Walking to the parking lot, Gu Chen threw the key directly to Gan Le.

Seeing Gan Le like a puppet, Gu Chen said directly; "What are you stunned for? By car! When

Gan Le heard this, his expression suddenly became colorful, looking at this domineering supercar, the excitement in Gan Le's eyes was indescribable.

It's like touching your wife, gently stroking.

The corner of Gu Chen's mouth twitched, it seems that this guy really likes supercars.

Then Gan Le skillfully started the car and started on the road, Gu Chen Yuguang looked at Gan Le, and found that he was extremely serious when driving, like a devout believer.

It was completely inconsistent with the previous appearance, which surprised Gu Chen slightly, it seems that this kid is not without help!

At traffic lights, intersections, and overtaking, the action of moving clouds and flowing water made Gu Chen's eyes widen.

Along the way, it reached Tomson Yipin very smoothly.

Gan Le touched the steering wheel very reluctantly, and was about to get out of the car.

"What are you doing? Come and pick me up tomorrow morning at 9am! Then

he got up and closed the door.

Leave behind a puzzled sweetness.

When I think about it, I understand.

Looking at Gu Chen's back, he felt that Gu Chen was not so annoying?

Then he started the car even more excitedly.

Before, because Gu Chen was there, he drove very steadily, and now, he went directly to the outer ring and directly raced a few laps before returning to his home.

Gan Yuan has long been at home.

"How? What do you think today? Seeing his son return, he immediately smiled and asked with a smile.

"No feelings!"

Hearing his father's question, he couldn't help but think of Gu Chen's words before, which made him ponder for a long time, after all, no one had said these words to him before, but he said directly with a hard mouth.

Finally, I went back to my room.

And who is Gan Yuan? Knowing his son Mo Ruo's father, he saw his son change on the first day, and immediately thanked Gu Chen.

"It seems that the decision I made yesterday was the right one!"

Then he ignored his son and continued to go out to work.


Gan Le went to Tomson Yipin early and waited.

Looking at the design inside, Gan Le also sighed, I didn't expect Gu Chen to live here, you must know that the real rich people live here.

Thinking about it, he saw Gu Chen walking out slowly.

"Still going there yesterday?" When Gu Chen got into the car, Gan Le asked.

"Nope! Go to Taiyu Group! Gu Chen shook his head and said.

Gan Le had no opinion and drove directly on the road.

An hour later, arrive at Taiyu Group.

"Hello chairman?"

Along the way, just like yesterday, the employees passing by greeted Gu Chen respectfully when they saw it, and they looked incredibly happy.

"What did I hear? Chairman? Taewoo Group is his? Many

questions flashed through my mind.

He didn't expect that the famous Taiyu Group was all his.

It wasn't until Gu Chen's office saw Gu Chen skillfully sitting on the seat that belonged to only one person, and from time to time someone came to report affairs, that he believed that Gu Chen was really the chairman of Taiyu Group.

"You are still the chairman of Taewoo?" Finally, seeing an executive leave, Gan Le couldn't hold back and couldn't help but ask.

"You think I'm just like you, only eating, drinking, and having fun?" Gu Chen glanced at Gan Le.

Ling Ganle's face turned red, and then he fell silent.

After that, he listened to Gu Chen's skillful arrangement of various tasks and unique insights, which made him benefit a lot.

For a while, Gu Chen's inner senses were also quietly changing.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, it is time to leave work.

"Let's go!"

Gu Chen's voice sounded in his ears, which made him recall that he had left work.

It made him slightly regretful, why did he leave work?

He also thought carefully about what Gu Chen said before, and there were many things he didn't understand.

In the car, he finally asked.

Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't expect the other party to change so quickly, but he still explained it in detail.

So the relationship between the two gradually became harmonious.

On the third day, Gu Chen went to the Huatian Hotel, which surprised Gan Le for a while, and they all guessed how many industries Gu Chen still had!

Remote Transportation Group.

In the office farmroom, General Manager He Fan stood aside to report his work.

"Mr. Gu, I just got the news that the Ocean Shipping Company is preparing to sell their company's cargo ship." Manager Han said.

"Oh? Boat? Gu Chen was stunned.

"Yes! At the beginning, we also had our own cargo ship remotely, and in the end we sold it, and cargo ship transportation is the largest mode of transportation today! I think that by restarting a few cargo ships, our transport capacity will be greatly increased.

Manager He explained.


Gu Chen nodded, and he thought more.

At that time, it is more convenient to cooperate with those raw material suppliers in person, and you can also go to the world faster.

"However, with our company's financial resources, we can buy at most one boat!"

