Gan Le, who was concentrating on driving, was stunned when he heard this, and then smiled: "Coincidentally, a shareholder of ZTE Group was still eating at my house yesterday!" "

Oh?" Gu Chen became interested when he heard this.

"Uncle Zhang and my family are family friends, is there something wrong with Brother Chen? I know without my dad!

Gan Le replied with a smile.

"Hmm! I want to talk to ZTE Group about business. Gu Chen nodded, so he said the idea of acquiring the research laboratory released by ZTE Group.

"Brother Dust, you also pay attention to this, but this is something that burns money and can't see results!"

When Gan Le heard that Gu Chen was interested in that project, he was immediately anxious.

Seeing Gu Chen nodding, he quickly said the news he knew: "Brother Chen, don't be impulsive!" Yesterday, I heard Uncle Zhang say that that project is a bottomless pit, and they invested more than 30 billion yuan into it without any results, so they wanted to throw this hot hand out. He

truly admired Gu Chen, and naturally wanted to persuade.

Gu Chen was very moved when he heard this, he knew Gan Le's kindness, but he couldn't tell the truth that he knew: "I know, thank you for reminding, but I'm still very interested!" "

Brother Dust!"

Seeing that he couldn't persuade, Gan Le couldn't help, he knew that once Gu Chen decided, he would not change.

"Okay, Brother Dust, I'll help you contact the other party, but you still think about it carefully, even ZTE Group can't afford it."

Gan Le agreed.

"Don't worry! I know it! Gu Chen smiled and looked confident.

Seeing this, Gan Le no longer spoke, but the expression on his face revealed his concern.

Does he believe that Gu Chen can have money no matter how rich someone is in the Jiaxing Group?

After that, Gu Chen went to Taiyu Group to deal with affairs.

At noon, while eating, Gan Le gave Gu Chen a message.

"Brother Dust, I contacted my uncle before, and he said that he had time in the afternoon and could promise to meet you."

Gan Le sat down and said to Gu Chen.

Hearing this, Gu Chen was overjoyed, and said with a sincere expression: "Hmm! Thank you for having fun, you can reply that I can find him in the afternoon.

"It's okay!" Gan Le waved his hand, wanted to say more, but finally did not speak.

ZTE Group, one of the top 100 domestic electronics enterprises, is also the largest and most technologically advanced integrated circuit chip manufacturer in China, a real behemoth.

Its headquarters is located in Huahai City, Jiangjiazui, a veritable international large enterprise!

The headquarters building has a total of more than 100 floors, and the strength is not known how many times stronger than Taiyu Group!

Looking at the huge building that plunged straight into the sky, Gu Chen sighed again and again, much more magnificent than his own company.

However, he was proud at the moment, and he was not affected by this in the slightest, but stimulated his inner ambition.

"In the future, my group will definitely be more magnificent than here! Bigger! Gan

Le on the side naturally felt the changes in Gu Chen, and felt that Gu Chen at this moment could be regarded as having the true vitality of a young man.

Before, he felt that although Gu Chen was extremely stable, he didn't look like a young guy in his twenties.

"Brother Dust, let's go!"

When you get here, you can't give up halfway, and Gan Le no longer persuades.

"Eh! Let's go! Gu Chen, who was interrupted by Gan Le's fantasy, blushed and took the lead in taking a step.

"Hello sir, do you need any help?"

The front desk asked professionally;

Gu Chen responded with a smile; "Are we looking for Mr. Zhang?"

"Do you have an appointment?"


Gu Chen nodded.

So the front desk inquired and let it go directly, naturally there was a special person to lead the way.

"By the way, can your uncle speak in the company?"

Inside the elevator, Gu Chen remembered something and asked Gan Le Dao, who was familiar with the light car;

"Of course!" Gan Le had a proud expression.

The leader in the elevator looked at Gan Le in surprise, but he did not expect that the general manager of the group turned out to be his uncle.

Then it became more respectful and welcoming.

The elevator clanged, Gu Chen looked at it and stopped at the eighty-eighth floor.

"Two gentlemen, President Zhang is inside, I will go down first!"

The staff led the two to a door and said respectfully.

"Thank you!" Gu Chen nodded slightly in thanks.

Who knew that Gan Le walked straight in without knocking on the door.

"Uncle Zhang!"

Gan Le shouted enthusiastically.

Gu Chen saw that a middle-aged man with a solemn face was sitting there dealing with official business, and when he heard Gan Le's voice, his frown could be instantly dissolved.

The momentum on his body then dissipated.

"You boy, don't knock when you come in!"

The authentic Hua Haiyin came over.

Gu Chen, who had lived here for nearly five years, listened without any pressure,

and then the middle-aged man looked at Gu Chen with a sense of scrutiny.

However, Gu Chen did not lose the momentum of the other party, but was even more forced.

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised.

Joke, now Gu Chen's wings are gradually full, and as the boss of many companies, the momentum on his body is even more than enough.

Then Gu Chen's momentum retracted and he took the first two steps.

