Gu Chen returned to Sun Shulan's company, and the scene of everyone who imagined eating and drinking madly did not appear.

There are only people who are very silently holding bowls and chopsticks in front of their computers and looking at something.

Even Tong Zixin, who was running fast before, was very silent at this time in front of his computer to do something.

Gu Chen didn't know what was going on, so he walked directly to Tong Zixin's side and asked in a low voice.

"What a situation."

Tong Zixin said while carrying his own food.

"I don't know, when I come back, everyone is like this, and I will be like this."

Gu Chen almost fainted, and thought that something major had happened, and everyone was just tired and didn't want to talk for a long time.

Chen Yu seemed to have finally come to his senses at this time, staring at the big market with motionless eyes and said.

"Okay, 00456 on this stock slowly give me in, not much, a total of 10,000 hands slowly come well!"

Gu Chen turned his head to look at Chen Yu and found that the book in front of Chen Yu was full of code information of various stocks.

The whole person is like some kind of super stock trading machine.

Gu Chen didn't bother him well, because it was almost three o'clock at this time, which was a closing time, and the more he reached the end, the less he could panic.

Therefore, Gu Chen directly sat down very indifferently to watch their performance.

At the same time, I also began to take a little rest.

After all, there were too many things he experienced after arriving on this Xiangcheng Island, and the people he had contacted so far made Gu Chen a little unsure of how to remember.

It's time to take a break and review.

So, Gu Chen silently closed his eyes and began to think about his future layout while resting.

At this time, Li Jiajun was also thinking about his future, mainly because his accountant arrived and settled an account with himself.

After the calculation, Li Jiajun's whole person became worried.

"I've been busy for so long to earn less than 200 million? The most of them are not the money in the business where I sell the car, or the compensation money given to me by several other car owners, what is this called! "

Li Jiajun deeply understands his poverty.

After all, the money earned has not thrown away its own costs, the gross profit is not the net profit, he himself estimates that he can finally leave 100 million is considered to be his burning high incense.

"With such a speed of making money, when will I be able to marry my Zixin little baby!"

When he thought of Tong Zixin, Li Jiajun was very sad, and he always felt that he was simply the kind of man who was incapable.

It's a shame.

It's just that Li Jiajun's situation fell in the eyes of Uncle Liu beside him, and he felt a little sick-free figure.

"No, I made a hundred million in less than a month, what is this concept! Although the final income of these cars is about 30 million, it is a lot! That's a gross profit! "

He really wants to tell Li Jiajun that you are really amazing! Don't feel like rubbish!

But Uncle Liu suddenly thought that if it weren't for the surname of the person in front of him, Li Jiahao, who was the son of Li Jiahao, the richest man on Xiangcheng Island.

I'm afraid don't say 30 million a month, 3,000 yuan a month has a problem.

So, Uncle Liu opened his mouth and silently took back everything he wanted to say.

Staying by Li Jiajun's side so quietly made him cry.

But Lee didn't actually cry for long, because he quickly received a call from his fox friend.

"Ah Jun, come out to drink! There are Yanmars! "

Get out!"

Li Jiajun directly roared, directly letting his fox friend roll away.

The angry Li Jiajun hung up the phone, and was very unhappy, in fact, it was mainly Li Jiajun's fox friend who only said that he would drink, and Li Jiajun might still be a little interested.

But added a big Yanmar, then sorry, Li Jiajun is now in an absolutely calm state.

I simply don't have any interest in what Yanmar is, and I don't have any idea about what messy parties are.

However, just after Li Jiajun hung up the phone, another call suddenly came in.

Li Jiajun just connected the phone without saying a word, and scolded when he came up.

"Didn't I say, me! How dare you call over!

"Who do you let roll?"

But soon, Li Jiajun found that his cold sweat instantly covered his forehead.


Li Jiajun said tremblingly, and even the whole person directly stood up and dangled on the road and began to explain.

Uncle Liu was also taken aback by Li Jiajun's reaction.

"Oh, I'll go! Li Jiahao!

Li Jiajun said with a slightly ugly face.

