Not long after sitting down, another middle-aged man snorted.

Hearing my friend so puzzled.

The glasses man also had a familiar feeling when he looked at Gu Chen.

The assistant was stunned, looking at Gu Chen puzzled.

And when Gu Chen heard the other party say this, it was not his own illusion.

Thinking back to where he had seen it, suddenly he thought about it between the electric light and flint, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you Elder Liang?"

Looking at the glasses man, he suddenly asked.

Turned his head to look at the other person: "Are you Gong Lao?" Hearing

Gu Chen's words, several people were stunned, and then looked at Gu Chen in bewilderment.

"Last time we met on the subway! Do you two remember?

Gu Chen suddenly smiled, what a coincidence!

Hearing Gu Chen's prompt, the two old men also thought about it.

"It's you!"

Gu Chen smiled and nodded.

The assistant on the side was stunned, and Gu Chen explained that he understood, really... Skillful.

Immediately, several people opened the chatterbox, and the living room was lively for a while.

A few people started from the suit, fortunately, Gu Chen also understood a lot because Taobao often smoked the suit, and the three discussed it for a long time.

"By the way, Mr. Gu, you are here..."

Finally, Elder Liang remembered why Gu Chen was here, and asked curiously.

"Ahem! I heard that Liang Lao and Gong Lao are masters of automobile design and development, so I found them. Gu Chen shook his head when he heard this, and said with a smile.

"Oh? That Shenzhou company is Mr. Gu's? Elder

Liang was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly said.

"yes! I wonder if Liang Lao and Gong Lao are interested?

Gu Chen touched his nose and looked at the two expectantly.


The two looked at each other, but they didn't know what to say.

"I know the concerns of the two of you, but I promise that the second elder will not be disappointed this time! We will definitely develop a car that is famous all over the world! Don't the second elders want to see China's cars become famous in the world? Seeing

the two hesitate, Gu Chen directly said something that moved their hearts.

"That's it! Since Mr. Gu sincerely invited, then we will fight again! Elder

Liang then gritted his teeth and looked at Gu Chen and said directly.

Originally, they planned to retire directly, but now that they met Gu Chen, they were also very interested in Gu Chen, plus they always had a dream in their hearts, that is, to develop a domestic car to promote the world!

"Good! Thank you two for believing in the boys, you will not be disappointed! Gu

Chen was overjoyed when he heard this, and then assured.

"Naturally! Mr. Gu is a hot business celebrity recently! I naturally believe it!

At this time, Gong Lao blinked his cloudy eyes and smiled mysteriously.

Obviously, they also knew Gu Chen's identity.

"Eh!" Gu Chen was stunned.


Then several people burst out laughing.

"That's right! Liang Lao Gong Lao, my company is not in Huahai, I may need you to go elsewhere!

Then Gu Chen thought about it and said truthfully.


"In Yangcheng! And it is the acquisition of the automobile manufacturing company under the Yang Group!


The two were also taken aback when they heard this, and then they were overjoyed, they originally thought that this newly opened company still needed to build everything, but they didn't expect Gu Chen to give them a surprise.

You must know that the manufacturing industry of the Yang Group is very famous in China, and they have naturally heard of it.

They don't care where they are!

Then he became more and more confident about the future, and after thinking about it, Liang Lao said to Gu Chen: "By the way, Mr. Gu, we also have an old friend, who is also an experienced design master!" I wonder if Mr. Gu can invite him?

"Of course! I don't know which master? Gu Chen's eyes lit up and hurriedly asked;

"Qian Baichuan!"

"What!" Gu Chen was stunned and immediately overjoyed.

Looking at the puzzled looks of the two, Gu Chen explained with a smile: "I originally planned to invite Master Qian, but I didn't expect the two to know each other, it would be great!"

Then Gu Chen chatted with them again and left.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly today!"

On the way back to the car, Gu Chen said with a smile.

"No one expected that President Gu actually knew people! What a coincidence! The assistant also replied with a smile.

It's really a wonderful life.

The next day, Mei Jiale rushed to Taiyu Group after dealing with the company's big and small affairs early.

"Manager Mei is still adaptable, right?" Gu Chen asked with a smile.

"Adapt! Adaptable! Mei Jiale replied with a smile.

"That's good! Yesterday I found a few design masters, you can contact them later! I'm going to redesign a brand! Gu Chen said domineeringly.

Although Mei Jiale didn't know where Gu Chen's confidence came from, hearing Gu Chen like this, he was naturally enthusiastic!

"President Gu will definitely get his wish!" Quickly patted Gu Chen and said loudly.

It seems that Gu Chen has already studied it now.

Then Gu Chen explained a few more words, and Mei Jiale left.

"Now you just need to find a reliable energy research institute."

Gu Chen stood in front of the window and looked at the tall buildings in the distance.

