Metropolis: I Can Inherit Wealth

Chapter 52 : The wolf is coming, Longteng Wanjia flagship store

Looking down at the densely packed high-rise buildings outside the window, Lin Feng spit out a sentence without a trace of emotion: "If you are not willing to run the Longteng Group well, I believe many people are willing to come over."


Jiang Feng took a breath of air-conditioning instantly, his back faintly cold.

As the person Mo Xinya poached, he knew very well that as long as Lin Feng thought, the vice president of Apple would rush to China.

What's more, now that Longteng has started the nationwide banner, how many people are eager to join this thriving company.

"Please rest assured, the chairman, we will definitely not make the previous mistakes and promise to bring Longteng on the right track." Jiang Feng couldn't wait to express his thoughts.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly turned around, stood right in front of him, and said lightly: "I have let Fengteng Investment in the United States and Germanic recruit a group of people, and they have formed Longteng's branches in America and Europe, respectively."

"As for the corresponding factories, Fengteng Investment has also acquired a lot of them and reintegrated them into several wholes. Later, you will send someone to hand over them."

"Starting today, Longteng Group has five major bases. Among them, China is the headquarters, Asan is the South Asia branch, the Bangzi is the East Asia branch, the U.S. is the America branch, and the Germanic is the European branch. Department."

"Later, I will let Xinya transfer 30 billion yuan to Longteng's account, plus Longteng's existing funds, nearly 40 billion RMB, you need to spend all of it within three months."

"Across the country, at least one Longteng flagship store is guaranteed in each county. All provincial capitals must set up a manager department. Longteng must at least be offline, rivaling Warwick and Rice."

If you want to catch up with traditional giants in the mobile phone industry such as Warwick and Rice, the most important thing is software and hardware, which cannot be improved much in the short term.

However, there is the banner of domestically made independent smart phones, which is enough to compete with them.

The only thing missing now is sales channels. After all, they have been operating for at least several years, and Jinli’s original channels have already shrunk.

However, Lin Feng used a dignified and upright plan, that is, RMB opened the way.

If Longteng has no channels, then simply build channels by itself.

"Yes, chairman."

Jiang Feng bowed his head and responded respectfully.

"Nothing else, you go down first!"

With that, Lin Feng didn't raise his head, just waved his hand.

Jiang Feng left the office of the chairman of the board of directors and hurriedly convened a meeting with the heads of various departments of Longteng Group, and arranged all the important points of the talents. The copyright of the novel resources belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support the subscription of genuine novels and refuse to piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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No one expected that, in the future, Longteng Group continued to purchase stores across the country, and thousands of Longteng flagship stores were renovated at the same time.

Even abroad, the Longteng Group has not let it go. A large number of flagship stores have appeared in America and Europe, and even attracted wide attention from foreign media.

As for Asia, Africa, and Oceania, Longteng Group has inherited Jinli's channels in these places. They have not opened up a large number of flagship stores like other places.

Instead, they continue to acquire mobile phone companies in local countries, change their layers, and directly become the industry of the Longteng Group.

Even Dubai has Longteng Group stores, which shows its strength.

In just one month, the size of Longteng Group's offline flagship stores approached that of Warwick and Rice, and the industry once chanted ‘The wolf is coming! ’.

At the same time, news about wyvern, Tamron's smart phone operating system, continues to spread, and the popularity has remained constant for a long time.

Only Baidu search ranked the top ten, there are four about wyvern-Tamron smart phone operating system, how powerful domestic smart phones are.

As the parent company, Longteng Group has also been searched by domestic media. From CEO Jiang Feng to all senior group officials, no one was arrested, and all the information was investigated.

However, the people behind Longteng have never been able to find out. They only know that it is Fengteng Investment's wholly-owned holding.

I don't know who the owner of Fengteng Investment is.

In fact, the Shenzhen Municipal Committee and the Longteng Group reached a consensus on hiding Lin Feng's identity. Under the power of the government, even the media is useless.

Finally, a domestic smart phone company appeared, and people even made a fully autonomous smart phone operating system. How can the Shenzhen Municipal Committee not pay attention to it?

They don't want to see this brilliant political achievement slip away from their hands.

After all, Fengteng Investment is rooted in Jinling City, and Fengteng Chairman Lin Feng is not only a native of Jinling, but also a high-achieving student of Yanda University. If he is willing, both Jinling and Jingcheng will flock to him.

However, this kind of concealment has not only failed to dispel the curiosity of the media and the public, but has intensified, causing Long Teng's enthusiasm to remain high.

A mysterious and low-key rich man, the true founder of the domestic smartphone operating system, is enough to arouse public attention.

Just kidding, the first truly fully autonomous smartphone operating system had an unprecedented impact.

Foreigners have been clamoring, China will never be able to develop its own operating system? Because YunOS, the most domestically produced version, is also developed based on Linux, just like Android.

Now that the country finally has a smart phone operating system developed completely independently, how can the Chinese people not be excited?

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