I have watched all the videos about myself in Guo Degang’s penguin videos.

Suddenly I realized that I had been putting the cart before the horse recently.

If you want to attract people to watch cross talk, marketing is important, but the most important thing is to be strong in your business.

As the saying goes, you also need to be strong to strike iron.

Otherwise, the audience will be drawn in, they will be dissatisfied with your performance, and you won’t be able to retain them!

Now that I have a certain influence online.

The publicity issue has been sorted out.

Next, we must constantly introduce new things to give the audience a sense of freshness.

At this time, he discovered that the number of clicks among the several partnerships with Yu Qian was the highest.

Netizens’ comments are all complimentary.

Guo Degang couldn't help but recall Mr. Jia's suggestion.

In fact, he also found that working with Teacher Yu was the most comfortable.

The on-site effect is also very good.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the person admiring was not Teacher Yu, then his cross talk charm would be reduced by at least half.

But Teacher Yu’s work in the theater troupe has a formal establishment.

Pull him out yourself and join the cross talk conference.

It was equivalent to making him lose his iron job.

He can't do this kind of thing that ruins other people's jobs.

Although I now have Mr. Jia’s investment, I am still not sure whether I can get ahead.

For the current plan, we can only ask Teacher Yu to come over more often when there are performances.

Let’s talk about the rest later.

Guo Degang knew that he should calm down now and stop worrying about trivial matters such as propaganda and attracting people.

Use all your energy on cross talk itself.

This is the foundation of his foundation.

This is worthy of Mr. Jia’s investment.


As time goes by, the number of people using Penguin Show increases day by day.

Although it is not as good as Montnets in terms of income, it is constantly narrowing the gap.

Penguin Technology launched the Penguin Show project, which surprised almost all companies in the domestic Internet circle.

Someone even wrote an analysis article specifically about the Penguin Show.

The article pointed out that the emergence of Penguin Show was the first in the history of Penguin Technology and even the domestic Internet.

A revolutionary paid product.

Because The Penguin Show was more than just a commercial success.

It also serves as a bond.

Let Penguin establish an emotional belonging with its hundreds of millions of users.

They also analyzed the root causes behind the popularity of the Penguin Show.

That is Penguin users, most of whom are young people between 15 and 25 years old.

They are a group of people who have no status in real life but crave recognition.

What they cannot satisfy in real life can be easily achieved in the virtual world.

The birth of Penguin Show is to release and demonstrate this need.

This also separated Penguin from the communication tool without temperature.

Transform into a group with virtual personality and its own values.

It is for this reason that there are many competitors in the market.

Nor can it replace Penguin’s dominance in the communications field.

Of course, this article also entered Ma Teng's eyes.

He found that there were many points in the author's analysis that he had not thought of.

The success of the Penguin Show is the result of their subtle influence under the influence of Mr. Jia’s ideas.

He could use this article to understand Mr. Jia's wisdom from another angle.

At the same time, Ma Teng also had a thought.

Will the person who wrote this article be recruited into Penguin Technology?

This will give me another big help when analyzing Mr. Jia in the future!

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