"It's not what you think, just now my friend called me to go for a drink, I didn't respond all of a sudden, I thought they called me again!" I really am! I can't explain it clearly!

But Li Jiahao on the other end of the phone didn't seem to want to entangle himself with anything on this issue, just said lightly.

"Okay, shut up! I'm not calling you to hear how verbose you are talking to me here. "

Oh oh oh, then dad, what are you calling me at this time asking me for!"

Li Jiajun immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately began to ask Yan Yueshi about the purpose of Li Jiahao's call to himself.

"It's very simple and nothing, you pack my things for me now, and you don't go out again during this time."

Hearing this, Li Jiajun's whole person seemed to be struck by lightning, and he immediately refused.

"No, why, I'm doing business outside, you're going to let me go home with a word!"

"I don't! I tell you, I have already earned 100 million in less than a month, and at most in a hundred months, I will be able to earn enough money to marry Zixin! Li

Jiajun anxiously reported his income during this period, and then as expected, he was ridiculed by Li Jiahao.

"Have you not counted a hundred months yourself? It's only twelve months a year!

"You have to wait about eight years to be able to marry Tong Zixin, do you think your own character can wait?"

Even Li Jiahao said a problem that Li Jiajun did not consider at all.

"Eh, that's right! It's only December a year!

Li Jiajun's whole person jumped up, he only realized the charm of mathematics at this time, and in a trance, he seemed to see his math teacher standing at the end of the world and beckoning to him.

"Thank you for me off."

Li Jiajun smirked and wanted to confuse this problem, but how to say the effect.

It's not very good, anyway, Li Jiahao directly said it mockingly.

"How can I have such a stupid son as you!"

But soon Li Jiajun heard Li Jiahao snort.

"Forget it, you come back! Now immediately Immediately! But

Li Jiajun, as a rebellious child, heard his father's request without any reason, how could he directly agree to him.

Of course, he had to reject his father again.

"No, I want to make money to please my wife, unless you give me ten billion!" Otherwise! I will never go home!

When Li Jiahao heard this, the whole person was blinded, and he never thought that Li Jiajun was a little rabbit cub and took it seriously.

But it doesn't matter, as Li Jiajun's old father, Li Jiahao has a hundred and one way to sanction his faint son.

"Without my permission, even if you really earn ten billion in the future, what about Tong Zixin saying that if he doesn't marry you, he won't marry you."

"What! In order to prevent me from being happy, you actually did whatever it took to do anything! After

listening to his old father's speech, Li Jiajun immediately said that he wanted to fight him to the death.

Liu Ruhai was on the side, listening to the conversation between the most powerful father and son on this Xiangcheng Island, and he was simply worried, for fear that suddenly he would jump out of nowhere, and the two people would kill themselves.

Fortunately, after Li Jiajun finished his cruel words, he didn't know what Li Jiahao said on the other end of the phone.

In an instant, Li Jiajun, who was still in a state of madness, seemed to be in a daze, and said dejectedly.

"If that's the case, then okay!"

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly, and the whole person seemed to have lost his spirit.

Liu Ruhai, who was frightened on the side, hurriedly came up and asked cautiously.

"Li Shao, what is the situation!"

But Li Jiajun did not respond to this Liu Ruhai at the first time, but silently looked at the top of his head.

It was a blue sky, and Li Jiajun directly punched at the sky.

Frightened, Liu Ruhai directly walked a few steps away to the side and asked mournfully.

"Li Shao, what are you doing here!"

You won't go crazy! Liu Ruhai thought in his heart, and Li Jiajun actually responded to this Liu Ruhai this time.

"Throw a few fists at the sky and air every day! Not for anything else, just to the world!

Liu Ruhai suddenly widened her eyes and froze in place, looking blankly at the man in front of her.

He also didn't know why Li Jiajun suddenly said such a sentence that made his heart surging.

In short, at this time, Liu Ruhai felt that he really knew Li Jiajun, but now he always felt that it might be a little late.

Why? Because just after Li Jiajun finished speaking, he actually turned his head and began to pack his luggage.

What is the situation, isn't it clear that you are leaving?

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