"How's business going?"

Walking on the road, Gu Chen asked.

"Mr. Gu! During this National Day holiday, the hotel is full of guests every day, and the business is surprisingly good! When

the lobby manager heard this, his eyes suddenly burst into laughter, and he quickly said.


Gu Chen nodded, it seems that the hotel's business has not been destroyed by that traffic star.

In fact, he didn't know that the traffic star not only did not destroy the reputation of the hotel, but brought a lot of popularity, otherwise how could the hotel be popular!

Xu Shishi and the three were like three docile kittens at this time, how well-behaved and well-behaved.

Honestly followed behind Gu Chen and listened to the conversation between the two.

They were shocked to hear it, and felt that the manager of the hotel respected Gu Chen very much, even if Gu Chen is a company owner, but you are also the manager of a five-star hotel, should you be so unambitious.

If only the hotel managers knew what was going on in their hearts, they would have smiled.


Can you eat that thing?

"That's right! What about Manager Liu?

Going up to the second floor, Gu Chen seemed to remember something and asked.

"Manager Liu is in the office, does Gu always want to find her?"

When the lobby manager heard Gu Chen's words, his admiration for him was like a gushing river.

He saw that Gu Chen brought three girls over to eat, and he wanted Manager Liu to come over, but he suddenly didn't know what to say.

It is equivalent to bringing the mistress to eat at home, and also have to come over to accompany the wine, which is really bold.

He is the manager of the hotel, naturally he is the manager of Liu Yingliu.

"No, just ask."

Gu Chen shook his head, he just asked casually.

"It's arrived! Mr. Gu!

At this time, the lobby manager opened the door of the box and respectfully asked.


Gu Chen was not polite, and walked in first, and Xu Shishi and the three of them nodded and walked in under the laughter of the manager.

"Okay, I'll call you if something happens!"

Gu Chen looked at the restrained expressions of the three and said directly to the manager.

"Okay! If there is anything Gu, please order directly!

Then the manager politely withdrew and closed the door of the box.

"Brother, why is he so kind to you... You're welcome?

When the gate closed, Xiao Yi asked directly.


Hearing the faint voice inside, the corner of the lobby manager's mouth twitched, and the boss was quite good at playing.

Then he withdrew.

"Of course! Because this is also my inheritance! He is not respectful to me, to whom! Gu Chen raised his eyebrows.


The three of them immediately widened their eyes and looked at Gu Chen directly.

"Brother, how rich are you? Even here is yours?

At this time, Xu Shishi couldn't sit still, and suddenly asked.

"I didn't have much money, and a friend sold it to me at a low price before."

Gu Chen waved his hand, as if it was just a trivial matter.

"All right! Let's order! Order whatever you want, no money anyway! Seeing

that the three still wanted to ask, Gu Chen interrupted directly.

At this time, the three of them were distracted.

Mobile phone scan code to order, simple and convenient.

Looking at the names of the dishes they had never heard of, they all immediately quarreled and stumbled and studied.

Looking at this scene, Gu Chen shook his head speechlessly.

Fortunately, soon the three of them finished ordering, took a look, and were immediately surprised, because they ordered some very cheap dishes.

Smart, he quickly understood, and then he added two more dishes to the back.

A few people feasted.

The meal lasted almost three hours.

Then Gu Chen sent them home.

After that, he returned to Tomson Yipin.

Along the way, there were only Gu Chen and Xu Shishi.

Gu Chen saw Xu Shishi's look of wanting to say something through the afterlight, and asked with a smile; "What's wrong?"

"Brother! Why are you so rich now? What exactly is it doing? Xu Shishi asked.

"Didn't I tell you? The company's business is mainly the supply of raw materials, and now it is transforming into processing and direct production of products. Gu Chen explained.

"What about the hotel just now?"

"How? Your brother and I can't invest in other industries after making money! At

this time, Gu Chen came back to his senses, feeling that this nizi was worried about what bad things I would do.

Looking at Gu Chen's sunny face, Xu Shishi really believed Gu Chen's words.

Gu Chen, who returned home, went directly to the bedroom bathroom to take a bath.

Only Xu Shishi was left sitting on the sofa in the living room, stunned and in a daze.

Until she heard a knock on the door.

Coming back to his senses, he quickly walked at the entrance and opened the gate.

"Gu Chen, you hid well..." Chu

Xinyi and Jiang Dongqiang, who returned from the Canghai Office, were unsurprisingly shocked by Gu Chen.

Unexpectedly, the famous office turned out to be Gu Chen's, no wonder he is very familiar!

So just after talking about the day after tomorrow, the two rushed to the company non-stop.

As a result, Gu Chen had left the company long ago, so that the two could only hold the shock in their hearts.

But Chu Xinyi went home as soon as he got off work and came directly to Gu Chen's door.

