Metropolis: King of Hackers!

Chapter 783 : Carry out an investigation!

Although Izuel controlled the supercomputer Yan and left no traces, this did not prevent the cybersecurity bureaus of the two countries from thinking of dream entertainment.

In fact, even a fool can think of dreaming entertainment!

Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Intelligence Bureau, Cyber ​​Security Department, secret office location.

Kurai Erbo, from the Cyber ​​Security Department, is rubbing his temples. As one of the three chiefs of Wosanguo's cyber security, he is under great pressure.

From the beginning, Mr. M ran rampant in the country of Worsang and fabricated a non-existent earthquake; then the earthquake hacker EQ covered up the real earthquake and caused serious losses.

;Uriel again took control of Futenma Base, attacked Kadena Air Force Base and Naha Base, as well as Ginowan Marine Oil Refinery 24;

At present, another unknown hacker has interrupted power supply in more than 80% of the residential areas of Wasang Country and caused the public transportation information system of the entire eastern capital to be cleared.

These troublesome things have made Kurai's political career extremely dim, and it is about to come to an end.

In the office of Kurai Nitori, Shiharu Oda, the leader of the first safety team, sat opposite Kurai Nitori. Shiharu Oda has become an unnamed deputy minister in the Ministry of Cyber ​​Security.

"Minister, we haven't traced the man behind the supercomputer Yan. But I think, I am afraid that it is inseparable from the dream entertainment!" Oda Zhichun expressed his thoughts.

Kurai Jibu just nodded indifferently, "Oda, this matter. I'll leave it to you!"

"Minister, I" Shiharu Oda wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Kurai Nitora.

"Okay, go out! I want to be quiet, since you suspect it is related to Dream Entertainment, then investigate Dream Entertainment. Didn't Mr. M say that Chu Hao betrayed him? Since Chu Hao dared to betray Mr. M, maybe he did it again. A new backer. You seize the opportunity to investigate your dream entertainment. Do you know how to do it?" Kurai Erbo asked casually.

A look of dissatisfaction flashed in Oda Shiharu's eyes, but Kurai Nimari was in a higher position. He could only stand up, bowed, and exited Kurai Erbok's office.

Outside the office of Kurai Ermo, Shiharu Oda snorted softly, and sneered in her heart:'Kurai Ermo. I see how long you can jump, so many things have happened in a row. You did nothing. Your good day should come to an end!"

The Cyber ​​Security Bureau of the Southern Dynasty also launched an investigation into Dream Entertainment, investigating the relationship between Dream Entertainment and hackers who invaded the Southern Dynasty.

Xia Guo, Shuangqing City.

Chu Hao sat in front of the No. 1 server, checking the feedback from the official website of Dream Entertainment and the official player forum. Make sure that the server does not have any problem 920.

After the official player forum service was restored, a large number of players logged on to the official player forum and first checked the invitation code for World of Braves to ensure their own invitation code. Have not been ransacked by hackers.

In the player forum, some players who wanted to fish in troubled waters posted posts stating that the beta invitation code in their account was lost.

However, for such a situation, Chu Hao had long anticipated that, directly in the official player forum, using the identity of the administrator, posted a top post.

``Dream Entertainment's data server is not affected, and all player information has no problems!''.

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