Chapter 154 Factory Construction Plan!!!

Old Fan, real name Fan Xingguo’.

A name with a very characteristic of the times.

This is Wang Xiaonian’s most powerful technical reinforcement so far.

Of course, [the technical department] alone has the old Fan alone is certainly not enough, but also need to recruit more talents.

Applying for a patent, Wang Xiaonian can safely hand over to Lao Fan to do.

Then next, what Wang Xiaonian needs to do is to build a factory.

Industrial land and residential land are two different things, the cost of industrial land is very low, after all, after the establishment of the factory, can provide a large number of jobs, for such enterprises, the government is not only very welcome, but also give some help.

Although Wang Xiaonian currently has more than 1.2 million yuan in cash, he still has to save some use to introduce the machinery and equipment of the assembly line in the future.

When the leaders of the government learned that Wang Xiaonian was going to open a factory and wanted to open an electronics factory with more employees, they directly introduced him to a factory that had collapsed.

This is a steel structure factory.

The office area is on the second floor of the factory.

The first floor is the production workshop.

Not only is there no production equipment in the factory, but there is no desk or chair in the office.

To put it bluntly, it is an empty shell factory.

The area of the plant covers an area of 2 acres.

The area of the warehouse covers an area of 1 acre.

But the whole factory has 10 acres of land.

The remaining 7 acres of land, about 4700 square meters, are all empty.

The price of land is 1000 yuan / mu.

10 acres of land, that is, 10,000 yuan.

The steel structure of the factory took Wang Xiaonian 100,000.

In total, Wang Xiaonian spent 110,000 yuan.

Of course, there are many places to use money.

Tables, chairs, air conditioners, and a range of office supplies are expected to cost 50,000.

As for Wang Xiaonian, who has the “Apocalypse Inheritance”, he can also create a desk and the like by himself, but Wang Xiaonian still chooses to purchase.

Next, your energy should be put into the ‘design pipeline’.

For manufacturing, the assembly line is its blood.

The more scientific the assembly line, both the yield and the quality can be fully guaranteed.

At present, there are not many original manufacturers of domestic equipment, and there are serious technical defects.

To this end, Wang Xiaonian plans to work with Lao Fan to personally handle this assembly line.

In the early days, due to the problem of funds and firemen, Wang Xiaonian planned to build 2 assembly lines.

The estimated cost is about 100,000 yuan.

In addition, Wang Xiaonian also plans to carry out some renovation for the remaining 7 acres of empty land.

The renovation plan is: take out 1 mu of land and build a building.

The first floor is the company canteen.

The 2nd floor is the staff activity center, such as: gymnasium, billiard room, KTV 3rd floor is the company dormitory.

Take another acre of land and build a [swimming pool].

As for other basic buildings, ‘basketball courts,’ mini soccer fields, etc., these can be put away and then done after making money.


Wang Xiaonian asked for leave again.

Recently, Wang Xiaonian often took leave, which was very frequent, which made the class teacher Lao Liu very worried.

Although Lao Liu approved, he did not forget to personally call Wang Xiaonian to say that the college entrance examination is very important, but the body is more important, so that Wang Xiaonian does not stay up late.

All right!

The class teacher, Lao Liu, thought that Wang Xiaonian had stayed up late to spoil his body, otherwise, how could he feel so much weight loss recently.

In the face of the misunderstanding of the class teacher, Wang Xiaonian did not explain too much.

Money’s important!

Wang Xiaonian wants to become the first person in the world to eat the “universal charge” crab, and the time is not waiting.

The purpose of Wang Xiaonian’s leave today is to find a construction team to transform his factory first.

Take care of your gym, swimming pool and staff canteen.

The construction team, Wang Xiaonian also has acquaintances.

“Hello, Manager Zhao.”

Wang Xiaonian called Zhao Manager Li Jufu of Xiangjiang in Sichuan and Chongqing.

This manager Zhao is responsible for establishing a high-end community in Sichuan and Chongqing, which has the ability to make a gym, and the swimming pool is certainly not a problem.

Manager Zhao, who was pit by Wang Xiaonian for more than 120,000 yuan, was also incredible when he received the call.

I couldn’t help but secretly say: “I have never seen such a brazen person, who has pit our company’s money, and now he even wants me to help him.” ”

Manager Zhao was disgusted, but he really helped Wang Xiaonian contact a construction team.

“Thank you, Manager Zhao.”

“I’ll have coffee another day.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a smile.


Manager Zhao on the other end of the phone smiled and answered without smiling, then hung up the phone.

The generous Wang Xiaonian was not angry, but dialed the construction team’s phone.

The people of the construction team learned that Wang Xiaonian was introduced by the Li family in Xiangjiang, and his attitude was very respectful, and the offer given was also Tong Sou without deception.

“Mr. Wang, you are really a conscientious entrepreneur.”

After signing the agreement, the head of the construction team could not help but sigh.

This is not a slap in the face of Wang Xiaonian’s ass, but a sincere praise.

In Sichuan and Chongqing, no, even in the whole Xia country, there has never been a 1-acre factory that will build a “swimming pool” for employees: [gym] and what [ktv] or something.

Being able to attach so much importance to the lives of employees, Wang Xiaonian is indeed the only one!!!

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