"Mr. Chu, I just contacted all the top ten raw material suppliers in Huahai City, but they all rejected us! And the reason given is that the raw materials have been fully acquired by Tianhe Group, and it takes nearly a month to transport them from the place of origin. After

listening to the assistant's report, Chu Xinyi's face was very ugly, and the documents in his hand were directly smashed on the solid wooden table by him.

"It's so despicable and shameless!"

"What should President Chu do now, now that Tianhe is so involved, the materials in our hands can only last for three days, and then we will face the realm of stoppage."

The assistant asked worriedly.

In the past, she didn't have to worry about waiting for other suppliers to deliver them.

But before, their group received a large order from abroad, and the profit was a full thirty percent, if this is completed, their Chu family will go to a higher level, and their status and reputation in the country will be greatly improved.

Therefore, the Tianhe Group took a fancy to their Chu family's weakness, so they had no fear.

"What about other small suppliers in Huahai City?" Chu Xinyi quickly stabilized her mind and asked the assistant;

"President Chu, I also asked, this group of them is simply taking advantage of the fire! The price they offer is much higher than the market price. When

the assistant said this, his face was also ugly, and he was very angry.

Now the entire Huahai City knows that their Chu family has received a big order, so they all want to fish in troubled waters.

Hearing this, Chu Xinyi's eyes flashed coldly: "Promise them, after this time, I will settle with them well!"

"Yes! However, the raw materials of these small companies are a drop in the bucket! The assistant nodded in agreement, but was still worried.

"I'll figure out the rest, I only have one request, that is, no stoppage!"

Chu Xinyi rubbed her eyebrows at this time.


The assistant looked at Chu Xinyi's haggard face and couldn't bear it, she knew that President Chu was not old, and the pressure on his body was afraid that a man could not bear it.

"By the way, President Chu, there is another group with sufficient raw materials"

The assistant suddenly thought of something, and immediately said to Chu Xinyi.


Chu Xinyi instantly opened her eyes, stared at the assistant, and motioned for her to continue.

"Taiyu Group! Although Tianhe Group used its connections to eat all the raw materials in Huahai City, Taiyu Group is not only in Huahai, he is a national supplier, as long as we convince them, then our dilemma will be solved. It is impossible for Tianhe Group to acquire all the raw materials of Taiyu Group! First, they don't have such a big face, and second, they don't have such a lot of financial resources! The assistant said excitedly.


Chu Xinyi's eyes also lit up, she was dizzy before, and she didn't think of this.

Immediately, she directly found the phone number of the customer service department of Taiyu Group and quickly dialed it.

The assistant is also quietly looking forward with hope.

"Hey! Here is the customer service department of Taiyu Group, can I help you with anything? The

phone beeped for two seconds and then gladly connected, and a pleasant standard voice came out.

"Hello, I am the general manager of the Chu Group, I want to talk to you President Jiang?" Chu Xinyi didn't talk nonsense and said directly.

"Do you have an appointment?"


After Chu Xinyi answered, the other end of the phone paused awkwardly for a few seconds.

Then an apologetic voice came.

"Then I'm sorry Miss Chu, I'm afraid I can't help you with this!"

"Then can you help me convey it? Please! Chu

Xinyi was anxious when she heard this, this was her only way to break the situation.

"I'm sorry, Miss Chu, I may not be able to help you here."

This is followed by a busy signal when the phone hangs up.

Chu Xinyi was also embarrassed, she didn't expect the other party to give her face so much.

"President Chu, maybe the other party took you as a liar!" When the assistant saw Chu Xinyi's expression, he knew what she was thinking, and immediately persuaded.

"I'm okay! Even if you know! People are a large national company, and what about our Chu family? I'm afraid it hasn't been taken to heart yet. Chu Xinyi shook her head and smiled bitterly.

She knew that their Chu family was not important enough in the eyes of others, otherwise she would have just called the general manager of the people directly.

"No, this is the only way for our Chu family! Tomorrow, I will personally go to their group headquarters to meet President Jiang! Chu

Xinyi's eyes were firm.

Early the next morning, Gu Chen got up early, put on the customized suit that was rewarded yesterday, and came to the mirror.

Looking at the very fitting look for a while, that Taobao has already arranged everything.


Then Gu Chen walked outside the door and stopped a taxi.

Watch the scenery outside the window quickly recede.

"Maybe I should buy a car!"

