Chen Dajuan was so excited by Chang Shengyang's words.

I feel full of motivation all over my body.

"Mr. Chang, I won't delay you here any longer. I want to go back and continue developing the Legend of Rexia."

Chang Shengyang nodded and said: "Go, let us witness the beginning of the miracle together."


Chen Dajuan returned to the office, and it was hard to calm down his excitement.

Ten thousand sets of deluxe editions in half an hour, which is simply too unexpected.

He turned on his computer and entered the special page for the pre-sale of The Legend of Heat.

I found that it said that the pre-sale was sold out.

Chen Dajuan clicked on the message below.

"I saw the news of the reset by accident, so I couldn't be more excited."

“I went to Tieba and Penguin Collar and watched the reset process of the game. I was very moved. I support it!”

"It's just that you can pre-sell more "387", and I'll just play it in one step and then it's gone?"

"Mouse Game, do you think I am short of money? Why don't you hurry up and open the pre-sale deluxe version!"

"Chen Dajuan's road to comeback will not be easy. I believe Chen Dajuan will definitely give us a perfect answer."

Chen Dajuan read almost every message from the players.

As he looked at it, he found that his eyes had become wet at some point.

Chen Dajuan never expected that so many people would come to support him and buy genuine copies.

At this time, Chen Dajuan suddenly saw that the pre-sale button lit up again.

It seems that the technicians have successfully replenished the backend.

Originally, Chen Dajuan thought that this 10,000 pre-sale would last until at least tomorrow.

But this time, after only more than 20 minutes, the pre-sale became sold out again.

Chen Dajuan was shocked!

Why did it sell faster this time than the first time?

This is not common sense at all.

Clicking on the message, I found that there were many more irritable netizens.

"I only went out for half an hour to do errands, why did I disappear in the blink of an eye?"

“Can’t you release the pre-sale quota for Mouse Games quickly?”

"Yes, ten thousand to ten thousand, what do you think of me?"

Many netizens who didn't catch it quickly vented their dissatisfaction in the comment area.

As soon as Chen Dajuan refreshed, he came out to help Zhanzi.

This shows that the popularity among netizens is so high that it is simply unimaginable.

Chang Shengyang thought that Overheated Heroes would be popular, but it would be so popular that netizens would not be able to grab pre-sales.

To the extent that Mouse Game was scolded.

This was something he didn't foresee at all.

Chang Shengyang's heart trembled, and he ordered the technology: "This time, add 100,000 copies."

Technique was dumbfounded when he heard this, "Mr. Chang, is it too much?"

According to the publicity point of view, ten thousand to ten thousand is released.

Compared with publishing 100,000 copies at once, the effect is much better.

This can arouse the desire to buy among many people watching.

Of course Chang Shengyang also knows this truth.

But the pre-sales at this time had already exceeded his imagination.

Simply ignore the publicity effect.

He was very curious to see how many copies of The Legend of Heat could be pre-sold in one day.

"It's not much, go ahead and add more."

Technique nodded, didn't say anything, and quickly went to the background to make changes.

After a while, the pre-sale button for Legend of Heat lit up again.

Many netizens who have been waiting for a long time are afraid of missing the opportunity.

Within an hour, pre-sales exceeded 10,000 again, and the total reached a terrifying 30,000.

In half a day, the total number of pre-sales reached 50,000.

As of 24 hours ago, the first-day pre-sales for The Legend of Heat had reached 70,000.

70,000 on the first day, all of which were 168 deluxe versions.

The total amount of pre-sales has reached more than 10 million.

This is not just a record.

This has become a miracle in the history of Kyushu stand-alone games.

An unprecedented feat.

The most important thing is that this is just the beginning, after all, the game has not been released yet.

Once the day comes for the game to be released, no one dares to imagine it.

What kind of height can the sales volume of "Rexia Chuan" reach.

Chang Shengyang was not the only one who was shocked.

The project team of "Rexia Chuan" headed by Chen Dajuan were also stunned.

Especially those game producers who have just joined and have been destroyed by pirates.

He even opened his mouth wide, unable to believe the fact he saw in front of him.

Who would have thought that domestic games would actually have such a big market.

The media previously said that "Rexia Chuan" overestimates its capabilities and is the biggest joke in the world.

And the media who sneered at Mouse Games and thought it was impossible to achieve 10,000 pre-sales...

Facing the pre-sale price of 70,000 yuan, my face was swollen.

The swelling can be as high as several stories.

But these media did not give up on continuing the Legend of Black Heat.

It's just that the black perspective has changed from pre-sales to content.

They believe that the Heat Heroes project team has been established to prevent the game from being launched.

Only a month.

Even the internal testing of online games takes several months.

It fully shows that The Legend of Hot Heroes is just a work that was rushed out during the construction period.

They even suspected that the Legend of Rexia was just a mouse game to defraud money.

I deliberately found Chen Dajuan to consume everyone's feelings.

Most of the 70,000 pre-sales were adjusted in the background.

The purpose is to arouse the popularity of "The Legend of Rexia".

Many people really believe this wave of baseless conspiracy theories.

Fans of Legend of Heat are celebrating the pre-sale of 70,000 hours on their scarves.

There are people down there who are acting strangely.

"No way, no way. Some people really think that the pre-sales for Legend of Heat have reached 70,000 yuan."

"If the data in Rexia Chuan is not refreshed, I will stand on my head and wash my hair."

"I eat my computer screen!"

How can fans of The Legend of Heat endure it!

"I took a screenshot, you won't eat the computer screen until then.

"You guys are just pink-eyed and can't see how good domestic stand-alone games are!"

A group of people actually got into a quarrel over the 4.6 gaiter because of this incident.

In the end, it turned out to be a hot topic.

Chen Dajuan and others also saw the scolding on the Internet, but did not take the initiative to clarify the matter.

When The Legend of Heat is actually released, these rumors will naturally be disproven.

By then, these people will realize why their faces hurt so much.

After the excitement of the pre-sale passed, everyone quickly regained their composure.

Don't look at the pre-sales reaching 70,000, such a high number.

Once Rexia Chuan is launched, it will be cracked.

Then sales may plummet.

Scenes that are worse than pre-sales can easily occur.

They must seize the time to pass on Rexia.

Just two days after the pre-sale of "The Legend of Heroes", the pre-sale of "Freedom 4" also started. .

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