Chapter 111: Making a Waterfall with Your Bare!!!

“Dreams, what is this indescribable secret?”

“In order to help the student cope with the exam, the tutor gave him the idea of buns, and before the exam, he prepared some beautiful sentences to get a score.”

“This kind of tutoring is simply a mistake!”

Annoyed Fan Qin, at this time, couldn’t help but put the cappuccino of the cup on the table heavily, almost spilling out Su Mengmeng The more he listened, the more panicked he became!

I rub!

Isn’t that what I’m talking about?

Could it be that Wang Xiaonian was his student?

No way!

Such a coincidence?

Su Mengmeng’s expression became more and more embarrassed, and his good girlfriend seemed to be talking about himself

“Mengmeng, I didn’t say you ha, such a good tutor as you, will definitely not do this kind of thing.”

Fan Qin noticed the ugly face of Su Mengmeng, and suddenly thought that his good girlfriend was also a tutor, and his statement seemed to have a suspicion that a rake had overturned a ship of people, and he quickly said with a smile.

“It’s all right, Xiaoqin, I know you’re not talking about me.”

Su Mengmeng had a cold sweat in his heart, but he squeezed out a smile and said, “Of course, this matter cannot be completely blamed on other people’s tutors.” ”

“Some students are really naughty.”

“Take the one in our class, good fellow, he scribbled it himself, and finally he even went to class with me, saying that ‘reading a book breaks ten thousand volumes, and if there is a god in the next writing, it is not the causal relationship we recognize, but Wang Wei’s Versailles.'”

“Good guys…”

When Fan Qin said this, the whole person couldn’t help but laugh.

“Poof, this student in your class knows a lot.”

After hearing Fan Qin’s description, Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but be so stoic, “Harm, that little boy is quite clever, that is, he doesn’t have to go to the right path.” ”

Fan Qin sighed and said.

“Oh, so did he do well in other subjects?”

Su Mengmeng asked again.

“Not very good, but recently quite hard, ahem, only in English, has been grinding foreign workers, thanks to me a few days ago I thought he understood things.”

Fan Qin said sadly.

Although Wang Xiaonian has recently been praised by the mathematical, physical and chemical teacher, even if he has made progress in the penultimate examination room, it is not too big, not to mention that the difficulty of this science and engineering examination paper is very high.


After Fan Qin heard it, he was subconsciously relieved to have a certain cultural heritage!

Math, physics and chemistry are not very good!

That’s it!

There is only one truth!

Wang Xiaonian was definitely not a student in her class. “Looks delicious” back door.

Zhao Tietie looked at Wang Xiaonian, who was transformed into a carpenter and mason, from a few pieces of wood and half a bag of cement and other raw materials, gradually built into a half-meter-high ‘waterfall bonsai’.

Even if it has not been painted yet, it is very different from the finished product, but the ring feeling is “beautiful!” ”


“Hee-hee, Xiao Nian didn’t think your hand was quite clever.”

Zhao Tietie smiled and praised.

“It was ok.”

Looking at the waterfall bonsai in front of him, Wang Xiaonian smiled contentedly.

“It’s really worthy of Kato’s hand!”

Zhao Tietie coldly praised Wang Xiaonian with a sentence, “Cough.” ”

These words made Wang Xiaonian, who was carving the shape of a mountain, almost stumble and fall into the bonsai.

“Who are you listening to?”

Wang Xiaonian said with a cry and a smile.

“Little Fat Zhou Lieyin said.” I told Xiao Fat about you doing the dog house thing, and Xiao Fat said, you have been studying Kato’s hand at home recently.”

Zhao Tietie explained with a simple face.


Wang Xiaonian was suddenly full of black lines and good guys, not only did he not lend me a disc, but he dared to slander me.

“Little Year.”

Zhao Tietie suddenly said with a serious face.

“What’s wrong?”

Wang Xiaonian looked at Zhao Tietie curiously, “Xiao Nian, since your craftsmanship is so good, if you don’t make one, the ‘cartoon character’ placed at the door of “It Looks Delicious”. ”

Zhao Tietie said.

“Cartoon characters?”

Wang Xiaonian frowned slightly, “Yes, you see, most of the customers of “It Looks Delicious” are mainly young people, they all like to pursue trends, just like McGallo, Keny, don’t you always put cartoon characters at the door? ”

Zhao Tie Tie Tou was the analysis of the Dao, “Okay, I will consider this aspect.” ”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

After saying that, Wang Xiaonian was seriously and carefully carving the rockery inside the waterfall bonsai.

This focused look made Zhao Tietie feel like a ‘master’ in the movie, and the whole person was completely immersed in it.

The production of the waterfall bonsai, including coloring, took Wang Xiaonian more than 3 hours.

Although Wang Xiaonian did it very carefully, his efficiency was not comparable to that of ordinary skilled craftsmen.

Even if it is a rockery, it is also made by Wang Xiaonian like a life.

“I’ll put it in tomorrow.”

Wang Xiaonian looked at the work in front of him with satisfaction and smiled.


Zhao Tietie winced slightly, and said, “Xiao Nian, you have painted this paint, either put it in a few days later, or you may have to smoke the guests away.” ”


“I’m not a regular paint!”

“My pigments are all natural and non-polluting.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

The pigment that was painted was personally matched by Wang Xiaonian, and this paint was almost lost, if it were not for Wang Xiaonian’s possession of the “Apocalypse Inheritance”, it would not really be matched.

“That’s right, Iron Brother. Tomorrow’s events, how is Aunt Zhao prepared? ”

Wang Xiaonian asked suddenly.

“Rest assured, my mom has already made arrangements.”

Zhao Tietie laughed.

“Okay, then everything seems to be ready, and I am owed this east wind to win the championship in the [marathon].”

Wang Xiaonian said confidently.

“I saw the train flying in the air.”

Zhao Tietie looked up at the sky and said in a funny tone.

“Brother Iron, you don’t believe in Brother’s strength.”

“Have you forgotten who carried you home after school?”

Wang Xiaonian, who was looked down upon, said without anger.

Zhao Tietie rolled his eyes, this marathon is so simple, many of the seeds participating in the competition are foreign devils invited by large companies, and as far as Wang Xiaonian’s physique is concerned, no one is optimistic that he can win the championship in the competition.

“Brother Iron, shall we make a bet?”

Wang Xiaonian saw that the little girl still had no confidence in herself, and couldn’t help but smile evilly.

“If you gamble, I’m still afraid you won’t make it?”

Zhao Tietie said unconvincedly.

“If you lose, give me a month’s housework?”

“Don’t embarrass you, just sweep the floor, mop, oh, and help me remote dog.”

“Clothes, pants. Cough, you can rest assured that I will wash myself. ”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and squinted.

“Cut, it sounds like you can really win, but what if you lose?”

Zhao Tietie glanced at Wang Xiaonian angrily and said.

“At your disposal!”

Wang Xiaonian spread his hands and smiled.

“Go and go, your flesh, that is, put it in the market value.” Well, if you lose, take me to Happy Valley once. ”

Zhao Tietie said in a humorous tone

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