Chapter 141 Billion Lin came to me for an appointment!!!


At the end of Wang Xiaonian’s morning exercise, in addition to packing a breakfast, he also brought back a few newspapers.

The newspaper was set by Wang Xiaonian last week, no way, this 2003 mobile phone can not even read the web news.

In order to know the latest events, I had to order a newspaper to read.

Of course, there is also a very important reason, that is, Wang Xiaonian wants to see the news of his arrest of car thieves.

Soon, Wang Xiaonian found news about “It Looks Delicious” in the life section of Sichuan-Chongqing Metropolis Daily.

The headline was “I thought Lü Bu was invincible, whose subordinates were these men so brave?” 》。


It turned out to be the waiter of “Looks So Good ~ Delicious”.

“Good value for money”

“This manuscript is well written.”

“The pictures are also very good.”

“I didn’t have any white flowers for that 1,000 yuan yesterday.”

Wang Xiaonian smiled satisfactorily.

Today’s Wang Xiaonian no longer needs to rely on ‘rubbing’, he has more than 20,000 on him.

Today’s buyer who looks up to Wei Zhentian, ‘Yang Chuxue’, will also give himself 10,000 yuan.

Of course, the waiter caught the car thief, which is a thing worth reporting, and Wang Xiaonian’s purpose in spending money is to hope that the newspaper can post a picture of “It Looks Delicious” and use the news title he chose.


The value of this money spent!

Afternoon after school.

Wang Xiaonian moved the prepared water wheel into the lobby of “It Looks Delicious” and the customers looked at this ancient water wheel and were also quite surprised.

It’s a small shop of less than 200 square meters, but the owner of this shop can play.

And gave the whole thing a new job.

“Little boss, come here.”

Aunt Li at the front desk smiled.


Wang Xiaonian smiled and nodded, “Little boss, this is what Madam Yang asked you to do.” ”

Aunt Li handed 10,000 yuan in cash to Wang Xiaonian, worried about being remembered, and the money was ostensibly wrapped in newspaper.

“Aunt Li, I have a heart.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed.

Due to the large number of people in the hotel, Wang Xiaonian did not add any more trouble to the employees, delivered the water wheel, got the money, and then went to the Sichuan-Yu noodles next door to eat.

After returning home after eating, Wang Xiaonian was planning to brush the advanced copy as before, and Wang Xiaonian had all stepped into the “4-star copy”.

Almost every block, Wang Xiaonian played it all over and over again.

At most, there is still a week to go, and it will be difficult for Wang Xiaonian to earn pain points by brushing up on competition puzzles.

Zhiyu [5 Star Copy] Wang Xiaonian could not enter.

Although Wang Xiaonian’s understanding reached the genius level [15], it was still different from the demon genius who could play five-star copies.

In this way, Wang Xiaonian could only think of some other methods.

Suddenly, at this moment, the landline bell of Wang Xiaonian’s house rang.

It wasn’t the parents, the teacher called, it was a strange phone number.

After being turned on.

“Hello, is this a classmate of Wang Xiaonian?”

A very formal voice rang on the other end of the phone.

“Hello, I am Wang Xiaonian.”

Wang Xiaonian laughed, but at this time, he couldn’t help but be alert in his heart, this voice is very similar to those fraudulent calls in the past life, or loans, sales calls to buy houses.

“I’m Sasha, the editor of Elin Magazine.”


Wang Xiaonian can’t help but be a little sad that this is the top selling magazine media in 2003, which is widely popular.

For this reason, this made Wang Xiaonian believe that the other party was a liar.

I guess she wanted to tell herself that she had won the lottery, a refrigerator, color TV and other furniture, but she had to bear the postage and had to transfer money to her.

Wang Xiaonian, who had never bought “Yilin”, was ready to hang up the phone.

“That’s right, we at Elin Magazine want to make an appointment with you.”

said on the other end of the phone.

Looking for me to make an appointment?

Such a good vision? It seems that this should not be a liar!

Wang Xiaonian picked up the phone that had almost hung up.

“We saw ‘Dispel Sorrows’ that you wrote on your monthly exam papers, and our magazine company appreciates your talent, of course, I know you’re in your junior year of high school now, but if you have free time.”

Editor Sasha said.


Wang Xiaonian suddenly understood.

His monthly examination essay “Dispel Sorrows” was photographed by the media, and the news was also reported, but he did not expect to be given a wise eye by the editor of Yilin.

“Classmate Wang Xiaonian, I don’t know if you have this interest?”

Editor Sasha heard that there was no movement on the other end of the phone and asked involuntarily.


Wang Xiaonian reacted and said with some anticipation: “May I ask, how is the manuscript fee calculated?” ”

This time it was the editor’s turn Sasha to be speechless.

Editor Sasha had never seen a student so direct.

“Depending on the quality of the manuscript, if you have a short story, at your level, take a thousand words for 30 yuan, it is no problem.”

Although the editor Sasha couldn’t cry and laugh in her heart, her voice was still so formal.

1,000 words 30!

When he heard this price, Wang Xiaonian was a little bored.

But think that in 2003, the network text is still in the black iron period, even if it is the future network text supreme god, many belong to the stage of generating electricity for love;

“Classmate Wang Xiaonian, I will send my email address to your text message later.”

“If you have a good article, just send me an email.”

Editor Sasha said again.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xiaonian pondered, what should he write?

Fighting Continent?

What bend?

Western magic?

Oriental fantasy?

Urban powers?


Although I have seen these more than once, let alone write them as they are, even if I write 70% of them, I can’t do it.

Soon, Wang Xiaonian’s door was opened.

Su Mengmeng walked in.

In order to facilitate Su Mengmeng to do homework for himself, Wang Xiaonian assigned Su Mengmeng a key to the home.

Su Mengmeng is wearing a long blue dress and white high heels today, and her whole figure looks very slender.

Wang Xiaonian had been staring at Su Mengmeng, and light was emitted from his eyes.

“Cough cough.”

Su Mengmeng was very uncomfortable with Wang Xiaonian’s look, coughed twice, and thought amusingly in his heart: “This stinky boy has grown up recently, and he actually knows how to appreciate the beauty of his sister.” ”

“Hey hey.”

“Sister Su, do you want to earn extra money?”

“What do you want to do?”

Looking at Wang Xiaonian’s malicious smile, Su Mengmeng put his hands in front of him and said without anger.

“Sister Su, I’ll teach you to write novels.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a straight face.


Su Mengmeng couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Well, I also mistakenly thought that Wang Xiaonian was hungry for his own body, and it turned out to be this matter.”

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