Due to the meeting, Gu Chen's mobile phone was set to silent mode.

So he didn't notice that his cell phone messages were one after another.

Ding Rui: "Gu Chen, the time is almost up, when are you coming?" Ding

Rui: "Gu Chen, I've arrived, where have you been?" Ding

Rui: "Gu Chen? What about you? Everyone has arrived and is waiting for you? "

The news is naturally not all Ding Rui's alone.

Haida management class gathering group.

Ban Zhishu Xie Kai: "Gu Chen, it's just you!" It won't be missing again, right? Wang

Feng: "Gu Chen, I haven't heard from you for a long time, I heard Ding Rui say that you will come before, everyone is very happy, won't you come again?"

Tang Lin: "Everyone, shouldn't it be to release our pigeons?" Ding

Rui had pulled Gu Chen into this group before.

So for a while, it was all Aite Gu Chen.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone had already arrived in front of the Huatian Hotel.

Looking at the familiar faces, the students enthusiastically reminisced about the past, as if they had returned to campus.

A total of nearly twenty students came, and the others were not in Huahai and could not come.

Ding Rui, on the other hand, looked at his mobile phone from time to time and found that Gu Chen still did not reply to the message.

At this time, the initiator of the party, Ban Zhishu Xie Kai, slowly walked over.

When one of them, Xie Kai, saw him, he quickly waved his hand.

"Brother Kai, here!"

So everyone greeted him warmly;

They are no longer the ignorance they were in school.

Knowing that Xie Kai's family is running a company, maybe one day he will need help.

Only Ding Rui snorted coldly when he saw him.

For everyone to stubbornly Xie Kai, he did not speak.

"Haha, everyone hasn't seen you for a long time!" Xie Kai was very happy.

After sweeping around, he did not find Gu Chen, and his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

"What about Brother Gu? Doesn't it mean that he will come over today? Looking at Ding Rui on the side, he asked.

"Uh-huh, I just happened to see Gu Chen two days ago, and he said that he would also come over!"

Ding Rui looked at the other students and also looked at himself and explained.

"Then let's wait! I haven't seen Gu Chen for a long time, this time is just right! "

His relationship with Gu Chen is also not bad.

However, Gu Chen is much more popular than him in school.

Now looking at the attitude of his classmates towards him, he couldn't help but feel comfortable for a while.

Everyone did not have any dissatisfaction when they heard this.

Then two more figures walked over.

"Squad leader? You're coming! I

don't know who was sharp-eyed, and suddenly shouted.

When everyone heard this, a pair of figures also walked out of the underground parking lot.

It was Liu Yue, the leader of their class, and a middle-aged man.

"Hello everyone!"

Liu Yue greeted happily.

"Hello squad leader!"

Then they found the middle-aged man beside Liu Yue, and they couldn't help but be a little curious.

If Gu Chen were here, he would definitely know Li Kun before.

"Ahem! Hello students! I am Liu Yue's boyfriend Li Kun!

Li Kun said enthusiastically to everyone at this time.

Originally, he didn't plan to come, but when he heard that Gu Chen would come, he immediately changed his mind, after all, this was an opportunity to get close to Gu Chen.

Finally, after knowing the location of the party, he was even more eager, but he didn't expect that the classmates in Liu Yue's class were not simple, and Huatian Hotel was not something that could be booked with money.

Just like him, although he is worth tens of millions, he is still not qualified in front of Hua Tian.

For a while, everyone's faces changed slightly, they didn't expect that the original class leader had found a boyfriend who could be their father's age.

"This is Xie Kai! I didn't expect it to be a talent!

Li Kun found everyone's gaze, but he didn't care, and recognized the center of the crowd, Xie Kai, at a glance.

He knew that it was this person who booked a private room in the Huatian Hotel, and it was not simple to confirm his identity.

"Hmm! Congratulations to the squad leader for finding a caring uncle! Xie Kai found that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and immediately said congratulations;

"I don't know what Mr. Li does!" Seeing that everyone did not speak, Xie Kai continued to ask.

"I can't compare with all my classmates, I did a small business, and I barely made ends meet."

Li Kun smiled.

Everyone's eyes stayed on Liu Yue, wondering why they were looking for such an old person.

Liu Yue pursed her mouth and did not speak.

"At the end of a year, make one or two million!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed, and they finally knew that the squad leader was looking for someone twice her age.

There is contempt, disgust, puzzlement, disappointment, envy, and so on.

"Haha, if Mr. Li is all subsistence, then we are not begging!"

Xie Kai made a joke.

Then the crowd became active again.

"Okay, since Gu Chen hasn't come yet, let's go and wait first!" It's not good to stand in the doorway either!

Xie Kai suggested.

Other students chimed in, "Yes! Maybe Gu Chen will come later! Seeing

this, Ding Rui did not say anything more.

After all, it is impossible for everyone to wait here stupidly for Gu Chen alone!

