Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

87. Jia Shoufu With A Blinded Face

As time goes by, more and more netizens know that they have been cheated.

All the angry emotions are vented on websites such as Xinlang, Sohu, Qiandu, Yiqu, and Alibaba.

The bottom of these websites is full of curses.

Those website administrators’ fingers are so numb when they delete posts.

But they still couldn't stop the angry people and kept posting to express their anger.

Netizens found that no matter how they posted, the other party did not make any other comment other than deleting or deleting.

They simply didn't post anything, but instead made a splash and offered to apologize to Animal Group and Jia Shoufu.

To make up for the damage done to them before.

Originally this was an idea proposed by a small group of people.

Unexpectedly, it spread on the website.

Apologizing to Animal Group and Jia Shoufu turned out to be a hot topic.

In order to apologize, many people recharged their Penguin membership and Penguin Red Diamond.

Others recharge Q coins to buy crazy tank clothes.

Some people even say that when Tiger 360’s anti-virus software comes out, they will be the first to buy it!

For a time, Penguin Technology and Mouse Games were two revenue-generating departments.

Daily revenue has experienced explosive growth, several times higher than before.

Both Ma Teng and Chang Shengyang were dumbfounded.

They never expected that the influence of Hongke and Guo Degang would be so huge.

They haven't even officially taken action yet.

Revenue doubled with Penguin Technology and Mouse Games.

Those that show obvious contrast are websites such as Xinlang, Sohu, Qiandu, Yiqu, and Alibaba.

Products that they declare war on animal groups.

For example, the number of users on Xinlang Paopao Communication, 210 Sohu Video, Qiandu Browser and Qiandu Tieba dropped sharply.

Compared with the previous rapid growth in the number of people, it seems particularly ironic.

Among them, the stock prices of listed companies in the United States such as Xinlang and Sohu fell off a cliff overnight.

The original Internet bubble was enough for them to get rid of.

Now things have turned around, causing the CEOs of these companies to look sad.

But there was no way at all.

Ma Teng, Zhang Dong, Pang Guang and others appeared in the conference room again.

What is different from the previous times is that everyone in the room now has a smile on their face.

Ma Teng said with admiration: "Although we achieved a major victory this time."

"If it hadn't been for Mr. Jia's strategizing, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been possible to make a comeback so quickly."

Pang Guang said: "This operation is simply a combination of the right time, the right place, the right people, and the right people. If the same thing is missing, it will not have such an effect.'

According to Pang Guang, it was this beautiful shipping incident that made netizens buy the seeds of hatred towards Americans.

Due to the favorable geographical location, Tiger 360's actions in the hacker war successfully made the Hongke Alliance a favor.

People and people are the people's support, because the Animal Group is clean and there is no entry of any foreign capital.

Compared with other companies that attacked them, they won hearts and minds instantly.

Chang Shengyang analyzed: "Tianshi is the opportunity that Mr. Jia did not let us take action."

"The geographical location was favorable because Mr. Jia asked Tiger 360 to take action at the right time, which made it successful.

"As for Ren(ajbd)he, it was Mr. Jia who refused the intervention of hard money capital."

Xu Liang's face was extremely shocked.

"Originally, we thought that the company's successful comeback was due to us." 1

"Looking back now, we can see that it was all Mr. Jia who laid the groundwork for us in advance."

"We have achieved such results by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Zhang Dong nodded and said: "You are right."

“I didn’t expect Mr. Jia to turn around such a negative situation in the company so easily and instantly.

"I'm afraid that companies that want to mess with us in the future will have to think twice."

Everyone admires Jia Shoufu with every word.

At this time, Jia Shoufu was completely dumbfounded.

Now there is only one week left before the settlement period.

Why did the company suddenly receive so much money?

At this moment, Jia Shoufu felt what despair was.

It seems that there is an invisible hand that is secretly controlling all this, just not allowing himself to make money.

Jia Shoufu doesn't watch the news recently, but is obsessed with legends and can't extricate herself.

He also thought that the Animal Group and himself were still in the dark stage of the entire Internet.

Why do you suddenly have so much money?

Just when he was confused, his cell phone rang suddenly.

