Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, in order to apologize to me, you have been looking for me for most of the month?

Suddenly, a pair of eyes kept looking in front of the general manager.

Seeing that Gu Chen did not speak, he thought that he did not accept it, so the general manager was anxious: "Mr. Gu, this matter is the fault of our bar, don't worry, the leader who offended you before has already fired him."

"Okay, if the general manager just came to apologize, then you can go!"

Gu Chen thought that he had come to trouble himself, but he didn't expect to apologize, and he suddenly lost interest.


Now it was the turn of the general manager to be stunned, so easy to talk?

"So, Mr. Gu forgave us?" However, he still couldn't rest assured and asked more.

"Hmm!" Gu Chen nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Gu, when Mr. Gu goes to M2 in the future, I will definitely welcome you warmly!"

The general manager slapped his horse's butt, and then continued: "I wonder if Mr. Gu has time?" Our boss wants to meet Mr. Gu? As

soon as Gu Chen heard it, he became interested, he heard Gan Le say that the owner of this bar was very mysterious, and he didn't expect to see himself?

"Who is your boss?"

"Our boss Yang Tian!" The general manager hesitated for a moment, but still spoke up.

After listening to it, Gu Chen found that he didn't know, which top rich second generation should be!

"Let's talk about it later!" So Gu Chen was also no longer interested, and said lightly.


The general manager was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he still didn't dare to offend Gu Chen, and left directly after waiting for a few words.

At this time, Gan Le walked in, and he naturally heard the previous words, so without Gu Chen asking, he told Yang Tian's news.

"Brother Dust, I heard of this Yang Tian, but I didn't expect him to be the owner behind the bar, his family is in the field of energy, I heard that the background is very deep, and I don't know much!"

Gan Le smiled and said what he knew.

"Oh? In terms of energy? The water is very deep!

Gu Chen was surprised.

"But what is he looking for me for?"

Then asked curiously.

"It is estimated that I want to befriend you, Brother Dust, you don't know how famous you are now."

Gan Le explained with a smile when he heard this.

These days, many people have called him, just to see Gu Chen.

Gu Chen raised his eyebrows, he knew that since the advent of new chips, the industry will usher in great changes, so many people want to see themselves and cooperate with themselves.

No, as soon as the two finished speaking, Gu Chen's phone rang again.

He opened it and saw that it was Gan Le's father Gan Yuan calling.

"Your dad called!"

Smiled and said a word to Gan Le and connected.

"Hello? What are Mr. Gan's instructions?

"Mr. Gu said and smiled, I don't know if Mr. Gu has time recently!"

Gan Yuan laughed loudly when he heard this, and then went straight to the point.

As soon as Gu Chen heard it, he knew that there was something: "President Gan called, even if there is none, there must be it!"

"Haha, that's right! Mr. Gu has not seen everyone in almost two months since he joined the Chamber of Commerce, so the president asked me to ask you, do you have time, let's meet together and get to know each other?

Gan Yuan said the matter directly.

"Oh?" Gu Chen understood as soon as he heard it.

"When?" But think about it or agree, he is still very curious about this Chamber of Commerce.

Gan Yuan naturally knew what those people were thinking: "Tonight!

"Good! I'll be there then!

Gu Chen readily agreed.

"My dad invited you to the Huahai Chamber of Commerce?" After hanging up the phone, Gan Le asked curiously.

Gu Chen nodded.

"I guess that group of people want to get to know you through the Chamber of Commerce! After all, Brother Dust, you are too difficult to see! Gan Le analyzed with a smile.

Gu Chen smiled and did not deny it.

So Gu Chen sat in the teahouse for an afternoon.

At this time, on the other side of the ocean.

A conference room.

Several white uncles had very ugly faces.

"Oh my God! It's incredible! I didn't expect that the backward Huaxia could also develop such an advanced chip! It's hard for me to understand! One

of the white uncles sitting on the left was shocked.

"Yes! According to the information we got, it was developed by a group named Longteng!

Another person also said according to the information received.

"I heard that the performance is more than a thousand times more than the market! But it's not fake, once it comes out, it will have a huge impact on us!

The middle-aged white boss at the head said in a low tone.

"It should not be fake, this incident has caused a huge movement in Huaxia."

"It would be nice to have samples! So that it can be inferred whether it is true or not? The

crowd spoke.

"Okay, let's send someone to contact first! Seeing if I can get a sample, I have a hunch that it will be very bad for us! You must know that the largest production of our chips is in Huaxia, and once that kind of chip comes out, it will be a disaster for us. The

white boss at the head finally decided;

For these, Gu Chen did not know.

