Gu Chen saw this Liu Si's face full of a lost expression, and instantly asked with a frown.

Liu Si hurriedly responded to Gu Chen with a yin and yang strange look.

"No, no, no! How dare I feel unhappy with the work that Mr. Gu has given me, I think... can I really do it? After all, I am just a small hall master of the Blue and Flower Hall. In

her heart, she

was indeed frantically complaining about how there could be a person like Gu Chen in this world.

"Posing with such a super invincible big beauty, well, a woman with a super good figure does not touch here, actually thinking that I will work for him? Is this a man? Zhou Pickpocket is not so exaggerated!

Although he complained, Liu Si's heart was still happy, because Gu Chen had actually agreed to her request.

Isn't 300 million coming soon, and when the money is in place, those kidnappers can act.

"At that time, whether it is Li Jiahao or the Li family, I want you to know what is called the anger of the Avenger!"

Thinking of this, Liu Si couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

But Gu Chen coughed.

"Give me your account number or something."

Liu Si was directly stunned, he didn't expect that Gu Chen was still such a monkey man.

It's just...

"Don't I need to find a lawyer to make a contract or something, isn't it a little too hasty to transfer all the money directly to me in private!" After all, this is 300 million, not 330,000.

Liu Si frowned, always feeling that this Gu Chen seemed to have a little bit of no concept of money, and suddenly made her feel uneasy.

But Gu Chen said with a sigh.

"Originally, I just came out for a meal at noon and gave it to me....the subordinates brought some food or something, but I suddenly ran into your stall, and I really thought I was free!" They haven't brought their food back yet!

"So far, they haven't called, and I don't know if they fainted hungry, if I wait here for you to find a lawyer, it will be too much time to waste."

"I don't want to go back and see my employees looking at me like hungry wolves, so you know what I mean?"

"I, Gu Chen, don't have so much time now, and you Qinghuatang Red Flower Society people continue to waste anymore."

A series of responses directly made Liu Sidu feel a little blindfolded.

"Ah this, ah ah is this like this, but Mr. Gu, if you don't leave any evidence, what should you do if I don't plan to pay back the money in the future, or if there are any special circumstances that I run away directly?"

In the end, Liu Si still didn't know how to persuade Gu Chen, and he could only faintly express the thoughts that flashed in his heart.

Gu Chen took a deep look at this Liu Si, and it was very obvious that he could see the careful thinking in this guy's heart.

Then Gu Chen said without salt.

"Do you know, if you really take my Gu Chen's money and don't plan to return it to me, unless you really run to an isolated island, otherwise even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will have a way to find you."

"As for what will happen after that, I can't guarantee."

Gu Chen's words like a threat directly said that he had blinded Liu Si, and then Liu Si was dumbfounded.

"Indeed, if it is President Gu, you do have such ability, I think too much..."

After Liu Si was completely relieved, he silently gave his bank card number to Gu Chen.

After Gu Chen took it, he didn't say much, but looked at Jiang Min.

After Jiang Min and Gu Chen looked at each other, they immediately knew the meaning of their admirers.

"Now the account can also be used, there is no problem, I have also prepared a three-level encryption and jump permission for it, unless it is calculated by using the top foreign computer to find the last vest I set."

"Even after opening the vest, you will only find an anonymous account, so Brother Gu Chen is fine, don't worry!"

Gu Chen nodded very satisfied when he heard this, and he stretched out his hand and stroked Jiang Min's hair with a smile as an intimate reward.

But Jiang Min's words were directly shocked by Liu Si, who listened to the conversation between the two in his mind on the side.

Liu Si took advantage of Gu Chen's transfer on the side to find Jiang Min and said.

"Sister Jiang Min, you you just said such a series of meanings, meaning no, are you a super hacker! Is this account of Mr. Gu the kind of super account mentioned in the movie! The kind that can transfer money at will!

Jiang Min looked at Liu Si, who was very excited, and felt her paws grab her shoulders, slightly unpleasant.

Probably realizing that Jiang Min didn't seem to like the feeling of being held like this, Liu Si hurriedly released his palm and said.

"I'm sorry, sister Jiang Min, I'm so happy, I didn't expect the hacker to be by my side!" This is simply a super surprise, I have loved watching hacker movies since I was a child, and I like and yearn for your profession very much!

