Secretary Shen chatted with a few people and went to the hall together.

At this time, everyone looked over, looking forward to it one by one.

After looking behind Secretary Shen and the others for a long time, they found that there was no one they didn't know, and they were puzzled.

For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the scene, and Director Wang naturally knew what they meant, but he did not introduce anything, but carefully observed the surroundings.

It was important to see where Gu Chen was standing below, but he was doomed to be disappointed, after all, there were dark heads underneath.

"Welcome to this year's Business Gala! On behalf of all the officials of Yong City, I would like to extend a warm welcome.

At this time, Secretary Shen began to make the opening remarks of this party.

The people below also reacted, suppressed the puzzlement in their hearts and applauded, after all, this is their parent official!

And Gu Chen, who had long stood on a stage and looked at the blind spot of the perspective, looking at the cookie-cutter party, he was suddenly bored, and he regretted coming over today.

After thinking about it, I planned to say a word to the other party and go to the class reunion.

Gu Chen, who had made up his mind, called Director Wang directly.

"Hey, Mr. Gu, where are you? We, Secretary Shen, also want to meet you! Who

knew that the other party was the first to speak, and Gu Chen was not good to refuse at this time.

"Good! Where are you? So

I had to agree.

"Where is Mr. Gu, we will come down immediately!" Director Wang asked with a smile at this time.

Then Gu Chen said the location and waited for the other party to come over.

Although most of the people under the hall came for Gu Chen, everyone did not know Gu Chen, and there were very few photos of Gu Chen.

So Gu Chen was by their side, and they didn't know each other.

At a table not far from Gu Chen, the two teenagers stared angrily at each other.

If Gu Chen was here, he really knew these two people, it was Xu Yang and Ma Tao who he had seen before.

"Hmph! Ma Tao, don't be too proud!

Xu Yang glanced at the smug Ma Tao, glared at him, and then flew away.

If he had done so before, he would definitely have said a few cruel words to each other with Ma Tao, but since he talked with Gu Chen that day, he had lost interest in these and felt very naïve.

Watching Xu Yang leave, Ma Tao was very proud in his heart, thinking that Xu Yang was afraid of himself and did not want to oppose him.

Suddenly, there was a movement in front, he watched Xu Yang squeeze over, and immediately followed unwilling to lag behind.

At this time, the fathers of the two also leaned over.

It turned out that Secretary Shen and the others came over, but Xu Yang was not interested in this, turned his head to look at the others, but was surprised after seeing a figure in a corner.


Hearing the voice, Ma Tao, as Xu Yang's opponent, also looked over, and he also saw the figure in the corner, and his eyes suddenly widened.

The people who know you best are often your opponents! His every move will make you think.

"Xiaoyang, what's wrong?"

Father Xu was a kind and tall man, looking at his son and asking curiously;

"yes! Xiaoyang, what's wrong with you? At this time, Father Ma also looked over with a smile.

The relationship between the two is not bad, and the fight between the juniors does not affect the feelings of both parties in the slightest.

"That person is Teacher Gu's friend!"

Ma Tao said it directly.


As soon as these words came out, the fathers on both sides also looked directly at the past.

It was Gu Chen who was sitting in a corner, and Father Ma also felt familiar, and he remembered the other party after a while, wasn't this the man who took his hitchhiker that night? Why is he here?

"Xiaoyang, who is that? Do you know?

Only Father Xu didn't know Gu Chen and asked curiously.

"That is Brother Gu!" Xu Yang quickly explained.

"Brother Gu?"

As soon as these words came out, Father Xu's heart suddenly moved, and he glanced at each other.

"yes! He is a good friend of my homeroom teacher, and I had dinner with him last time! Xu Yang blinked and said.


Hearing this, the two shook their heads and smiled bitterly, and the unrealistic thoughts in their hearts suddenly dissipated.

They also thought that this was the business boss Gu Chen!

After all, they are all surnamed Gu, so they can't associate it, but they are not interested when they hear that it is his son's good friend.

After all, Father Xu also knew his son's head teacher, and his surname was Gu, but there was only a little money in the family, which was completely inconsistent with that person's identity.

At this time, Secretary Shen and they also walked over, although Father Xu and Father Ma were rich, their identities were a little worse than Secretary Shen.

So they smiled and said hello, but the other party nodded and did not stop, but walked forward, which made them strange.

Not only them, but others were also strange about Secretary Shen and the others' actions, they seemed to be looking for someone.

But there don't seem to be any important people ahead.

No, at this time, everyone thought of something in their hearts, and they all looked at the front in disbelief.

That's right, they saw Secretary Shen and the others walking forward, and thought of a person, that is, their purpose this time, Gu Chen.

However, after looking at it for a long time, they didn't recognize which Gu Chen was.

