Chapter 131: I Am an Alien???!!

Fat aunt is fat, and her voice is big.

When this voice went down, not only the residents of the building where Wang Xiaonian was located, but even the unit next door was also woken up.

The residents of the happy community are as few as three, four, seven or eight years of neighbors in this era, the neighbors like to visit each other, the relationship is very close, that is, the so-called ‘distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors’.

The downside, of course, is that there is a lot of gossip.

This is completely different from ten years, twenty years later, even if you live in the same unit, live for seven or eight years, you may not know what the other person’s surname is.

The fat aunt kept calling, and at this time, the residents of the dark community turned on the lights one after another.

Adult men quickly got dressed and came out to catch the thief.

The speed of the thief runs very fast, and in the case of this crisis, there will be a ~ certain bonus in terms of speed.

But Wang Xiaonian is the champion of the Sichuan-Chongqing Marathon!

“Here I go!”

“This big guy is running so fast.”

The two thieves saw that Wang Xiaonian, whose physique was like an iron tower, was chasing after him and was about to catch up, which made the two thieves cry urgently.

You know, at this time, there are not only Wang Xiaonian chasing them, but also the neighbors of the “Happy Community”.

“Run apart!”

Fei Ge moved his mind and spoke.


One of the thieves nodded “I rub!” ”

Seeing the little thief who was divided into two ways, Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but feel funny, but at this time there was some trouble, and he didn’t know who to chase.

Just then…




Wang Xiaonian heard a dog barking behind him, and when he looked back, he found that the bully dog had followed.

The speed of the bully dog is actually not fast, after all, this thing is a muscle-like cargo.

But Wang Xiaonian’s bully dog is different, it has been picked up by Wang Xiaonian, and its athletic ability is quite good.

“Be bold, you chase over there!”

Wang Xiaonian pointed a finger in his left hand and let it chase the relatively thin Fei Brother’, while Wang Xiaonian planned to pick a hard stubble to pinch.

The bully dog boldly did not say a word, and immediately went to chase the flying brother.

Wang Xiaonian chased another.

Less than 2 minutes.

Almost at the same time.



The two foolish thieves made the sound of ghosts crying wolf.

Fei Ge was bitten on the ass by the bully dog.

The bold teeth are very sharp, and the bite force is extremely strong, and it can bite the neck of the big wolfhound during the day, you know, the big wolfdog is hairy, and it is more slippery than the thief in the breeches.

As for Wang Xiaonian’s side, he really couldn’t run after the thief, and Wang Xiaonian didn’t have time to brake sharply.

180 pounds of muscle mass, plus extremely fast speed.


With one click, the cockroach thief flew out.

The cockroach thief who was bitten by the bully dog on the ass, desperately struggling.

The thief who was hit by Wang Xiaonian could not get up at this time when he fell to the ground and climbed up.

The impact made the thief feel as if he had been hit by a car, and his ribs were broken several times.

The neighbors rushed over and surrounded the two thieves.

The neighbors who are missing something, after retrieving it from them, do not forget to get on their feet.



The thief is Rui’s seven meat and eight vegetarians.

The thief was still a bit of a brain, knowing that if he didn’t pretend to be dead, he would have to be beaten to death by them.

Seeing the thief lying on the ground, the neighbors were worried about beating them to death and causing them to die, but they also stopped.

Another moment passed.

The police also came.

At this point, the two thieves burst into tears when they saw the police coming.

Today’s encounter is too weird.

The guy who put the dog, he has aliens in his house.

“It’s you again, take them away!”

An older policeman, frowning at the two thieves.

These two thieves were caught stealing last year, and just released last month, they went back to their old business.

While taking away the thief, the police also inquired about what had happened.

“Comrade policeman, I was able to catch the thief tonight thanks to Wang Xiaonian.”

“Yes, comrade policeman. This guy is good, oh yes, and his dog is also a hero. ”

After the police heard the words of the neighbors, they couldn’t help but smile and look at Wang Xiaonian, who had a large physique and a large muscle.

“Since the ancient heroes have been teenagers, the young man has done a good job.”

The police praised.

“Thank you, you came so late to catch the bad guys, you worked hard.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.

After the police heard Wang Xiaonian’s words, they were dumbfounded, this boy is not bad, he is quite good at talking.

“Okay, it’s midnight, let’s go to sleep.”

“Tomorrow morning, our police station will send someone over to investigate.”

“You go home and see if there’s anything missing.”

The police said.

“Okay, comrade policeman, it’s hard.”

The crowd laughed.

After the police left, the neighbors also went back to their homes.

Wang Xiaonian looked at his bully dog with satisfaction.

Hey hey, pick up the dog for many days, and really use it today.

In order to get the bully dog, Wang Xiaonian planned to give him a sauce elbow from the inside of the drawer, but after opening the drawer, Wang Xiaonian found that there were 3 sauce elbows left in his drawer.


“I just replenished it today!”

“mmp, did those two stupid thieves steal food just now?”

What Wang Xiaonian murmured to himself was that what Wang Xiaonian did not notice was that the bully dog next to him had a somewhat evasive look, a look of being a thief.

It was not early, Wang Xiaonian did not bother to think much, and after throwing a sauce elbow to the bully dog, he went to the room to sleep.

After Wang Xiaonian returned to the room, the bully dog revealed a relieved expression on the other hand.

Police station.

Police are taking confessions to two thieves.

“Uncle Policeman, we really didn’t lie.”

The thief called Fei Ge, Baba said with grievances.

The policewoman who recorded their confession at this time was full of black lines.

Not to mention that they called themselves the twenty-five-year-old uncle of the police, these two thieves were literally full of mouths running trains, and even said that they saw aliens in the home of the man named Wang Xiaonian.

“Don’t tell the truth yet!”

The policewoman said with a cold face.

“Uncle Policeman, it’s true, we didn’t lie!”

“There are really aliens in his house!”

“Yes, maybe he’s an alien too.”

“Yes, his dog may also be an alien dog.”

The two thieves thought of Wang Xiaonian, who was physically large but fast as the wind, and the bully dog that bit his pp, and couldn’t help but speculate: The policewoman rubbed her head, and she felt that the two thieves might have a brain problem.



Wang Xiaonian got up early for a morning run, and after eating breakfast, he went to school.

After coming to the classroom, Wang Xiaonian found it lifeless.

“What’s wrong with everyone?”

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but laugh.

“Class elder, today’s test results are ah.”

Yu Fanfan, the representative of the English class sitting in the first row, rolled his eyes and said.

Wang Xiaonian was dumbfounded.

All right!

I remembered that last week, the joint examination of Sichuan-Chongqing High School was held.

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