"You said that I can't learn hacking again at my age!"

Liu Si showed a very strong interest.

Then Gu Chen silently stopped Liu Si, whose face was about to fit on Jiang Min's face.

"Ah, what is it!"

Liu Si looked at a very blurry piece of paper that suddenly appeared between himself and Jiang Min, was slightly stunned, and then raised his head and leaned back, only to find that Gu Chen had turned his bank card number back.

"President Gu, what does this mean?"

Liu Si looked at Gu Chen's indifferent look in disbelief and asked.

"Don't? If you don't want it, forget it. "


"Okay, you're stupid, the money has already arrived in your account, or this card number has to make any difference."

It's just that Liu Si found that he was unknowingly teased by Gu Chen.

But Liu Si not only did not have any anger, but was even very happy, because she opened her mobile phone and saw the SMS prompt and balance on it, and instantly covered her mouth with her palm.

The symbol of money constantly flashed in his eyes.

"One by two! Three..."

She kept silently counting the zeros displayed on the phone in her mind... It's like a natural money fan.

Gu Chen didn't say anything more about this, but silently pressed the call service button on his hand, that is, embedded in this table.

Immediately, Lang Mingyue walked in with a bright smile and said to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, your meal is ready."

Wu Lan also came in behind this Lang Mingyue with a dark face at this time.

He didn't look at Liu Si, just sat directly in his place and waited for Liu Si's initiative to speak.

However, at this time, Liu Si was still indulging in the joy of his own wealth, where else was there any mind to care about his Grandpa Wu!

Gu Chen was so confused by Wu Lan's negative emotions that he had to say to Lang Mingyue.

"Very good, take them and prepare to come with me, I should go back after coming out for such a long time."

When he said this, Jiang Min directly followed Gu Chen and got up.

Instantly woke up Liu Si, who was immersed in 300 million happiness on the side, and she said to Gu Chen Jiang Min with a smile without showing her teeth.

"Hehe, I'll send President Gu and Sister Jiang Min! Eh, Grandpa Wu, when did you come back, that's just right, let's send us President Gu together!

When Liu Si put away his mobile phone, he noticed that he didn't know when Wu Lan had returned to his seat.

It's just that the expression on his face is still so foul, and he thinks Liu Si is a bad woman!

"What's wrong, Grandpa Wu! Eh! That's right, that's right! You see, you see! Mr. Gu has already called me the money! Originally

, Liu Si wanted to care about Wu Lan, but the joy in his heart at this time directly made Liu Si's thinking dizzy.

He completely forgot what his surname was, and directly handed the money balance on his mobile phone to Liu Si to watch.

Liu Si doesn't know if he doesn't look at this, he is shocked when he sees it!

"What, this is a lot of money, Mr. Gu! You really fancy Liu Si this girl! I'll tell you, she grinds her teeth and snores when she sleeps! It's always good to eat and lazy at home alone! If you accept her, you are making yourself guilty!

"Just let her go!"

Even if Liu Sier didn't say a word, he had to grab Gu Chen and intercede with Liu Si for mercy.

However, this move directly made Gu Chen unable to get it, and he directly stopped Wu Lan.

"No, no, Elder Wu, you first find out the situation, you have to kneel for me when you come up, I can't bear it!"

Gu Chen looked at this even more embarrassed Liu Si again, and his eyes signaled this guy to hurry over and persuade, no, it should be a clear explanation! Nothing happened to either of them!

Really if you collect a little lover on Xiangcheng Island, what will happen when you return to Huahai City in the future, and this news reaches Chu Xinyi's ears?

That must be Gu Chen's going to suffer! Just to avoid this kind of rotten peach blossom scandal, Gu Chen must explain it clearly to this Liu Si Wu Lan.

Otherwise, I will inexplicably carry the reputation of a buyer, then say it... Isn't it humiliating?

"Liu Si, why are you still there, don't hurry up and tell your Grandpa Wu about the situation, all this is not what he thinks!"

Liu Si, who was so shocked that he couldn't say anything or do normal things after not knowing that he was beaten by Gu Chen's three hundred million, looked at Wu Lan in a trance, and he wanted to kneel down and beg Gu Chen to let him go.

One desperately knelt down to block Wu Lan.

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