Manager He was very happy to hear Gu Chen's agreement, but in the end, his face was embarrassed.

"Nothing, since you want to do it, then do it bigger! You are not responsible for the funding.

Gu Chen said angrily.

Since the money of Yiyue Group arrived, he directly settled the bank loan, and there are still more than 30 billion in the card! He didn't know how to spend it!

Manager He was overjoyed when he heard this, and now he already knew that the Taiyu Group, which was now in full swing, was the boss's, which made him even more enthusiastic.

The raw material transportation channels in Taiyu Group in the province are taken over by themselves, but unfortunately, the current long-distance development is limited, and the transportation of the whole country can only sigh.

So he is now seizing any opportunity to develop remotely.

"One more thing!"

Thinking of another thing, Manager He's face suddenly sank.

"What's going on?"

"That's when I found out that someone targeted us remotely recently!" Manager He reported.

"What? Did you find out? When

Gu Chen heard this, his brows frowned.

"According to my investigation, it was done by the previous Dongfeng Transportation Group, but there is no evidence!"

"Don't startle the snake in this matter!" After thinking about it, Gu Chen squinted his eyes.


"Go! Develop yourself first! Go to Sino-Ocean Group!

Then Gu Chen and his party went straight to the headquarters of Sino-Ocean Group.

Today's world situation is gradually calming down, and the world economy is also accelerating integration, so it has a huge impact on many domestic enterprises.

Someone swayed up, someone shot it with huge waves.

Among them, Sino-Ocean Group is like this, after experiencing the impact of the world economy, it gradually developed slowly, and was even on the verge of bankruptcy, and had to sell its cargo ships to return funds.

This time, Gu Chen did not drive his own car, but took the company's car.

"Manager He, what forces will compete with us?" On the way, Gu Chen asked.

"The three major transportation groups in Jiang Province will come out, and many large and small companies will also pass, and the Dongfeng Transportation Company that has a feud with us is even more inevitable!" Manager He showed a solemn expression when he heard this.

"Oh? It seems to be a vicious battle! Gu Chen also put away his relaxed expression.


If Manager He didn't know that his boss was the chairman of Taiyu Group, he wouldn't have the guts to compete.

So the car fell into a quiet state.

Only happy to say nothing.

"Forget it, buy as many as you can!" Finally, Gu Chen shrugged.

"Brother Dust!"

At this time, Gan Le couldn't help but exclaim.

After a few days, Gan Le had already regarded Gu Chen as the person he admired the most, and the word Brother Chen blurted out, extremely skilled.

"Huh? What's wrong? Gu Chen also glanced at him with a smile.

As the saying goes, the prodigal son does not change his head for gold.

It is not an exaggeration that the current Gan Lebi was really reborn before, and those fools who fooled around with him before would probably not recognize Gan Le if they saw Gan Le again.

"I know the young son of Sino-Ocean Group!" Gan Le said after hesitating for a moment.

"We've played together before and the relationship is not bad! Maybe we can ask him for help? "

Oh? It seems that you were not a fool before! Hearing

this, Gu Chen was stunned, he didn't expect Gan Le to have this relationship, and suddenly laughed.


Gan Le blushed when he heard this and coughed.

"Okay, then you can get in touch! Maybe we can buy a boat directly from him! Then Gu Chen said seriously.

Manager He also showed an expectant look, he didn't expect that the one who followed Gu Chen all day was still a rich second generation.


Then Gan Le directly took out his mobile phone, flipped to the previous phone, and called.

"Hello? Ryoko!

"Hello? Lezi, why are you willing to call me? I

saw a young voice on the other end of the phone.

"Haha, naturally there is something to find you the boss? How's it going?

"What is your boy looking for me? I've been dying lately! One of my family's companies is going out of business!

"I didn't expect that our grand young master of the Du family would also care about his own industry, it's really rare!"

When Gan Le heard this, he immediately quipped.

"you! Okay, what's the matter?

"I heard that your Sino-Ocean Group is going to sell the ship?" Gan Le went straight to the point when he heard this.

"That's right, how do you know? Why, your famous Gan Le also began to turn back? Hearing

Gan Le's words, the other side directly admitted.

"I have a big brother here who wants to buy all the boats in your house! What do you think?

After saying that, he was actually a little nervous in his heart, after all, the last thing these children talked about was righteousness.

"What? You even have a big brother? "

I didn't expect that the focus of the two sides was not in the same place at all.

Gan Le touched his nose and looked a little embarrassed: "Nonsense! Okay, give a letter! The price is according to the market! A

cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone: "Of course!" But I would like to meet the big brother you are talking about.

"Good! We're heading to your pier now, if you want to come! "

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