Who knows what he is doing, sends messages and does not answer calls.

"But Xie Kai, you are really powerful, you can actually book a private room."

"Good! I heard that the private rooms here are very difficult to book, but I didn't expect that I would be able to eat here one day.

"It's worthy of my Kai brother! One word, serve!

Everyone praised Xie Kai as they walked.

"It's nothing, that's Uncle Gan giving face, for the sake of my father's relationship!"

Xie Kai said in a low-key manner.

He also thought that his words could show his face, but he didn't think that everyone didn't know the owner of Huatian Hotel, which made him depressed.

"If I'm not mistaken, the owner of Huatian Hotel seems to be surnamed Gan! I didn't expect that classmate Xie's family had such a wide relationship!

Li Kun, who followed behind, was brightened when he heard this, he did not expect that Xie Kai still knew Gan Yuan.

Others don't know Gan Yuan, but he knows very well that Huahai City is a famous entrepreneur.

"Mr. Li also knows?"

Xie Kai's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The equipment naturally has to be held by someone, otherwise it will be uninteresting.

"Student Xie said and smiled, people are big bosses, which people like us can know!"

Li Kun laughed at himself.

"Wow! I didn't expect that our class branch was so big that even the five-star big boss knew him.

"Brother Kai deserves to be Brother Kai!"

Hearing the praise of all the students, Xie Kai was fluttering.

The words of the students are also very good!

However, he still pretended to be low-key; "Wherever it is, it's my father's connections, how can I have this ability!"

In fact, all this is Xie Kai's exaggeration.

His father knew Gan Yuan, but he had only met a few times in some event meetings, and it was just wishful thinking that his father wanted to meet people.

He booked the room this time just to find a hotel manager.

It's just that this point, he naturally won't be stupid enough to say it himself.

Walking into the hall, everyone was instantly surprised by the luxurious decoration of the hotel.

Xie Kai is no exception, although he has been here many times, he is still extremely surprised.

"Hello sir! Do you have an appointment?

At this time, a good-looking waiter came over with a smile and asked;

"Yes! Xie Kai!

Xie Kai nodded directly and reported his name.

After the waiter checked the computer in the hall, he smiled and led the way: "Okay, Mr. Xie, please follow me!"

Then everyone followed, looking at the surroundings.

"This decoration? It's probably too pretty! "

It's a five-star hotel! After tonight, there will be material posted to the circle of friends again!

"In other words, we don't look like Grandma Liu entering the garden, looking like she has never seen the world?"

"Haha! We don't know like we don't know, but you certainly do! "


Everyone talked and laughed, and Liu Yue and Ding Rui, who fell at the back, were the same.

Although he did not participate in the topic, he still had a surprised expression on his face.

However, Ding Rui also had a stinky scolding in his heart at this time.

Grandma's! It is so luxurious here, the consumption must be very expensive! Even if half of the dog is out, there is a lot left.

Lao Tzu doesn't know if this little money is enough....

Ding Rui didn't pay attention to the front, and suddenly bumped into a person.

"Oops! Who is it? Why not go! I

couldn't help but touch my nose in pain and said;

Looking around, it was Liu Yue's boyfriend Li Kun.

However, the people did not reply to him, but looked straight to the right.

He followed his gaze and was immediately stunned.

"Gu Chen? Why didn't he notify me when he came, it hurt me blindly worried! He

complained, and he didn't know the one next to Gu Chen.

Li Kun, on the other hand, was different, extremely shocked and took for granted.

Gan Yuan! The owner of Huatian Hotel, right next to Gu Chen, talked and laughed, and felt incredible no matter how he looked at it.

However, after thinking that Gu Chen owned a non-sale office building in Yiyue Plaza, it seemed very normal.

The other side.

After the meeting in the conference room, Gan Yuan also offered to leave, so Gu Chen sent him all the way.

"President Gu, I am relieved to hand over the hotel to you!"

Gan Yuan was polite, this young man is not only very rich, but also very capable.

"Wherever, all this has bothered Mr. Gan, and Mr. Gan is welcome to come and stay in the future!"

Gu Chen smiled slightly and said modestly.

Liu Ying, who followed them, bowed her head and said nothing.

Although she is talented and has a cold personality, it does not mean that she has no emotional intelligence.

In this situation, the dialogue between the big guys, she can be a transparent person.

"Haha, good! Will definitely come in the future! If there is anything that needs help, Mr. Gu will not shirk despite opening his mouth and doing his best!

Then Gan Yuan said seriously.

Gu Chen could hear that this was definitely Gan Yuan's sincere words, not some kind of polite words.

Although he didn't know why Gan Yuan said this, he still smiled.

"Good! At that time, you will definitely have to trouble Mr. Gan!

"You're welcome! Something Gu always called! The

three of them walked all the way to the hall.

"All right! Mr. Gu! That's it! I'll go first!

Gan Yuan stopped and said to Gu Chen.

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