When I returned home in the evening, I sat down and ate dinner together.

"That's right, little dust! It's almost the New Year! How are you going to arrange it? Gu's mother looked at Gu Chen and said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen was stunned, is it almost the New Year? He was so busy during this time that he lost track of time.

Then he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, today is January 26th, the New Year is February 11th, and it is only sixteen days after counting.

"Mom, do you want to celebrate the New Year here or go back?"

After thinking about it, Gu Chen looked up at Gu's mother and asked.

"Naturally, it is to go back to my hometown," Gu's mother replied without thinking.

"Then go back!" Gu Chen nodded in agreement.

"So ah! You have an early holiday! Let those employees go back early to reunite with their families!

Then Gu's mother mentioned again, and Gu Chen nodded repeatedly.

"So be it! Holiday on the second! Gu Chen thought about it and said it.

"Wow! Brother, you're so nice! I think everyone will be very grateful to you tomorrow!

At this time, Xu Shishi was very happy when she heard this.

"Good!" Gu's mother also nodded, very satisfied with Gu Chen's decision.

Father Gu naturally did not come back at the construction site again, and Gu Chen was a little regretful that he handed over the company to him.

"That's right! Before leaving, we are going to visit Xinyi's parents, you find time to talk to her, I invite her family to have a meal! Finally

remembering something, Gu's mother ordered Gu Chen again.

"Eh!" Gu Chen was stunned, and his expression panicked, "Mom, isn't this too early?"

Xu Shishi hid her mouth and snickered.

"Earlier what? You're 25 next year, and you're running all over the ground when I'm this age! Gu Mu glared and said in disgust.

Seeing this, Gu Chen knew that he could not change, so he could only agree.

The next day, when he came to the company, Chu Xinyi was very happy, the whole person was stupid, Gu Chen knew at a glance that it was Xu Shishi, a traitor, who told her about last night.

However, seeing Chu Xinyi like this, he was also very happy about this matter.

It is said that good things come in pairs, no, just when I was sitting in the office and wanted to deal with things, a phone call came.

"Hello? Hello Director Liu!

Gu Chen greeted with a smile.

It was the director of the Commerce Bureau who had eaten before.

"Mr. Gu! Didn't bother you, did it? There

was a hearty voice on the other end of the phone, full of breath.

"Where, where!" Gu Chen shook his head repeatedly.

"That's right! Mr. Gu is looking for you this time! I want to ask if you are interested in what happened last time. Hearing

this, Gu Chen remembered, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"But what about the New Energy Research Institute?"

"That's right!"

Gu Chen directly agreed.

"Director Liu, I'm sorry, I'm too busy during this time, I forgot, I'm really sorry!"

Gu Chen was pleased, and then slightly embarrassed.

"Haha, Mr. Gu is polite, Mr. Gu is busy with business, he understands! But for that research institute Mr. Gu..."

Director Liu was very polite, and then asked.

"Director Liu, I'm very interested, I wonder if I'll take a look now?"

Gu Chen hurriedly said, he was really busy and confused, such a large formal research institute was in front of him, but he wanted to find something else.

"Good! I will give you the other party's phone, Mr. Gu can contact by himself!

"Good! Thank you Director Liu, I will definitely invite you to dinner next time!

Then Gu Chen and the other party said a few polite words and hung up the phone

, and a few seconds later, Gu Chen received a text message from the other party, a name and number.

Gu Chen was overjoyed and called the phone.


"Hello, I'm Gu Chen!"

Gu Chen heard a middle-aged woman's call, and then reported to his home.

"Hello Mr. Gu! I am Ruan Li, the head of the New Energy Research Institute.

After pausing for a few seconds on the other side, Gu Chen obviously heard the other party's surprise.

"Hello Ms. Ruan, I wonder if you are free? I want to see the Institute?

Gu Chen asked flatly.

"Yes, yes, I wonder when Mr. Gu plans to come?"

"Is it okay?"

"I'll go to the research institute right away, Mr. Gu can call me when he arrives!" Ruan Li said happily.

The request given to her by her superiors was to tell her to sell it as soon as possible, and before she asked an elder, the director of the Commercial Bureau, to hear that the famous Mr. Gu Chen Gu was interested in buying.

She was very happy, left and right did not see Gu Chen calling, she was very anxious, thinking that Gu Chen would not buy it, so she called the elder again, this was the previous scene, and now she finally heard Gu Chen's call, she was very surprised.


Then Gu Chen hung up the phone, the two added WeChat, the other party directly sent a positioning, Gu Chen looked, sure enough, in the new energy area.

So he and his assistant went straight to their destination.

An hour later, Gu Chen arrived nearby, which was very tight, and it was impossible to enter without the people inside to lead the way.

Fortunately, Ruan Li was next to her and took Gu Chen directly to the research institute.

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