Unexpectedly, it was a sweet-looking woman who opened the door, and suddenly half of the words were stuck in her throat and couldn't come out.

In an instant, Chu Xinyi's mind went blank.

Why does he have women in his house?

Suddenly, his face was extremely pale, but he startled Xu Shishi, who opened the door.

"That sister, are you all right?"


Chu Xinyi, who heard Xu Shishi's words, poured salt on the wound.

Am I that old?

Still sister?

"It's okay! May I ask you are? Chu

Xinyi quickly reacted, it was because he was emotional for a while and didn't think much, but now he came back to his senses and asked with a look of concern.

"My name is Xu Shishi, I am Gu Chen's cousin, my sister is here to find my brother, right?"

A woman's mind is always very sensitive, and she instantly found Chu Xinyi's gaze, plus her previous performance, she guessed the identity of the other party at once.

"Huh? Cousin? Chu

Xinyi instantly rose from Silicon Valley to the clouds, and her highly guarded heart instantly turned into a smile, just like Sanchun opening her face.

Then the two sat on the sofa in the living room and instantly mingled, starting from Gu Chen, and then to various clothes and cosmetics, etc., it was really a late chat.

Until Gu Chen came out of the bath, he saw a laughter coming from the living room, and he couldn't help but be curious and walked down the stairs to take a look.

"Why are you here?"

Gu Chen was very surprised.

"How? I'm not welcome? Hearing this, Chu Xinyi replied with resentment.

"Ahem! Where where! I'm just curious that you guys seem to be meeting for the first time, right? When did the relationship become so good?

Gu Chen laughed twice, and then saw the intimate appearance of the two and couldn't help but be curious.

"We saw each other as soon as we saw each other!"

"Brother, Sister Chu and I can talk very well!"

The two smiled at each other and said in unison.

Gu Chen shook his head speechlessly, really unable to understand their inner thoughts.

I took a can of Coke from the refrigerator, took a sip directly, and asked, "Do you want it?" I

saw the two shook their heads, and Gu Chen sat on another sofa.

"By the way, tomorrow Shishi will go to the company to apply, since you know each other, it will be arranged by you, but there should be no less."

"Well, yes, Shishi just told me."

Chu Xinyi nodded.

Then a few people said a few words, and Gu Chen went upstairs.

Closing the door of the room and looking at the lights of ten thousand homes outside the window, Gu Chen seemed very peaceful at the moment.

Then he lay down on the bed and opened Taobao.

Looking at the familiar interface for a while, it was this that changed his life, making him very curious about what kind of existence this was.

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't understand it, so I gave up directly.

Today's specials are then selected.


"Congratulations to the user for getting a news message from the future."

Instantly, the phone popped up two notifications.

"Future news? Boy? So powerful?

Rao is a strong bearer, and Gu Chen also exclaimed.

Then click in and see, but it is a demolition plan for the south of Huahai City, south of the city, on the outskirts of the city.

The official plan is to build a new tertiary hospital there, and the district government will relocate there, and the educational resources will also be moved there, which will become the new district center of Huahai City.

At that time, house prices will definitely skyrocket, and whoever knows the news first will dominate this game.

Notices will be decentralized and tenders will be held at the same time as they come in the coming week.

Seeing this, Gu Chen was excited, followed by a pity.

Because he doesn't have any real estate companies or anything like that, even if he buys a lot of land, he can only sell it.

Although that can make him a lot of money, the real big head is still won by those real estate companies.

"It's a pity that Dad's company went bankrupt, otherwise I could have helped Dad's career to ascend to heaven directly!"

When Gu Chen thought of this, he was quite sorry.

Before his family went bankrupt, he was a real estate company.

It is also one of the best in the local area.

But unexpectedly, in the end, he ended up bankrupt, not without thinking that someone wanted to fix his father.

At that time, he did not know much about his company, and his father did not say much, he thought that his father had taken a big step, resulting in a shortage of capital chains.

The project was unfinished, and it was directly judged by the court to be insolvent and applied for bankruptcy.

Shaking his head, no longer thinking so much.

Let's buy the land first!

Don't be too greedy, let's sleep!

Then he put down his phone and closed his eyes.

Only a little light from the outside refracts into the room, creating a peaceful atmosphere.


After breakfast, when Gu Chen originally wanted to send Xu Shishi to the company first, Chu Xinyi directly came over and said that the two would go together.

Gu Chen shrugged, wishing so, after all, he still had very important things to do today.

But before leaving, he asked how much cash the group still had, all but the other shareholders.

After all, he didn't want to pull the group into this matter, and he couldn't tell when the time came to settle the account.

Although Chu Xinyi was curious about why Gu Chen wanted so much money, she still told him.

At present, the liquid funds of the group are still about 1.8 billion, and according to the calculation of 58% of the shares, it belongs to him almost more than 140 million.

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