Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

93. System Settlement Before The Storm

Staring at Jia Shoufu, and the people who play the rat game.

It was Zhu Jun, the wine city owner who had just been robbed of the agency rights of "Miracle NU".

In fact, competing for game agency rights is, to put it bluntly, a pure commercial competition.

Whoever pays the most money will be given to whomever, it’s very fair.

But Zhu Jun, the owner of the wine city, doesn’t think so.

He has already determined that the agency right of "Miracle NU" belongs to Yongsi.

As a result, Mouse Games suddenly intervened and took away "Miracle NU" abruptly.

It has been two days since I wish you returned to China.

He was so angry that he didn't even eat a bite of food and lived by drinking water.

As a result, the company's programmers were miserable.

Zhu Jun ordered them to make a legendary plug-in as soon as possible.

The destructive ability must be strong, and it is best to be able to buy money and equipment.

If this kind of plug-in is really developed, the legendary economic system will be destroyed.

Even if Legend does not collapse by then, it will be severely damaged.

The programmers under him, with bloodshot eyes, finally produced the first plug-in.

The function is not as incredible as Zhujun expected.

Can only be exempted from candles, as well as magic lock and sword fire.

This was accomplished by programmers who racked their brains and put in a lot of effort.

They used to look down on the game Legend.

I think plug-ins can be done casually.

Only after doing it did I realize that many of the loopholes in the game had already been filled in by the game.

When Zhu Jun saw that there were only three simple functions, he shouted: "You are too useless."

"I worked on it for two days and two nights. I originally thought you would give me a basketball, but in the end I developed a glass ball?"

The programmers looked at Zhu Jun with sad eyes.

I really want to shout "you go ahead"!

But I can only think about these words in my heart.

"Boss, it's impossible to realize the functions you mentioned in two days."

Zhu Jun asked: "How many days do you think it will take?"

The programmer touched his bald head and said, "We can't calculate the time because we have to test it one by one."

Zhu Jun said: "You guys are a bunch of rubbish!"

As he spoke, he pulled the programmer away.

He sat in his seat and prepared to experiment with the plug-in.

After all, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are. If they can't cause big damage, they should take some small actions first.

After getting into the game, I wish you to turn on the plug-in Dao Dao Fiery.

Turn on this function, no matter it is a warrior, mage or Taoist priest in the game.

Anyone can use this skill!

Before Zhu Jun had cut it for five minutes, a dialog box suddenly popped up on the screen.

"It has been detected that you are using an illegal program and you will be forced to log off!"

Zhu Jun was dumbfounded. In desperation, he had no choice but to click OK.

When he entered the game, he found that his account had been blocked for 10 days.

Damn it, what’s going on!

Zhu Jun turned around and saw that all the programmers were asleep.

"Wake up, I know. What do you think is going on?"

One of the programmers opened his hazy sleepy eyes and was stunned when he found that his account had been blocked.

"We just tested, everything is fine?"

Zhu Jun said with a dark look on his face: "You guys are trying!"

The programmer opened another account and within five minutes of trying it out, this time he was banned for one year.

He exclaimed: "How could this legendary test be so abnormal?"

In fact, it is not about detecting abnormality.

Rather, these cheats have already been discovered by Tiger 360’s anti-cheat team.

Submitted to Mouse Games.

Xu Liang spent a lot of money to find this group of people who are the most powerful in making plug-ins in the country.

If the programmers from Liquor City were really fooled, they would have developed a useful new plug-in within two days.

Now Legend has long been full of cheats for this game.

How could it still be as if it was just a public beta? Even the free assistant can't be activated.

I hope you don’t give up and test it with various accounts.

One day passed, and there were more than 10 accounts that had been banned for one year.

Zhu Jun was so angry that he almost spit out blood.

He told his men, "Since the cheat cannot be made, we will make a disguised cheat to steal the legendary account."

His thinking is very clear.

Since plug-ins don't work, then I will attack the security of your game.

Once the users of this game became legendary, their accounts were hacked on a large scale.

Then the losses to Mouse Game are also quite huge.

After determining the direction, Zhu Jun asked the programmers to develop it.

It took several hours before the order was issued.

Zhu Jun suddenly discovered that Tiger 360 company released an anti-virus software called Tiger 360.

When he clicked in and took a look, Zhu Jun was dumbfounded.

This anti-virus software is actually free.

Download and install quickly.

After some experience, there were more and more black lines on Zhu Jun’s head.

The reason is very simple. This anti-virus software has specially developed an anti-game mode.

0…………Please give me flowers………………

In game mode, if you download any plug-in, you will be warned and prompted to delete it.

When Zhu Jun clicked OK, he discovered the plug-in just developed by the company's programmers.

It was deleted without a trace.

I wish you all can imagine that Huihu360 software will be promoted.

The account theft plan he just planned went bankrupt.

If it weren't for the decision he just made, Zhu Jun would have suspected that there was an insider in the company.

Report specifically to Jia Shoufu.

Otherwise, why would they take measures against their own ideas so quickly?

In his anger, Zhu Jun's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because the functions of Tiger 360 are very similar to those of major anti-virus software companies.

The most important thing is that Tiger 360 is free, but other anti-virus software companies charge a fee.

Tiger 360's move is free, which can be said to have stirred up a hornet's nest.

The so-called enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I wish you to immediately contact the person in charge of Genjia’s paid anti-virus software.

The strength of one person is weak, but the strength of a group of people together is strong.

Zhu Jun sneered in his heart, Jia Shoufu, let’s see if you are as lucky as last time this time.

Little did Jia Shoufu know that a storm was brewing against the animal group.

He was still feeling complacent about his success in persuading Xu Liang to let Tiger 360 Antivirus enter the market for free.

After all, this anti-virus software does not have any profit channels.

As long as more people are used, Tiger 360 will definitely increase its manpower.

This increases labor costs and takes another step forward on the road to losing money.

But what he is most looking forward to is the system settlement.

Although after these few days, more than 10 million funds have come into the system.

It became more than 30 million.

But there are still at least more than 10 million vacancies.

It's more than 100,000 yuan in RMB.

With this money, I can go home and buy a new house for my parents.

After all, after living in the old house for so many years, it’s time to replace it with a new one.

This can also indirectly prove that their son is developing very well outside.

In the following time, Jia Shoufu kept an eye on the funds in the system.

Every time the numbers changed, his heart would twitch.

After tugging at it for countless times, the system finally jumped out of the settlement interface.

These six months of hard work are finally coming to an end at this moment. .

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