The market share of Yak Search has climbed to the second place, not far behind the number one Bone Pigeon.

This is the launch of Yak Search and will take a month.

It already has such a share.

It's nothing short of miraculous.

It is undeniable that behind this miracle, Penguin Technology and Mouse Games have helped a lot.

But Pang Guang believes that such dazzling results can be achieved.

The biggest contributor is Mr. Jia.

If it weren't for Mr. Jia's advice, how could he have thought of creating a browser and creating a Yak Post Bar?

When the search technology was not as good as Qiandu, we came to a corner to overtake.

At this time, Li Dayan was leading his employees to work hard to conquer technology.

As a result, we got such big news.

Li Dayan was stunned instantly.

He vaguely remembered experiencing a yak search not long ago.

Both the search results and accuracy are not as good as Qiandu.

How is it possible to achieve such a high market share in such a short period of time?

This is simply impossible!

Li Dayan had to put down his work and come to find out what was going on.

After checking it out, I was dumbfounded.

When did Yak Search publish a post?

The most important thing is that the traffic of this post bar is very large.

He tried to enter Guo Degang’s post bar.

New posts appear almost every minute.

Li Dayan immediately became suspicious. Could it be a robot posting?

Is the purpose just to create this false prosperity?

After observing for a long time, Li Dayan determined that it was not a robot posting.

This is enough to prove one thing, the number of active people in Tieba is true.

At this moment, he saw a browser download advertisement next to the Yak Tie Bar.

Li Dayan tried to download the browser.

After installation, I opened it and saw that the home page was a navigation website similar to hao678.

In addition to some commonly used websites below, you can also customize the addition or deletion of websites.

Very practical.

The most important thing is that the browser's built-in search is Yak search.

Li Dayan suddenly felt a chill in his back.

He also fought against bone pigeons.

As a result, Yak Search came up with a desperate plan.

He originally thought that search engines were the entrance to the Internet, but now he saw that the browser was.

Many netizens in China now cannot type.

With this browser, it is much more convenient for them.

Even more convenient than hao678, after all, you can find the corresponding website when you open it.

You can also save your favorite websites.

Li Dayan broke into a cold sweat.

When the company faced several crises in the past, he never panicked.

Because he firmly believes that as long as he survives the difficulties, the goddess of victory will smile at him.

But at this moment, he had lost his former self-confidence.

Even if his search engine is awesome, his search is accurate.

No one uses it, what should I do?

Li Dayan had made a good plan before, as long as he could defeat the Bone Pigeon.

Then Qiandu’s bidding ranking promotion will be started.

Now let alone the bidding ranking, even the old nest will be taken away.

Li Dayan's mind also flashed the plan of developing a browser and post bar.

But it was just a flash before he rejected it.

Because he clearly knows that the Internet is a winner-takes-all place.

When any product comes out, it only needs to seize the market.

The second and third ones simply cannot survive.

Do you just give up?

Li Dayan shook his head, how could he give up easily?

Since you used a desperate strategy to deal with me, don't blame me for being rude.

Li Dayan immediately terminated the "Lightning Plan".

Gathered all employees and said: "Now the plan has changed."

“We want to launch Qiandu Browser as quickly as possible and also build a Qiandu community.”

The reason why Li Dayan established these two projects.

Because they Qiandu haven’t lost yet, not to the point of winner-take-all.

"Also, you should contact all the media you can contact immediately."

Li Dayan decided, since these netizens don’t know how powerful Qiandu Search is.

Then I might as well tell you how powerful Qiandu is.

In this way, Qiandu should be given to save some market.


Jia Shoufu has been staying up all night for several days recently.

Because he accidentally grabbed the Woma horn during a day trip on the third floor of Woma a few days ago.

At that time, dozens of people chatted with him privately and wanted to buy the Wal-Mart horn.

In the end, this small game prop was sold for 5,000 yuan.

It’s just that the selling process was a bit difficult.

Thanks to the fact that the two of them live in the same city, the transaction was successful.

This has to catch up with the money the system loses to itself.

If you pick up a few Wal-Mart horns, you don't have to rack your brains to pay.

It would be great to make money playing games every day.

So these days, Jia Shoufu stays on the third floor of Woma every day.

It's a pity that such a good thing has never happened again.

Jia Shoufu quit the game and rubbed his eyes.

He found that although the candle assistant was blocked.

But the number of legends has not declined at all, but is still rising.

It even maintains a rate of opening three new areas every day.

Due to the serious warning from Chuanqi officials, there is currently no second auxiliary model released.

Seeing more and more people playing, Jia Shoufu is getting upset.

Thanks to the recent improvement in the quality of Guo Degang's cross talk, he didn't get angry because there were too many people in Chuanqi.

Still a loyal minister, Pang Guang is reliable.

Not only is the Yak browser designed, it is also very easy to use.

He also very innovatively invented Tieba.

Nowadays, apart from Penguin Video website, the place where Jia Shoufu spends most time is Chuanqi Tieba.

It's very interesting to watch the people in it having all sorts of quarrels every day and breaking the news.

While browsing Tieba, Jia Shoufu saw another post about someone selling something.

In Chuan Qi, there is a chance that you will drop top-quality equipment when you defeat monsters.

Therefore, many players simply buy and sell in Tieba.

But a lot of people get scammed.

There is nothing we can do about it, after all, we are not in the same city.

If you want to buy or sell equipment, you must first give money or equipment.

As long as one of them runs away, the other one will definitely be deceived.

Thinking of this, Jia Shoufu suddenly thought of setting up a website.

It is specially used for equipment trading in Chuan Qizhong.

With the guarantee of the website, so much trouble is saved.

Isn’t it a bit monotonous to just sell gaming equipment?

It would also be pretty good if clothes, shoes, computers and other items could also be put up for sale online.

When the time comes when you want to buy something, you can just go to this website.

So how can we ensure that this website does not make money, or even lose money?

Jia Shoufu had an idea and just used the website as a medium.

For example, you invite merchants to sell things and others to buy things.

If you don’t charge any fees in the middle, doesn’t it just settle?

It seems like a big job to open such a website.

Do I need to set up another company?

It’s better to take a look first and see if there are any such websites on the market, so you can invest first.

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