I picked it up and saw that it was Zhu Yiqun calling.

After the call was connected, Jia Shoufu heard Zhu Yiqun's strange voice.

"Mr. Jia is really good at it."

Jia Shoufu was stunned, what method? I can't understand what you are talking about.

"Mr. Jia, things have fallen to such a bad point, why are you still pretending?"

Jia Shoufu said to her heart that I am not pretending?

I really don't know what happened.

Before he could speak, Zhu Yiqun on the other end of the phone continued.

"This time I really realize how powerful Mr. Jia is."

"Whether it was the pre-war layout or choosing the best time to enter the venue, everything was arranged seamlessly."

Jia Shoufu was still confused.

What was the plan before the war?

Why is it so perfect?

Zhu Yiqun continued: "Although I ended in a disastrous defeat this time, it does not mean that I gave up.

"Just wait, I will come back."

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Jia Shoufu was even more confused.

I didn't do anything, so why did you fail miserably?

What do you mean you will come back?

Did you automatically cast yourself into the villain role?

Don’t the villains in cartoons like to shout the phrase “I will come back” when they fail?

Although Jia Shoufu couldn't understand most of Zhu Yiqun's words.

But it also made him realize something, something big had happened.

Although he did nothing, he won.

Jia Shoufu quickly turned on the computer and searched for recent major events.

When he saw netizens voluntarily organizing an apology to Animal Group and Jia Shoufu.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

You netizens are sick!

Nothing to apologize for!

Even if you apologize, just apologize!

Why are you buying red diamonds, Penguin membership, and Crazy Tank clothes?

If you really feel that the money in your hands is too hot.

Can you just give it to me directly?

Why do you have to think about it and implement these virtual products?

Jia Shoufu roared incompetently for a while.

I want to click on Penguin Video and watch Teacher Guo’s videos to relax my mood.

I found that Teacher Guo’s video has been updated.

Quickly click in to watch.

At first glance, it didn’t matter. I found that there was something wrong with this new cross talk content.

It seems to be alluding to something.

Jia Shoufu click on the comment area to view.

It's full of positive reviews.

There is even a series of popular science on the occurrence, development and reversal of the recent animal group incidents.

It is convenient for people who don’t know to watch it.

After reading the comments, Jia Shoufu discovered that Mr. Guo did the cross talk specifically for herself.

Who asked him to come out?

Did you get my consent?

Since the other party has already made a cross talk, it is impossible for him to take it back.

Teacher Guo, Teacher Guo, I am so optimistic about you.

You stabbed me in the back at such a critical moment!

And those Xu Liang from Tiger 360.

I'm just asking you to help Beautiful Shipping Company.

For example, donate some money, help others find a good lawyer, etc.

Who asked you to participate in the hacker war?

You can join in the cooperation, but in the end, the websites of Xinlang, Souhu, Qiandu, Yiqu, and Alibaba were hacked.

In the past, it was Ma Teng's back stab and Chang Sheng Yang's back stab.

Now comes another Xu Liang backstab.

Looking at it this way, Pang Guang is better, as he is his loyal minister.

I hope that Lao Huang, who is in charge of Dawei Tianlong Business Company, can actively communicate with Pang Guang.

Thinking of this, Jia Shoufu quickly called Lao Huang over.

Tell him that if he needs help with any problems in the future, he can go to Pang Guang when he is not around.

The rest of them are very bad, so don't go looking for them.

Finally, Lao Huang walked out of the office with a confused look on his face.

After Lao Huang left, Jia Shoufu was thinking about what to do next.

There seems to be only one way, spend money unexpectedly!

I've thought of all the reasons.

Hasn’t our company’s reputation been reversed?

You must be rewarded!

Jia Shoufu immediately ordered his secretary.

Call the person in charge of the buddy to the animal group's conference room for a meeting.

The secretary nodded and went to execute it immediately.

In the conference room.

Jia Shoufu looked at Ma Teng, Zhang Dong, Pang Guang, Chang Shengyang, Xu Liang and Lao Huang who were present.

I sighed in my heart, it would be great if these people were like Pang Guang.

When everyone saw that Mr. Jia was silent, they all looked at him with big eyes and small eyes. .

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