"It has been notified a long time ago, but people ignore it!"

Xiao Yuan had called before it happened, but people ignored it, and there was nothing he could do.

You can't just break into the door!

The impact is by no means something he can bear, let alone a member of the public.

At this time, just when they had no idea where to start, a loud roar came out.

Caught everyone's attention.

"What kind of car is this? So big?

"It's a supercar! Only the sound of a supercar can be so special!

"Could it be that Binbin is here?"

"Aaaaah! Yes, it's Binbin driving a sports car! So excited! After

a few seconds, the brain-dead powder that stopped outside the door was like chicken blood, and it suddenly became excited.

Pounding the gates, wanting to greet their idols.

And in their line of sight, a silver luxury supercar is coming.

"Which owner's car is this?" At this time, a property next to Xiao Yuan asked suspiciously.

"It's Mr. Gu's!"

Xiao Yuan was stunned, and then reacted, his impression of Gu Chen was very far-reaching.

Then quickly trot to the sports car.

"Mr. Gu!"

"Haven't you solved it yet?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, I've delayed your time! It's our dereliction of duty!

Xiao Yuan immediately apologized.

"No, it's none of your business!" Gu Chen listened to the insults in front of him, his face was livid, "Are the current fans so uneducated?"

"Open your mouth to a dead security guard, close your mouth to watch the gate!" With such fans, the star's upbringing is no better! "

Idols' connivance with fans is also a crime!

As a member of the public, he has an obligation to correctly guide his words, deeds and behavior.

At this time, the fans outside the door took a closer look at Gu Chen in the car and found that it was not the idol they were familiar with, and suddenly began to shout again.

"Not Binbin! Make me excited in vain, what to do!

"Yes! What's going on with the property here! Polite too!

"This little brother is also so handsome! Could it be a polite friend?

"I don't know anything Binbin! Nor his friend! Now I'm going out, please get out of the way! Gu Chen shouted twice and honked his horn at the same time.

"How do you talk!"

"Even we don't know Binbin!"

Several hot-tempered fans pointed at Gu Chen and scolded.

"Hmph! Are you famous for your manners? Why should I know? Does he deserve it!

Gu Chen did not expect that this group of brain-dead fans could ask such a mentally retarded question, which made him very speechless.

Don't talk to the braindead, as this will make your IQ drop as well.

Then Gu Chen directly started the engine.


The roar of the supercar instantly sounded, suppressing the momentum of the other party.

Watching the super car start, the door of Tomson Yipin also slowly opened, but this group of brain-dead fans did not dare to act rashly.

"You... Do you dare to bump into someone?

"Hey! Your Tomson Yipin's karma has hit someone, don't you all care? For

a while, they didn't dare to make a move, so they could only shout.

"Hmph! Don't you get out of the way yet! If you scratch Mr. Gu's car, can you pay for it? The

property manager looked at this scene at this time and was immediately very relieved.

"One scratch can bankrupt your family! Don't go fast yet! You guys have seriously disturbed the order, if you don't leave, we will call the police!" "

He's had enough of this group of irrational fans.

The same is true of the security guards who were present for a while.

"Hmph! For your service attitude! We are insecure when we live here!

"Yes, we will complain about you!"

"You guys wait!"

Although this group of fans is not rational, but the brain is still there, knowing that the price of this car is extraordinary at a glance, maybe it is really so expensive!

So they all moved to the sides and gave way to the passage.

Then Gu Chen didn't bother to pay attention to them, and kicked the accelerator directly away!

"Mr. Gu still has a way!"

Xiao Yuan looked at the rear of the car and sighed.

Not long after, another sports car sound sounded, and Xiao Yuan looked at it, and it was the culprit Liu Bin who came.

Suddenly there is no good face!

"Mr. Liu! Please also persuade your fans to stop disturbing the order!

Liu Bin did not answer Xiao Yuan, but glanced at the direction where Gu Chen left with a gloomy face, and secretly scolded the other party for ruining his good deeds.

On the road.

"How can there be such fans now! I always thought that the rumors of those things on the Internet were false, but I didn't expect that the reality was even worse than the Internet. Chu

Xinyi on the side sighed at this time.

"That Liu Bin is not a good person, he looked at it on purpose! Then make the topic, but he is also stupid and dares to make trouble here! He will regret it! At

this time, several gates of Huatian Hotel have posted notices that they are temporarily closed today.

Gu Chen soon arrived at one of the gates.

The security guard at the door had already masterfully memorized their boss's license plate number.

With a respectful expression, Chu Xinyi directly let go, and was very puzzled.

"This security guard seems to know you?" Chu Xinyi was puzzled.

