Boss Ma quickly checked the information sent by his employees.

Only then did we know that Dawei Tianlong was tied with Mouse Yu.

Get ready for a big online sale on November 11th.

This kind of promotional behavior is very common in large shopping malls.

But this is the first time for an online online mall.

Boss Ma saw the joint Double 11 poster posted by the two.

Suddenly I felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Because if you want to do online promotion, you must have enough merchants and brands.

These mighty dragons all have them.

What about

Most of them are just unlicensed traders.

There are almost no regular merchants opening stores in Taobao.

The reason is very simple, the share has dropped.

Nowadays, many people’s impression of Taobao is limited to cheap e-commerce platforms.

Once you buy some more expensive items. "Four Two Seven" such as computers, televisions, etc., everyone's first choice is Dawei Tianlong.

The price of Dawei Tianlong is not only cheaper than that in shopping malls.

The delivery speed is also fast and the service is good.

Once any damage or fake goods appear, the buyer will be happier.

Because they will receive a large amount of compensation.

The most important thing is that Dawei Tianlong has a helper every time he makes a move.

For example, it was the first to cooperate with UnionPay and obtain the qualification for fast payment.

The combination of Python Express has greatly improved the shopping experience.

This time it is combined with the Mouse gaming platform.

If two people discount together, they can get each other's coupons from the platform.

This collaborative combat capability is in stark contrast to's lone struggle.

Although Boss Ma was unwilling to do so, he knew about this Double 11 event.

It will bring great popularity to the Dawei Tianlong and Mouse game platform.

And, which he led, had no way to follow up.

Boss Ma knows that with the launch of Double 11.

Dawei Tianlong has completely dominated the domestic e-commerce market.

Although can still survive, it can only survive.

At this moment, Boss Ma suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

It was as if all the strength in the body had been drained.

He fell down on the chair and stared at the ceiling, showing deep despair.

Since Lao Huang started the Double 11 promotion.

Many sellers who discovered business opportunities took the initiative to contact Dawei Tianlong.

Hope to join this Double 11 event.

Although this event requires heavy discounts.

But for the publicity and exposure of the store, it is simply worth it.

Especially now that the number of buyers has increased significantly.

Anything commonly used is very easy to sell.

At the same time, the number of Dawei Tianlong sellers is also increasing rapidly.

If you want to stand out among many sellers, you must have certain operating methods.

Nowadays, many Tianlong store operations have appeared in the talent market in many cities.

Store data analysis, and new positions such as Tianlong art.

The salaries offered are very good.

Some relatively powerful people even set up corresponding companies specifically.

Used to operate Dawei Tianlong's store.

Although Lao Huang has set many thresholds for shops participating in Double 11.

For example, the registered merchant's store creation time is 90 days or more.

The store's credit rating reaches a certain level, and the store's online product volume is greater than 10 items.

I have violated more than 20 regulations before.

However, we still received a large number of registrations from sellers.

After the registration deadline, Yinwei Tianlong staff will unify Jue.

There are more than 600 merchants participating in Double 11 this time.

The various categories are diverse and have everything you need.

Lao Huang never expected that so many people would participate in this event.

Can we often do some small activities after the event?

For example, each category’s event can sell women’s products on March 8.

You can sell digital products during National Day.

Of course, these activities can be taken into consideration after Double 11.

This time the mouse game is with Dawei Tianlong.

In addition to crazy advertising on their respective platforms.

On other platforms, the light is also maximized.

Almost everyone online knows about the upcoming Double 11 event.

In addition to discounts, the two platforms will also give each other coupons.

For example, if you purchase more than 300 yuan at Dawei Tianlong, you will be given a 30 yuan coupon for the Mouse Game Platform.

It’s the same in Mouse Game. If you spend 300 or more, you will receive a coupon for Dawei Tianlong…………

Coupons are divided into many levels.

As long as you buy something over 30 yuan, you can get corresponding discounts.

The Mouse Game Platform has had low price discounts before.

So this time we simply adopted the buy 2 get 1 free and buy 5 get 3 free activities.

The discounts are also very strong.

Before the event even started, 11 has already become a hot event.

Whether it's a penguin bib or a yak searching.

You will see people raising various questions about Double 11.

Many Penguin video authors took advantage of the popularity of this event.

Start looking for various information and make a video guide for Double 11.

For example, how to spend the least amount of money and enjoy the greatest discounts.

Even the most popular video was on the Penguin video list.

This shows how popular Double 11 is.

Jia Shoufu has known about this activity for a long time.

He's coming around a bit now.

It seems that these free activities, as well as the upcoming Double 11.

The number of sellers and buyers of Dawei Tianlong increased several times.

Although you have lost money temporarily, from a long-term perspective, it seems to be very detrimental to losing money.

But Jia Shoufu has no good way to stop the development of Dawei Tianlong.

He shook his head and decided not to think about such a complicated matter for the time being.

Anyway, as long as you still lose money, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, Jia Shou 1.9 Fu conveniently bought several games from the Mouse Game Platform.

As well as the items that Dawei Tianlong has been coveting for a long time, he put them in the shopping cart.

Then open the Double 11 guide produced by Penguin Video author.

Start constantly calculating how to buy things to get the best discounts.

The much-anticipated Double 11 is about to begin that night.

Jia Shoufu didn't even sleep, and stayed up until 12 o'clock at night.

Because he found that many merchants participating in Double 11 only had the top few.

To enjoy super discounts.

At this moment, throughout Kyushu, there are several people like Jia Shoufu.

Everyone gathered in front of the computer, waiting for the countdown on the Double 11 page.




The first Double 11 jointly organized by Dawei Tianlong and Mouse Games finally kicked off. .

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