"Hello Mr. Zhang! I am Gu Chen, chairman of Taiyu Group! It's an honor to meet you! He

introduced to the other party with a smile.

Gan Le on the side naturally wanted to help his eldest brother: "Yes! Uncle Zhang, this is my eldest brother, Gu Chen!

"Hello! Mr. Gu! The middle-aged man also laughed;

Before he learned Gu Chen's identity, as well as what Gan Yuan said to himself last night, he was extremely curious about Gu Chen.

"Not bad!" However, the more he looked at it, the more extraordinary Gu Chen became, and the momentum on his body suppressed himself.

"Mr. Zhang should know my intentions, right?"

Sitting in the reception place, Gu Chen went straight to the point.

The middle-aged man nodded when he heard this: "Uh-huh, Xiaole told me on the phone before!" Speaking

of this, he looked at Gu Chen a little surprised, to know that this is not a small project, or a large project of tens of billions, those giants dare not take over, did not expect that a layman had the courage to come over.

One bad thing is the result of bankruptcy liquidation, he doesn't know where this young man's confidence comes from.

"So I went straight to the point with Mr. Zhang, wondering if your company really intends to sell that research room?" Gu Chen said with a smile.

"Naturally!" The middle-aged man nodded.

"And the price you gave is 5 billion?"

"That's right!"

"Okay then! Then I asked for it directly! Hearing

this, Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense and decided directly.


Hearing Gu Chen's words, not only the middle-aged man was stunned, but also Gan Le, who came with him, and the whole person was petrified.

How does it talk about business?

"Mr. Gu is not kidding, right?" The middle-aged man who came back to his senses looked at Gu Chen incredulously.

Gu Chen said with a serious face: "Of course! If Mr. Zhang can call the shots, we can sign the contract now! "

Just kidding, where does Gu Chen have so much time to talk, it's better to cut the mess quickly, get it early and rest assured!"

"Brother Dust, don't be impulsive!" Gan Le also followed the persuasion.

"Don't worry! I'm measured!

Gu Chen's tone was calm and gave Gan Le a reassuring look.

"Ahem, please wait a moment for Mr. Gu, I can't make such a big decision alone!"

The middle-aged man's face was slightly unnatural, and then he smiled bitterly.

Gu Chenyun was light and breezy, with a look of understanding that I understood: "It's okay, Mr. Zhang can give me the answer as soon as possible, I am full of sincerity!"

Then the middle-aged man went to report, and only Gu Chen was happy in the huge office.

"Brother Dust, in fact, you don't need to be in such a hurry, if you continue to talk, they should reduce the price."

Gan Le couldn't wait to persuade.

"I know! It's just that if you can hurry up, even if you talk about it, it won't be much lower, I might as well be direct, so that I can still leave a good impression in their eyes!

Gu Chen said with confidence in his eyes.

"This..." Hearing this, what else can Gan Le say, not even hundreds of millions in his eyes, he is now a little curious where Gu Chen can get so much cash, although Taiyu's market value is tens of billions, but the cash can't get much, he still knows this.

Not to mention that yesterday he took out 800 million in cash in one go.

Half an hour later, the middle-aged man walked in with a happy face.

"Haha, Mr. Gu, then we have a good cooperation?" Came directly to Gu Chen and said boldly.

You must know that this is only what he talked about, so the benefits to him are self-evident.

"Happy cooperation!" When Gu Chen heard this, his heart was ecstatic, but he still suppressed it.

The middle-aged man thought about it or reminded, "I wonder if Mr. Gu wants to go to the research laboratory?" "

After all, this was brought by my nephew.

"Oh? May I? Gu Chen was stunned.

"I can still call the shots on this!" The middle-aged man said in an atmospheric manner.

When Gu Chen heard this, he couldn't ask for it!

So the few people went directly to the research laboratory.

The laboratory is naturally not here, but in the high-tech park not far away.

In the car.

"Mr. Gu, I don't hide from you, we didn't plan to start this project at the beginning, but the director of the leading experiment is an international winner who was nominated for the Nobel Prize!" So we set up the project directly.

"But I didn't expect that this is a gold cave, we spent a total of nearly 40 billion, and we didn't even find a hair!" Therefore, everyone couldn't sit still, and originally wanted to give up the project directly, but they didn't expect that the person in charge of the experiment, Director Lin, would never agree. Speaking

of this, the middle-aged man was also embarrassed.

"So we can only sell it, but Mr. Gu rest assured, that person we signed a contract for twenty years With his strength, as long as he abandons this project and studies other projects, then you will definitely not suffer!"

Finally, feeling that Gu Chen was pitted, the middle-aged man said gratefully.

"Why didn't Mr. Zhang keep it for himself?" If Gu Chen hadn't known the truth a month later, he would really have been hit by this news.

"Alas, this group of scientists is a group of crazy people who admit death, and he said that he will definitely not study this project without research... Ahem"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, he vomited bitter water, and finally remembered something, and was immediately embarrassed.

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