At this time, he had already arrived at the place Gan Yuan said.

This is a private clubhouse.

The magnificent building, coupled with the fountain in front of the square, looks full of art.

In front of the gate stood several elite men, and one of the middle-aged men looked around anxiously.

Zhenghai saw a sports car stopped in front of the fountain, and a young and handsome man came down, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly trotted over.

"Mr. Gu, I thought you weren't coming?"

Greet with a smile.

Gu Chen smiled when he heard this: "President Gan, I don't seem to be late!"

"No, no, I'm too anxious!" Please, President, they have all arrived!

Gan Yuan shook his head, glanced at his son, and said to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen naturally walked forward unceremoniously, and looked at the surrounding environment from time to time.

"That's right! Mr. Gan, this is the hall of the Chamber of Commerce, right? Gu Chen asked curiously.

Gan Yuan nodded: "Not bad!" This is the hall of the Chamber of Commerce, and we usually meet here.

After that, Gan Yuan took Gu Chen all the way unimpeded, came inside, and directly arrived at the chat room on the second floor.

There were already about a dozen people sitting inside, most of them middle-aged men.

Gan Yuan came in first, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Following Gu Chen, dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Gu Chen in unison as soon as he entered.

Gu Chen had no pressure, he scanned it directly and found that most of them were big guys who had seen on TV or in the newspaper.

"This must be Mr. Gu Chen! What a young and promising person!

One of the oldest and most imposing middle-aged men spoke first, with a big smile between his words.

Gan Yuan hurriedly introduced Gu Chen: "This is President Zhou Yuanding of our Chamber of Commerce, President Zhou!"

"Hello! President Zhou! Gu Chen nodded when he heard this, and replied politely.

"Haha, I have long heard of Mr. Gu's name, and I have never had the opportunity to meet each other! I finally saw it today, and it's really worthy of the name!

"That's right, that's right!"

"Yes, extreme!"

Suddenly, one voice after another sounded from the chat room, and the huge enthusiasm of everyone made Gu Chen a little unable to adapt.

There is no way to reach out and not hit the smiling person, Gu Chen can only greet everyone one by one, and after a circle, Gu Chen almost understands the background.

It really covers all walks of life! It is worthy of being the most famous chamber of commerce in Jiang Province.

However, Gu Chen probably has some understanding of their enthusiasm.

Sure enough, next, some big guys couldn't sit still.

"Mr. Gu! I heard that your Shenzhou series chips have been put into production?

A middle-aged man with glasses sitting not far to Gu Chen's left asked.

Gu Chen looked at it and immediately remembered his identity, surnamed Liu, who was the boss of a domestic electronics group.

Hearing this, the others also pricked up their ears.

"That's right!" Gu Chen naturally had nothing to hide, and directly admitted it.


It turned out to be true! In an instant, everyone's expressions were different, but they looked at Gu Chen even more enthusiastically!

"I wonder if Mr. Gu has any idea of selling?"

Mr. Liu asked with fiery eyes.


Gu Chen nodded, after all, he came here today for another purpose to find sales channels!


As soon as Gu Chen's words fell, it was like a calm lake dropped into a stone.

People who have ideas for chips are naturally very excited!

But they had seen the news of the Longteng Group press conference and saw Wang Wei's demonstration at that time, which was many times better than the performance of ordinary mobile phones!

"Then I don't know when Mr. Gu plans to make a move, can we establish a cooperative relationship?"

At this time, another electronics industry boss took the lead in asking.

When everyone heard this, they instantly cursed in their hearts and were despicable and shameless.

"Naturally!" Gu Chen nodded with a smile.

"Mr. Gu and me! Can we establish a partnership!

"We Hua Rui can also establish a cooperative relationship with Longteng!"


For a while, the chat room was like a vegetable market, and they all said enthusiastically to Gu Chen.

As the boss of the tens of billions of groups, they are all more powerful than one, naturally knowing that once the chip in Gu Chen's hand comes out, it will be a huge impact on the entire industry, maybe it will be reshuffled, and then they can also make a big profit.

"Yes, if you want to cooperate with me, I have a few conditions! That is, you must help me promote Longteng products.

Gu Chen said with a smile when he heard this.

These people's enterprises are all over various industries, and the crowd naturally covers men, women and children, which is definitely a huge help to the development of Longteng.

As soon as Gu Chen's words fell, the others immediately scolded the old fox, and they also saw Gu Chen's intentions.

But they also have no choice, they can only agree.

For a while, Gu Chen probably signed a cooperative relationship verbally with seven or eight companies.

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