Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

102. Antivirus Manufacturers Unite To Suppress Penguins

After working for more than ten hours, the group finally arrived in the capital.

Jia Shoufu looked at her parents' tired faces and immediately found a hotel to rest.

As for my cousin and sister-in-law Jingjing, because they are young, they are not tired at all.

In addition, it was my first time to visit Beijing. I was very excited and wanted to go shopping around.

Then the few people separated and made an appointment to meet up at Deyun Society.

After checking into the room, Jia Shoufu saw her parents taking a rest and not feeling sleepy.

I began to think about who should be the person in charge of Anaconda Express after returning to the company?

At this time, Jia Shoufu suddenly thought, wasn't the legend a great success?

The new generation of best employees should be launched again.

But just a courier seems a bit unsafe.

After all, Legend earns tens of millions in one month and several hundred million in six months.

This does not include the income generated by Crazy Tank and Penguin Technology.

By the way, there is a big hidden crisis.

The miracle NU brought about by the high price.

I hope this game can fail, but don't succeed again.

Otherwise, if you have a lot of money, you won’t know how to spend it.

Jia Shoufu turns on her phone and browses information on the Internet.

Suddenly, a piece of news came into his eyes, which shocked him.

It turns out that Yinshan Antivirus, Kaba Driver, Ruixuan and other famous anti-virus manufacturers in China.

Together, they came up with a product called Penguin Q Bodyguard Assistant. The reason for 040 is that Penguin Q peeked into the user's personal privacy files and data without the user's permission.

The function of Penguin Q Bodyguard Assistant cannot prevent Penguin Q from viewing user private files.

It can also prevent Trojans from stealing Penguin Q, filtering ads and other functions.

Penguin Q peeks into personal privacy?

Jia Shoufu actually asked Ma Teng this question before.

Ma Teng's answer at the time was that it was absolutely impossible for this to happen.

Even Penguin Q will add the function of penguins peeping into personal privacy in future versions.

Then Ma Teng should report this matter to himself as soon as possible.

But for safety reasons, he still sent a text message to Ma Teng.

Ask Penguin Q, is it really peeping into personal privacy?

The next moment, Ma Teng immediately called.

Jia Shoufu quickly hung up. After all, her parents were still sleeping and it would be easy to wake them up.

Soon Ma Teng returned the call.

He said that Penguin Q definitely did not peek into personal privacy, but you still wanted to ask him what to do next?

what to do?

It can make people give up the opportunity to use Penguin Q [How could Jin Shoufu miss it.

He simply replied with four words and stood still.

At the same time, I cheer for these anti-virus manufacturers in my heart.

That's all I can help you with.

I hope you won’t be like Xinlang, Sohu, Qiandu, Yiqu, Alibaba and other companies that fail to live up to expectations.

Not only did it fail to defeat the Animal Group, but it also expanded its market share in the end.

Although Ma Teng and the others were told not to act rashly.

But Jia Shoufu is still worried.

He originally planned to spend a few days with his parents after cutting the ribbon.

It seems that I can only entrust my parents to my cousin.

Wait until the ribbon-cutting is completed tomorrow and hurry back to the company.

Jia Shoufu also felt a little sleepy, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In the Penguin Technology Conference Room.

Ma Teng, Zhang Dong, Pang Guang, Chang Shengyang, Xu Lang and others gathered together again.

Because they are in big trouble again.

To be precise, Penguin Technology is in big trouble.

But the source of this trouble can be traced back to Tiger 360’s free anti-virus, and Mouse’s game taking away Miracle NU.

Mouse Game took away Miracle NU, leaving Zhu Jun in Liquor City with a grudge.

He originally planned to create a powerful and destructive plug-in to take revenge on the mouse game.

But Legend's defense was too good and the doctor failed.

Then he started using account stealing software, but was killed in the cradle by the free anti-virus software launched by Tiger 360.

But Zhu Jun suddenly discovered that Tiger 360 antivirus was actually free.

In addition, Penguin Q has launched a promotion killer, lighting up icons.

Let Tiger 360 Antivirus occupy one-fifth of the entire antivirus market overnight.

Zhu Jun immediately realized that this was an opportunity.

We immediately took the initiative to connect and found a well-known anti-virus manufacturer in the market and joined forces.

Anti-virus manufacturers such as Yinshan Antivirus, Kaba Driver, and Ruixuan.

When Tiger 360 was established, I was very unhappy with this company.

The reason is simple, because Tiger 360 poached many of their company's backbones.

After adding Tiger 360% (ajcd), it is due to the huge blessing of free and Penguin Q influence.

This puts tremendous pressure on these manufacturers.

They were still fighting each other, but they also realized that they should not join forces.

It's not as simple as losing market share.

The company may be in jeopardy.

The manufacturer's awareness of crisis can be bought by Zhu Jun, the owner of Shangjiu City.

Soon the alliance army was formed.

But the target of their attack was not Tiger 360, but Penguin Q.

Because they discovered that Penguin Q of Penguin Technology is the connector of the entire animal group.

As long as it is hit, then whether it is Mouse Game, Yak Search, Tiger 360, etc.

All will be hit.

The attack points of these anti-virus vendors are also very clever.

Penguin Q peeks into personal privacy.

Because personal privacy is closely related to each user.

Most likely to hit the user’s pain points.

As for whether Penguin Q really peeks into personal privacy, they have no real evidence.

But this group of anti-virus manufacturers believe that every Internet company has something fishy.

So Penguin Q Bodyguard Assistant came into being.

At the same time, a large number of posts about Penguin Q infringing on the privacy of netizens appeared on a large scale.

Xinlang, Sohu, Qiandu, etc. who had a grudge against the animal group in the past.

Naturally, I couldn’t miss this opportunity.

Give adequate storage to these related contents.

For a time, Penguin Q’s violation of netizens’ privacy became a hot topic.

It has caused concern and panic among netizens about the Penguin Q client.

The number of downloads of Penguin Q Bodyguard Assistant exceeded one million in one day.

It can be said to be a phenomenal product that is unparalleled in the limelight.

Ma Teng, Zhang Dong, Pang Guang, Chang Shengyang, Xu Lang and others gathered in the conference room.

It was on this matter that we discussed.

The reason why they did not report to Mr. Jia.

It's because Mr. Jia said not to call him unless there is a fire or earthquake in the company.

But after they discussed it for a long time, they still couldn't think of any way to deal with it.

Until Mr. Jia took the initiative to send a message to ask.

Only then did Ma Teng get the four words that Mr. Jia told him not to do anything.

Everyone is staring at each other and not doing anything. Are they just going to let this matter ferment on the Internet?

This is different from the previous network-wide blackmail, and its nature is different.

Does Mr. Jia have any other clever plans?

Zhang Dong asked: "What question did Mr. Jia ask you before he said these four words?"

Ma Teng said: "Mr. Jia asked us if we really violated user privacy, but I answered no.

Chang Shengyang thought for a while.

"What Mr. Jia means is that if you are upright, you won't be afraid of slanting shadows?"

Xu Liang said: "I guess that's what I mean."

Pang Guang said: "Maybe Mr. Jia doesn't want to talk to them at all?"

“You think these manufacturers can’t make any waves at all?”

Ma Teng waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't guess. Anyway, Mr. Jia has given instructions."

"We just have to wait patiently."

Just when they were still wondering what it meant that Jia Shoufu couldn't move.

Jia Shoufu has entered the dream.

He dreamed that these manufacturers were so powerful that Penguin Technology's reputation plummeted.

Let him lose tens of millions every month.

This was so fun for him that he even laughed out loud. .

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