Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

154. Dimensionality Reduction Attack

Jia Shoufu checked the penguin video again.

I found almost hundreds of videos related to "Invincible Girls".

There are many fans who specially edit their idols' performances on stage to promote and attract fans.

Looking at the dates, Jia Shoufu found that most of these videos were uploaded last week.

Of course there are earlier ones, but not that many.

After searching on the Internet, Jia Shoufu found out that "The Invincible Girls" was auditioning.

I have already received the omen of fire.

But I made an empiricist error.

I didn’t conduct any advance research, but just based on the fact that I hadn’t heard of “Invincible Girls”, I thought it wasn’t popular.

Only then did Jia Shoufu understand why "Invincible Girls" dared to ask for a naming fee of 20 million.

It turns out that all those bullshits are true.

Why didn't I keep my eyes peeled for "June 17"?

But fortunately, the title was given to Penguin Weibo, a project without any means of profit.

If it were left to a yak search or a mouse game, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Jia Shoufu thought that the popularity of "Invincible Girls" had reached its peak.

But what he never expected was that the current popularity was just the beginning.

As the "Invincible Girls" competition continues to deepen.

Jia Shoufu can meet fans and canvass votes on various online platforms.

Even legends and miracles have people constantly flooding the screen, calling on everyone to vote for their idols.

How many game coins will be given after casting a vote, etc.

This time there were calls from my mother, my cousin, and even old classmates I hadn’t contacted for many years.

She can find herself, just to vote for the idol she supports.

The most exaggerated thing Jia Shoufu saw was that there were people on the street canvassing for their idols.

Employees of Animal Group and its subsidiaries.

The most discussed players are also the various contestants of "Invincible Girls".

Jia Shoufu tentatively asked her mother why she liked "Invincible Girls" so much.

Mom didn't say why.

Just tell Jia Shoufu that someone moved the TV directly to a small square.

On the night of the game, it was a crowded scene.

Almost the whole family, old and young, came to the small square to watch the game on the TV.

Almost all small and medium-sized universities are discussing "Invincible Girls", and some people even quarrel because of the players they support.

The canteens around the school all sell pirated peripherals of "Invincible Girls".

Their faces were printed on various stickers, booklets, and even spicy strips, and everyone enjoyed buying them.

Students are discussing it, and their parents are also discussing it with their colleagues when they are at work.

Even grandparents in their seventies or eighties can pronounce the names of several "Invincible Girls" contestants.

Maybe even a few compliments in passing.

Even Ma Teng from the United States knows about the domestic "Invincible Girl".

Because there are corresponding videos on the Lianfa website, the international version of Penguin Weibo and the national version of Penguin Video.

The current scene is still in the promotion round.

Jia Shoufu couldn't even imagine how popular "Invincible Girls" would be during the finals.

The popularity of "Invincible Girls" shocked Zhang Dong.

The number of registrations on Penguin Weibo has increased countless times in this period.

Along with this, the number of registered users and activity of Penguin QQ have increased several times.

On the voting interface of "Invincible Girls", the highest number of votes has exceeded 10 million.

Even moving forward in numbers of hundreds of millions.

Zhang Dong didn't know how many times he added servers for this reason.

Only then can I barely keep the page from bouncing.

Now the entire Penguin Weibo has almost become exclusive to "Invincible Girls".

Most of the topics in it are about "Invincible Girls".

The popular contestant of "Invincible Girls" has the largest number of fans, which has exceeded 10 million.

Directly ascending to the top of the list of fans on Penguin Weibo.

Other more popular players have also accumulated millions of fans, which is about the same number of fans as Guo Degang.

You must know that Teacher Guo has accumulated more than a year with various cross talk jokes.

Just have these millions of fans.

The girls in these auditions have reached millions of fans just by relying on "Invincible Girls".

This is simply a step to the top.

As for Penguin Weibo’s competitor, Xinlang Weibo.

Whether it is the number of active users or the number of registered users, Penguin Weibo has been far behind.

Even if you drive a car, you can't praise it.

Zhang Dong's admiration for Mr. Jia cannot be expressed in any words.

He was still thinking about how to defeat Xinlang Weibo.

As a result, Mr. Jia directly named the "Invincible Girl" and settled the matter.

And the solution is not only for Xinlang Weibo, but also for the entire Animal Group and its subsidiaries.

Brought very big benefits.

The first was the release of Penguin QQ and Penguin Farm, which saw a surge in users.

Zhang Dong thought he had reached the limit, but he didn't expect that the number of users would skyrocket again because of "Invincible Girls".

The result of the surge is that Penguin membership, Red Diamond, Yellow Diamond and Penguin Farm payments have doubled on a large scale.

Even Yak Search, Mouse Game, Tiger 360, Rabbit Pay and Dawei Tianlong have experienced varying degrees of growth.

Some increase game players, and some expand the market.

The rewards "Invincible Girls" has brought to the entire Animal Group have far exceeded 20 million.

If you include influence, investing 200 million won’t be a loss.

Mr. Jia's vision is astounding.

"Invincible Girls" is so popular that Zhang Dong has no time to worry about Xinlang Weibo.

I keep an eye on the background every day, fearing any bugs or emergencies.

Xinlang CEO Hou Shangshu faced the popularity of "Invincible Girls".

There was no psychological preparation for the sudden increase in Penguin Weibo data. 1.8

He was still on guard against Penguin Weibo’s offensive.

Think of various ways to defend.

But who would have thought that Penguin Weibo did nothing.

Just giving the name "Invincible Girls" left Xinlang Weibo far behind.

For Xinlang Weibo, this is tantamount to a dimensionality reduction attack.

He was unable to fight back.

Because Hou Shangshu really can’t think of any way to surpass Penguin Weibo.

Unless Xinlang Weibo sponsors a show more popular than "Invincible Girls".

is it possible?

Definitely not possible.

At this moment, Hou Shangshu suddenly thought of Crocodile Media in the United States.

When they lost to Ma Teng, it was deep in their hearts.

Also produced this feeling of powerlessness?

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