Chapter 117 No, he is not my student!!!

After lunch, Wang Xiaonian returned home and threw a packed meal into the dog basin for the bully dog to eat.

Wang Xiaonian plans to go to the waste recycling station of the Xiao Fat Zhou Lieyin family.

He was going to work on the raw materials for making Wei Zhentian.


With a cry, after Wang Xiaonian closed the door and left.

The bully dog on the balcony, his eyes suddenly revealed a rather intelligent essence, first ate the food in the dog basin, and then, went to the TV cabinet, turned out the ‘sauce elbow’ stored by Wang Xiaonian, tore the package with his teeth, and put it in the trash can, and then slowly and methodically enjoyed it.

Wang Xiaonian, who has the skill of “Dog Master”, not only opened the wisdom of the bully dog, but also increased the amount of food he had.

In addition, the speed of nibbling on the sauce elbow is much faster than before, and it seems that the teeth have become sharper.

After eating, the bully dog did not forget to put the remaining bones of the sauce elbow into the trash.

It was as if it hadn’t happened.

Xiao Fat’s father and Wang Xiaonian were also very familiar, but Wang Xiaonian was really not good at taking advantage of acquaintances, so he said that he was helping others to buy them, and bought several worn-out log tables according to the market price.

First-hand furniture is very expensive, but second-hand furniture is not valuable.

Wang Xiaonian did not spend much money in total, in addition, Xiao Fat’s father also asked Xiao Fat to help Wang Xiaonian drag these tables back together.

Lazy little chubby, but not willing to do.

But under his father’s loving fist, he could only do so.

“Xiao Nian, what do you want a wooden table to do?”

On the way to Wang Xiaonian’s house, Xiao Fat asked somewhat wordlessly.


Wang Xiaonian’s answer made Xiao Fat not know what to ask, “By the way, Xiao Nian, tomorrow we will go fishing waves?” ”

Xiao Chu suddenly suggested.


Wang Xiaonian can’t help but feel funny that this cargo weekend is generally running to the Internet café, where willing to go fishing, then the truth is only one!!!

That’s right!

He didn’t ask for pocket money from his parents.

You can only play free activities.

“Fishing! All right! ”

“No problem!”

Wang Xiaonian also wants to brush [pain value] by fishing.

Without much thought, I agreed.

“Here I go!”

“Xiao Nian, when did you get a dog?”

After moving the things to Wang Xiaonian’s house, Xiao Fat Zhou Lieyin saw the bully dog sleeping on the balcony and asked in surprise.

“Harm, not yet.”

Wang Xiaonian simply explained the ins and outs of the matter, “Oh, this way. ”

“But this dog is so ugly.”

Xiao Fat looked at the bully dog with a head like a hippopotamus and couldn’t help but complain.

However, at this moment, the half-asleep and half-awake bully dog suddenly opened his eyes.


Xiao Chu couldn’t help but be startled, and fell to the ground, “Don’t be afraid! ”

“This little guy is timid and fierce.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

“Oh, is it?”

The little fat fox looked at the bully dog suspiciously, from the eyes of the bully dog, the little fat did not know why he actually saw the contempt, this guy seemed to be saying that he was not good-looking, and the face said him.

I rub!

“You little fellow, you dare to stare at me, believe it or not I castrated you.”

The little fat man threatened viciously.

In this regard, the bully dog boldly closed his eyelids and no longer paid attention to the ugly and stupid human in front of him.

After staying at Wang Xiaonian’s house for a while, Xiao Fat went back bored.

After Xiao Fat left, Wang Xiaonian began to conceive of Wei Zhentian in his mind.

Unlike the previous dog houses and waterfall bonsai, the structure of Wei Zhentian is more complex, and this time it needs to be hand-painted.

Wang Xiaonian did not have the slightest artistic skills, but he had the “Apocalypse Inheritance”

Wang Xiaonian drew on his desk in the bedroom.

Time passes by minute by minute.

Before I knew it, it was 4:30.

“Eh, I almost forgot, Sister Su is going to invite herself to eat steak today.”

Wang Xiaonian patted his head and said to himself.

However, just as he said this, the bully dog lying lazily flat on the balcony was ‘bold’, and suddenly, his ears were up.

I came to the door in a cute way.

Wang Xiaonian’s memory is sparse and ordinary, and this time rushes, almost forgetting what Su Mengmeng said, and letting himself bring the bold ‘past’.

“Your boy is lucky.”

Wang Xiaonian put Bold on a dog chain, then picked him up and rushed out to the Gadley Steakhouse!

This shop is quite popular locally…

It is a self-service steakhouse and, unlike many steakhouses, this one allows small pet cats, dogs to come in.

Although Wang Xiaonian’s bully dog is a little ugly, it is about the same size as a watermelon, which is in line with the regulations of the steakhouse, of course, there is an additional fee.

“Little Year!”

Su Mengmeng waited for Wang Xiaonian to come at the door of the store, and when he saw Wang Xiaonian, he hurriedly reached out and greeted, “Sister Su, arrogant, actually brought me to such a high-end steakhouse.” ”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

This steakhouse is 88 yuan / person, which is not cheap at all in 2003, although it cannot be compared with those top luxury restaurants, but for ordinary people, it is indeed high-end.

“Of course, is Sister Su such a stingy person?”

Su Mengmeng said playfully.

In this way, two people and a dog entered the steakhouse.

“Xiao Nian, you and ‘Bold’ sit here for a while, and I’ll go get some food.”

Su Mengmeng said.


Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded his head at the waiting Wang Xiaonian, and once again picked up the bullying dog’s head, although the eyes of the bullying dog that were plucked revealed some disgust, but it did not shout and scream, allowing Wang Xiaonian to shake his dog’s head.

You know, when the average puppy comes to an unfamiliar environment, it is inevitable that the dog will bark a few times.

But the bully dog in Wang Xiaonian’s arms was unusually quiet, as if this was a commonplace small scene.

And this point, Wang Xiaonian did not perceive.

Suddenly, at this moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of Wang Xiaonian.

“Classmate Wang Xiaonian.”

English teacher Fan Qin looked at the student who was picking up the dog with some surprise, but he did not expect that he and his boyfriend came to eat a steak and actually met him.

“Teacher Fei.”

Wang Xiaonian did not have the same panic as the average student saw the teacher, and the whole person calmly and politely greeted Fan Qin, “You came alone? ”

Fan Qin asked.

“No, I am with” Wang Xiaonian smiled and pointed to Su Mengmeng who had taken the snack back at this time. ”


Fan Qin and Su Mengmeng said in unison.

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