Chapter 125: A Table of Reckless People!!!

Chuanyu Hotel.

7 people, 1 dog, 1 bucket of fish, eat in the lobby of the most exclusive hotel in Sichuan and Chongqing, what is this lineup of immortals?

There is also a bucket of fish next to the meal.

This scene makes people laugh.

Many of the guests around them looked over consciously or unconsciously.

In the past, Su Mengmeng ate like a needle in a needle in this situation, but at this moment, Su Mengmeng not only did not feel embarrassed, on the contrary, he also felt very interesting.

Su Mengmeng subconsciously glanced at Wang Xiaonian.

“If you do as you please, I have a principle that cannot be wasted.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

“Howler, brother.”


Li Ge they all smiled and nodded at this five-star restaurant to eat, Wang Xiaonian they came down this time, less said to spend a thousand yuan, ordinary front-line workers, a month can not earn so much.

However, for Wang Xiaonian, it belongs to the teaching fee’.

That’s right!

Wang Xiaonian is to add new dishes to “It Looks Good”.

“Invincible pot wrapped meat!”

“Lotus Blood Duck!”

Several specialties of the Sichuan-Chongqing Hotel, let Wang Xiaonian some surprises, not bear paws, shark fin soup and the like, but a few ordinary folk dishes, of course, this price is ten times more expensive than the small restaurant outside.

“I’ll go, it’s too expensive.”

“Hamapi, is this pot of pork made of dragon meat?”

Big fat, small fat can’t help but spit on the price of the dish, which makes the beautiful waitress on the side of the mouth twitch.

The beautiful waitress wants to talk and stop, very much want to remind this is the Chuanyu Hotel, which is a high-end consumption place, you children do not have to punch the swollen face to fill the fat man to invite other girls to eat.


However, these bits do not seem to have to punch the swollen face, and they are also fat.

“Okay, you don’t look at what this place is.”

Wang Xiaonian said without anger.

Wang Xiaonian saw the big fat, and the small fat people were not too embarrassed because the price of the dish was too expensive, and Wang Xiaonian could only do it himself.

7 people and 1 dog!

8 dishes and 1 soup!

Oh, and 2 beers.

“Hello, please help us place an order.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and said to the waiter next to him.

“Good! But are you sure you want to point these? ”

The beauty waiter confirmed again that it was really not her dog’s eyes that looked low, and these drinks and meals, she initially estimated, would cost about 1200 yuan.

The beautiful waitress is really worried that these children will not have money to settle the bill, and finally because of eating the king meal, the hotel security guard will be sent to the police station.


Wang Xiaonian smiled, “If the meeting is not enough, we will order it again.” ”


The beautiful waitress was dumbfounded, and secretly said in her heart: “I don’t mean this, harm, forget it, I have already reminded me, how the final result is, I can’t blame me.” ”

The beauty waiter went to place the order.

Wang Xiaonian smiled at Su Mengmeng at this time.

“What’s wrong? Off? ”

Su Mengmeng smiled.

“Sister Su, you don’t have to care about your SP manager Zhang, tomorrow you will go to work normally.”

Wang Xiaonian said.


Su Mengmeng was slightly embarrassed, although Wang Xiaonian helped her avenge herself, but she was thinking in her heart, waiting for Monday to take the initiative to submit her resignation application.

“Sister Su, you just report this matter directly to the headquarters.” The person who made the mistake is not you, so why go? The company has such leaders, which have caused some harm to your body and mind, and they have to lose money to you. ”

“Sister Su, your personal ability is no problem, but yours is a little small.”

Wang Xiaonian crossed over his body and spoke.

“Not small!”

“Sister Su’s, it will be small.”: The rest of the people looked at Su Mengmeng and said with a puzzled face.

Su Mengmeng was dumbfounded, and glanced at Wang Xiaonian without anger.

“Cough cough.”

Wang Xiaoqing coughed twice and said, “What do you think, I’m talking about the heart!” ”

Su Mengmeng once again gave Wang Xiaonian a blank look, but at this time she was carefully savoring Wang Xiaonian’s words.

Although this boy is a bit confused, what he said makes sense.

Yeah, why did I leave?

I had a hard time interviewing!

I didn’t make any mistakes in the company!

I’m not going!!!

Su Mengmeng decided to send an email early tomorrow morning, no, email the general manager tonight, and if the general manager does not care, send it to the headquarters.

“Well, little year, my sister knows.”

Su Mengmeng said firmly.


Wang Xiaonian nodded satisfactorily, a teachable appearance of a widow, making Su Mengmeng cry and laugh, good fellow, in the end I am your tutor, or are you my career mentor?

Soon after.

Meals came up one after another.

“Brother Nian, thank you for the hospitality, you are free, the three of us brothers show you one.”

P.P. said proudly.

After saying that, the green dragon and the white tiger also picked up the beer, stood up, and was about to blow the bottle.

This scene attracted the sideways glances of many customers, you know, in 2003, the people who can eat at the Sichuan-Chongqing Hotel are not ordinary people, and the guests inside are even a bit rich and expensive.

However, at this time, there was such a reckless person.

After seeing the strange eyes of others, he remembered that he was not eating at a food stall, but in the most luxurious and luxurious hotel in Sichuan and Chongqing.

This act obviously humiliated Wang Xiaonian.

P Li looked at Wang Xiaonian apologetically.

“Brother Li, what are you talking about?”

Wang Xiaonian said with a straight face.


Pu Li heard that Wang Xiaonian was blaming himself and smiled awkwardly.

“What is it to call us casual and look down on whom?”

Wang Xiaonian turned and laughed.

“Come, I’ll blow bottles with you!”

After speaking, Wang Xiaonian not only had to blow the bottle, but also step on the wine box.



PP Li several people suddenly laughed.

After the cup, Wang Xiaonian blew bottles with them.

Blowing bottles in a five-star hotel in Sichuan-Chongqing…

This made the waiters in the lobby look dumbfounded.

They have been working here for years and have never seen such a guest.


Today is a table of reckless people!!

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