Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

196. Try Your Best To Spread Piracy

Maisonk faced exorbitant fees from pirate kingpins.

I feel very distressed, and I didn’t particularly want to spend this money.

But I want to compare this with Chang Shengyang, who plays the mouse game.

Or spend money to make it easier for him to accept.

Thinking of this, Meisunke gritted his teeth and stamped his feet.

"Okay, I'll pay for it!"

Then the two made some agreements, such as after the pirated production was completed.

The pirate leader will directly pass the pirated version of The Legend of Heat to Mysonk.

As for which website he will post on?

How to spread it, pirate leaders will not ask.

After all, Tiger 360, a subsidiary of Animal Group, is famous.

I don’t know how many guys who make plug-ins have been sent to jail for free.

The most important thing is that the people from Tiger 360 have already warned them.

Mysonk replied: "Don't worry, I will never say it. It was you who did this."

After making a commitment and paying money in advance.

The other party finally took over the job.

All that's left is to wait.

Three days later.

Mysonk received a call from the pirate leader, "I have sent the corresponding version to your mailbox."

Mysonk complained: "Why are you so slow.

The pirate leader was not happy, "Do you think the technology of Mouse Game is vegetarian?" 453 "In order to crack this game, several of my people have not slept for two days in a row.

Maisonke complained a few more times before hanging up the phone.

He opened the mailbox and saw a file lying quietly inside.

Meisunke downloaded the file and overlaid it on Rexia Zhuan.

Then click on the icon of Legend of Heat and you will enter the game directly.

Mysonke was overjoyed, although the pirate leader he found was not very skilled.

But it's still relatively reliable. At least the pirated files have been found.

Then the next step is to send this pirated file to the Internet.

Mysonk originally wanted to send the pirated files to those large pirated game websites.

But then I thought about it, now that I have spent so much time guarding against the drama, I have to hold on so tightly.

Once you actually send them the file.

Not only did it not have the effect of spreading the news, the other party also reported him.

Wouldn't it mean to lose your wife and lose your troops?

If one plan fails, another plan will be made.

Mysonk decided to send the pirated files directly to those who need them.

As more and more people send it, there will definitely be secondary spread.

In this way, Mouse Yugi couldn't find it in his own head even if he wanted to.

So how can we find the first batch of seed users?

The first thing that Meisongke thought of was the post bar of Legend of Rexia.

This is the place with the greatest influence besides the Rexia Chuan Mouse platform.

Mysonk first tentatively posted a post.

Claims to have a pirated version of The Legend of Heat, if you want it please leave an email.

After posting the post, he started refreshing it constantly, waiting for someone to leave his email address.

Soon the first person left a message.

"You are a liar, get out of here, you are not welcome here!"

Damn it, I got scolded!

Mysonke didn't believe in evil and refreshed it several times.

As a result, several messages scolding him came out.

"How could there be a pirated copy of The Legend of Rexia? You look like a liar!"

"You idiot, you still want to engage in piracy? Can't you spend money to support it?"

Meisongke was a little confused. Is this still the Jiuzhou netizen he knew?

In Mysonke's impression, all the people in Kyushu are begging for piracy.

Why did everyone change their gender overnight?

After swiping a few more times, Mysonke finally found someone with an email address.

Meisunke felt relieved this time. It seemed that the Kyushu people were still the Kyushu people in his mind.

How can it be possible to change just by saying it will?

Just when he was preparing to accumulate a few more people, he would send them emails together.

After refreshing, I found that the post I just posted was gone.

Meisongke quickly ran to the backend to check and found that his post had been deleted by the Tieba administrator.

Moreover, his Tieba account has also been banned. (ajdd) At least in the Hot Heroes post, I can’t speak anymore.

Mysonke felt extremely unhappy.

Do you think that by banning me, I will have no place to spread pirated copies of The Legend of Waves?

Maisonk immediately started distributing pirated games in other places where Hot Heroes were spread.

What Meisunke definitely thought of was to prevent the emergence of pirated versions of Legend of Heat.

Mouse Games and Tiger 360 jointly work on all platforms known to spread piracy.

All pressed eyeliner.

As long as a suspicious person appears, we would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let anyone slip through the net.

This was work that had already started before the release of The Legend of Heroes.

So when Meisongke appeared on Tieba, his IP had already been locked.

It’s just that the people from Tiger 360 didn’t take action immediately.

Because with the popularity of Legend of Heat, there are many such scammers.

Under the guise of holding a pirated copy of The Legend of Heat, it is used to promote other things.

So until there is no conclusive evidence, Tiger 360 will only monitor.

Soon they found Mysonk's ID and ran to another platform of Hot Heroes.

He also successfully sent a file through the mailbox.

The person who left the email address is an employee of Tiger 360.

When he received the file, he thought it was some virus or something.

After downloading it, I unexpectedly discovered that the pirated file was actually real.

As long as the executable file of Rexia Chuan is overwritten, the activation step is omitted.

You can enter the game directly!

This employee of Tiger 360 immediately got into high spirits.

The matter was immediately reported to the manager in charge.

Immediately afterwards, everyone began to separate quickly.

For example, contact the website to delete Mysonk's posts to prevent the spread of pirated files.

At the same time, the person's address and identity are determined through Mysonk's login account and IP.

Because of the Yak Tieba account, only Penguin Q can log in.

With the cooperation of Penguin Technology, Tiger 360 quickly discovered that this person turned out to be a foreigner.

The name is Mysonk.

At this time, Meisunke didn't know that he had been discovered.

He was very unhappy at this time.

Because I changed several forums, all my posts were deleted.

The account has also been blocked.

But it's not like he gained nothing. He has already sent the pirated files to five or six people.

At this moment, Songke's cell phone suddenly rang.

When he picked up the phone and looked at it, he was stunned. .

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