"What company have you ever met where employees don't know their boss?"

Gu Chen didn't want to hide it, and replied lightly.


Chu Xinyi suddenly turned her head to look at Gu Chen's knife-like side face, the boss with rosy and full lips open, and a surprised expression.

Gu Chen glanced white, and a handsome reverse car into the warehouse was directly parked in the underground parking lot.

"Huatian is yours?"

At this time, Chu Xinyi came back to his senses, and quickly pulled Gu Chen, who was about to get out of the car, and asked.

"Don't you know all about it? Also asked!

Gu Chen looked at the pretty face in front of him for a burst of amusement, and at the same time enjoyed it very much in his heart.

"I remember that the previous boss was not surnamed Gan? Could it be that your father's surname is Gan? Do you take your mother's last name?

Chu Xinyi was stunned and asked what she thought in her heart.

"Eh! What do you think!

Gu Chen rubbed her hair angrily.

"My father's surname is Gu! I take my dad's last name! As for the Gan Zong you mentioned, he was indeed the boss of Huatian before, but he sold it to me!

Gu Chen explained.

Otherwise, maybe this nizi is thinking wildly!

"You you you... What exactly is the identity? So rich? Chu

Xinyi patted Gu Chen's hand away and asked curiously.

"Alright! Since you all asked that! I don't pretend! I had a showdown! I am the rich second generation! I am the sole heir of the Hidden Family! When

Gu Chen heard this, he was silent for a while, pretending to be solemn, and then he was talking nonsense seriously.

Chu Xinyi, who listened with anticipation, looked confused, and the black lines above his head floated by, and he couldn't help but wave his pink fist to hit Gu Chen.


Why don't you say that you are the Immortal Emperor who has been reborn and returned!"

Gu Chen laughed, got out of the car directly, and dodged his fist.

The two quarreled for a while before reclaiming their identities.

I walked into the lobby along the signs, where the scene had already been set up by the hotel staff.

A festive and atmospheric feeling came to the face.

Along the way, the staff respectfully shouted: "President Gu!" Chu

Xinyi who listened to it was stunned.

Only then did I believe that Gu Chen was really the owner of Huatian Hotel.

No wonder she was asked to choose Huatian in the future!

There was still half an hour before the party, but it was already full of people.

"Gu Dong! President Chu! In

the hall, everyone quickly gave way to a passage and shouted in unison.

Looking at the appearance of the two walking together, they all thought thoughtfully.

It seems that they can't offend Chu Xinyi in the future, after all, they will be the chairman's wife in the future!

Although Chu Xinyi is now the president of the group, many old people are not afraid of her by holding their own identities, but now they have to think about it.

"Hello everyone! Today's theme is Eat, Drink and Have Fun! There is no Gu Dong! Mr. Chu! Walking

to the stage, Gu Chen picked up the microphone on the stage and said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, there was a high shout below.

Then Gu Chen handed over the stage to the others.

There are those who go up to sing, there are those who perform talents, and various hobbies directly push the atmosphere to a climax.

Gu Chen, who was sitting in the front row, was happy to see it, but he didn't expect that there were many talents in the group.

At this time, he saw the host's malicious gaze, and suddenly a stirring spirit, and the electric flint thought clearly about the meaning.

Directly left the seat with a pee.

Watching a play offstage is naturally comfortable, if you go up to perform? Then forget it!

I came to the bathroom and washed my face, secretly shouted that it was dangerous, and I almost got ugly!

But going back now is not going back.

Who knows if he will be called to the stage again!

So he started shopping around the hotel, after all, he hadn't done it yet!

"Mr. Gu?"

At this time, he was about to leave after walking through two halls when a voice stopped him.

Gu Chen turned around, but found that it was someone he was familiar with.

"Manager Ma?"

Gu Chen tried to exclaim.

"It's really Mr. Gu!"

A middle-aged man hurriedly walked over, and he was overjoyed.

Gu Chen saw that it was Manager Ma who had dealt with him before, and he helped him a lot at Yiyue Plaza.


"Well, Mr. Gu is also here for a company party?"

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded.

Then the two chatted with each other.

Gu Chen was bored, while Manager Ma took the initiative to show goodwill.

The two chatted thoughtfully.

"Mr. Gu I don't know if he is free? We, Mr. Liu, are very curious about Mr. Gu!

After that, Manager Ma suddenly asked.

"Mr. Liu?"

"Liu is always the general manager of our Huahai City. He is very interested in Mr. Gu's purchase of our Yiyue Plaza office building!

Manager Ma explained.

When Gu Chen heard this, he knew what the other party meant, and when he was about to say it, his mobile phone rang.

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