time.

However, when her call was made, the head of the branch of the four major banks on Jiankang Avenue rushed to the branch non-stop.

To know that 14 billion, divided into four savings accounts, each branch can get 21 billion in deposits on average.

This amount is enough to shock the officials of these branches.

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