He naturally noticed the eyes of the security guard at the door, which was called an embarrassment, but fortunately his takeaway career for more than a year made him not alarmed.

The rewards of the past few days have made him lose himself.

First an office building, then Tomson a suite in one product, and then the chairman of a ten-billion-dollar company, made him forget the fact that he was a poor ghost.

Although these assets can add up to make him a billionaire, assets are assets and cash is cash, and the two are not the same concept.

Sometimes he even thought about selling the office building, but as soon as the idea appeared, he strangled him.

Of course, he is not in a hurry, he believes that it will not be long before he will have money.

The car had quietly stopped on the road when his mind flew out of the sky.

An hour passed, and the car had not traveled five kilometers.

"Master, is there such a traffic jam every day?"

Gu Chen looked at the speed comparable to the speed of an ant, and asked the taxi master curiously;

"Uh-huh! It's rush hour! This section of the road is the most congested! It used to be stuck all day. I was also carrying a passenger. At that time, he didn't have the mentality of you, he was very anxious, and in the end, he even got out of the car and ran! The

driver's brother said with a smile;

Even looked at Gu Chen with an appreciative expression in his eyes.

No sadness or irritability, big things can be expected!


Gu Chen didn't think so much, after all, he didn't need to hurry, which boss did you see who wasn't late?

Then the driver's brother was opened by Gu Chen, and the traffic jam incident rose to a national event, which is simply more than the news network.

Gu Chen couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, so he had to follow a few perfunctory words.

Gu Chen's trip these days is all Didi, he can be regarded as having found that the taxi brothers are all talented, and they speak well.

"Urgent broadcast! There is a serious rear-end collision accident on the riverside section, please take a detour for passengers passing through this section. "

The sound of traffic came from the car radio.

"Little brother! I can't walk now, I'm afraid I can't handle it without four or five hours! When the driver's brother heard this, he immediately said to Gu Chen.

"Is that so?"

Gu Chen also frowned when he heard this.

"Little brother, if you are in a hurry, you can go down from here, there is a subway entrance not far ahead." The driver's brother kindly said to Gu Chen.


Although Gu Chen was not in a hurry, he didn't want to waste a few hours here,

"That's okay!" Thank you master, I just got off here! How much! "

Hmm! Give fifteen starting prices!

Then Gu Chen scanned the payment code, turned it around, and walked directly down.

On the way, Gu Chen saw many white-collar workers in suits, and he also got off the train and walked towards the subway entrance not far away, which he felt very interesting.

At this time, a young man wearing a suit and tie also came down in front of Gu Chen, and I saw that the benevolent brother pulled his tie like he was wearing a dog chain.


Gu Chen suddenly laughed.

"Huh? Dude, also going to work? After this benevolent brother saw Gu Chen, his eyes lit up and he greeted him familiarly.

"Hmm! But you are..." Gu Chen nodded, and then asked.

"Hey! Am I not going to work! Yesterday, my mother insisted on taking me to buy a suit, not much, just ten thousand pieces, but I didn't expect it to be so awkward, I said I didn't like to wear a suit, no way my mother insisted that I wear it! When this benevolent brother heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said without care.

Especially when it came to ten thousand blocks, he glanced at Gu Chen.


Gu Chen couldn't laugh when he heard this, I met Versailles literature?

Then he glanced at the brother in front of him a few times.

"Dude, your suit looks pretty handsome! It is estimated that it will cost thousands! Seeing that Gu Chen did not speak, he glanced at Gu Chen's suit a few more times, and said with a well-informed look.

"Hmm! Almost! Gu Chen echoed.

He didn't say anything more to this benevolent brother.

After all, to be honest, people won't believe it! It's better not to say it, lest people think you're filling a cup.

"Oh, buddy, I tell you, a suit best reflects a man's charm and status. It's not me blowing, you see me like this, when I wait to take the subway, the knowledgeable girl will definitely look at me very differently! This

benevolent brother was complacent at this time.


Gu Chen couldn't laugh when he heard this, he thought he could say something from this benevolent brother's mouth?

"By the way, buddy, where are you going? Maybe we will let you see the charm of tens of thousands of suits later! "

Southern District Industrial Park!"

Gu Chen did not hide it.

"Such a coincidence! Dude, we're really in love! I went there too! By the way, my name is Hu Kai! What about you? "!

"Gu Chen!"

"Walk around! Dude, let's go!

Then the two walked together towards the subway entrance.

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