Chapter 47

The voice of the host of the traffic station rang in many cars.

When the drivers who were listening to the radio received the news, they couldn’t help but feel worried.

Human hearts are all flesh-grown, just imagine if you encounter the same crisis situation, you must have been panicked to the extreme.

Very consciously, the driver who originally planned to pass through Garden Avenue and Shengli Avenue immediately chose to divert.

The traffic police responded quickly. The last section of Shengli Avenue has been controlled, and the middle row of the three rows of lanes has been completely vacated, ready for Ye Feng to fly.

I don’t know how many red lights I ran through, and the two adjacent intersections were blocked by traffic police, so there was no danger.

Along the way, countless cars honked their horns, not only to help this car with thunderous sounds to remind the car in front to give way, but also to pay tribute to the courageous Ye Feng.

The whole city seems to have taken action to complete the most epic salvation.

This is respect for life, but also a kind of surging pride from the heart.

Time was lost every minute, and the little girl’s situation also affected everyone’s hearts.

The telephone calls of the traffic station were also blown up, and the same was true for the police receiving platform.

At this time, two traffic policemen riding motorcycles have caught up with Ye Feng and drove in front of Ye Feng.

“The owner of the car with the number ending in front, please get out of the aisle! Please get out of the aisle!”

The sirens kept ringing, shouting to remind some drivers who didn’t know what happened to give way.

Ye Feng’s urgency finally eased slightly, he has tried his best to buy time, and the next step will be smooth, and the rest depends on whether the little girl can hold on!

She must be able to!

Because she is so young and so cute!

I don’t know why, because of worry, Ye Feng couldn’t help but have red eyes.

However, just as Ye Feng was about to turn from Garden Avenue to Shengli Avenue, an accident happened.

A sports car is on the right front side of Ye Feng and wants to merge to the left.

The car turned on the turn signal, and Ye Feng estimated that he wanted to turn left from the front intersection after merging.

Perhaps in normal times, Ye Feng will choose to let it go, after all, it is convenient for others and convenient for himself.

However, at this time of race against time, it is impossible for Ye Feng to make way for others.

So Ye Feng pressed his horn twice and continued to sprint forward at high speed.

This was originally an episode, and it won’t affect anything.

However, Ye Feng didn’t expect that the car that just failed to change lanes seemed to be mad, and it rushed up again and rushed directly to the front of Ye Feng.

It happened to be the intersection of Yuanyuan Avenue and Shengli Avenue, and after grabbing the front of Ye Feng, the sports car slammed on the brakes and stopped there.

Garden Avenue is a road with two rows of lanes on one side, and now the sports car rides a solid line and stops in the middle of the two rows of lanes, directly blocking the road!

“I fuck!”

What do you want to do?

Ye Feng cursed excitedly, then honked his horn, wanting to make the sports car move away quickly.

However, the sports car stopped there motionless, and even turned off and stopped!

“Drive away right away, or pull over to give way!”

The traffic policeman riding a motorcycle cleared the road immediately turned back and signaled the sports car to give way.

But the door of the sports car was suddenly opened, and a woman with wavy hair coming down from above ignored the traffic police and rushed to Ye Feng’s car with anger, pointing at Ye Feng and started cursing.

“You’re a little boy, can you try another horn?”

“Don’t you know how to give way when you see a sports car?”

“Can a poor ghost afford to knock you down?”

“If you press the horn again, I will find someone to kill you!”

The woman’s arrogant appearance is as if the entire Binhai is under her rule.

Ye Feng pressed down the car window, his face was extremely gloomy, and he felt that he was at the critical point of the eruption, and would erupt like a volcanic tsunami at any time.


“I’m sending a patient, are you responsible for something wrong?”

“Get out of the way!”

Ye Feng resisted the anger, he didn’t have time to entangle this idiot woman here.

However, what he didn’t expect was that this woman seemed inhumane.

“I care whether you are sick or not. Even if the king Laozi comes today, I won’t let you go!”

“Will you be able to fly over there?”

“Can you run into my car?”

“Poor, you can’t afford to pay for it!”

The woman’s arrogance became even more arrogant, and she looked completely confident.

The onlookers were so angry that they couldn’t stand it anymore.

“Dammit, this woman is inhumane!”

“What is it? There are things that no one can raise in life!”

“I really want to hit her directly and kill her!”

“Come on, let’s lift her car together and let the way out!”

A few violent passers-by were ready to rush over to take the sports car aside, but at this time, the mother of the little girl in the car was already crying and fainting.

“How can this be?”

“Does she still have any sympathy?”

“My poor girl!”

Ye Feng couldn’t help taking a deep breath, and didn’t care about so much anymore!

“Sit down! Hold the child!”

With a low cry, Ye Feng released the brakes and let the car move forward until it reached the top of the sports car in front of the road!

Then in the next second, he slammed on the accelerator, and the car’s engine made a grumpy roar. Amidst everyone’s applause, the sports car was directly pushed out to make a way out.


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