At this time, Gu Chen naturally noticed the abnormality of everyone, and when he saw Secretary Shen and the others coming over with such fanfare, he immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Suddenly, he also saw an acquaintance, that is, Yu Xiaochuan behind Secretary Shen.

He looked at himself in surprise, and Gu Chen nodded.

Sure enough, under his leadership, Secretary Shen came all the way directly to Gu Chen.

At this moment, everyone was holding their breath, and they didn't expect the famous Gu Chen to be beside them.

"Mr. Gu! What a long time to look up!

Secretary Shen suddenly walked a few steps quickly and held Gu Chen's right hand.

"Hello, hello!" Gu Chen also replied with a smile.

"Mr. Gu! This is our parent official in Yong City, Secretary Shen Lin Shen!

At this time, Director Wang on the side introduced with a smile at this time.

"Haha, Mr. Gu is polite, I didn't expect that our Yongshi City also produced a big entrepreneur!"

Secretary Shen immediately waved his hand and said happily.

"Secretary Shen is polite!"

Gu Chen replied with a smile.

"Mr. Gu, we meet again!"

At this time, Yu Xiaochuan in the back also said hello.

"Haha, good evening Mr. Yu!"

Gu Chen also smiled and nodded.

As soon as these words came out, everyone knew that Yu Xiaochuan's words about knowing Gu Chen before were true, and they looked at Yu Xiaochuan with all kinds of envy for a while!

"Mr. Gu is also good!"

Yu Xiaochuan was excited in his heart, and everyone in Quanyong City knew that they knew Gu Chen.

"Hello Mr. Gu! "It's

nice to meet you, Mr. Gu, I'm ..." For

a while, several bosses who followed behind opened their mouths to introduce themselves.

Gu Chen nodded in response.

And when everyone outside heard that the person was Gu Chen, they were all depressed one by one, but they didn't expect the big guy to be by their side, but unfortunately they didn't know Tarzan, and they missed the opportunity to get acquainted in vain.

Xu Yang and Ma Tao, on the other hand, widened their eyes and their faces were full of incredulity.

Looking at Gu Chen, who was talking and laughing with Secretary Shen and the others, several people still didn't react.

"He... Is that Mr. Gu? "

The one who regrets it the most is Father Ma!

"It seems so!" Father Xu also looked at Gu Chen with a complicated face,

it turned out that he was really that Mr. Gu! He hadn't guessed wrong before.

Then he got excited and quickly looked at his son.

"Xiaoyang, I remember you saw that Mr. Gu before?"

"Uh-huh! Nature! I still call him Brother Gu!

Although Xu Yang didn't understand why his father was so excited, he knew that the Gu brother who he admired very much was not an ordinary person, and he admired it even more for a while.

"So you and that Gu... Mr. Gu's relationship is quite good? Hearing

this, Father Xu looked at his son very happily.

Until Xu Yang nodded: "That's, Brother Gu is very powerful!" Told me a lot and was impressed! Father

Xu's smile became even brighter, but he didn't expect that his son had a wrong understanding with Gu Chen, and that Mr. Gu had said a lot to his son.

The horse father on the side was envious and jealous, but he didn't expect that the son of an old friend was so lucky, and he actually entered Mr. Gu's eyes, and then he looked at his son.

But he found that he didn't know that Mr. Gu, and he was immediately angry.

Glaring fiercely at this indisputable son, Ma Tao trembled, he didn't understand what happened, why his father looked at him wrong.

"That's right! Xiaoyang, how did you know that Mr. Gu?

At this time, Father Ma turned his head to look at Xu Yang with a smile and said.

Father Xu was also very curious.

"Ahem! This was actually an accident! Brother Gu is a good friend of my homeroom teacher, and last time I met the teacher when I had dinner in a hotel, and then Teacher Gu invited me to dinner, and Brother Gu was also there, so I met there.

Xu Yang touched the back of his head and said a little embarrassed.

He wasn't that stupid to talk about what happened that day.

Father Xu and Father Ma looked at each other after hearing this, it's as simple as that? For Xu Yang's luck, he was simply envious.

After all, it is not easy for them to meet Gu Chen, no! It should be said that it is impossible.

On the other side, Gu Chen chatted with everyone for a few words, each of them got to know each other, and as soon as Secretary Shen and other official people left, the others could not wait and surrounded one after another.

At this time, Father Xu and Father Ma naturally would not miss this opportunity.

I also squeezed in.

"Brother Gu, Brother Gu!"

At this time, Xu Yang didn't care about Gu Chen's identity, and directly shouted, which surprised the people next to him.

Gu Chen heard a familiar voice at this time, and it was Xu Yang who looked.

"Well, your boy is here too!"

Immediately smiled and said hello, there was no doubt that the other party could appear here.

Then he also saw the other people behind him, and naturally he also saw Ma Tao and Ma Father.

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