The matter of smuggling is actually very rare in Gu Chen's time.

However, it could not stop some poor people from abroad from wanting to enter Xiangcheng Island to mix and eat.

After all, the salary on Xiangcheng Island is still very good, that is, renting a house is more expensive, and it is still a pigeon cage and the like.

But this is nothing for outsiders suffering abroad, as long as there is a place to sleep.

It doesn't matter if you can't straighten your legs, it's a difficult thing to live.

"Are you sure you're from inland?"

However, compared with the situation abroad, the gap between the rich and the poor between Xiangcheng Island and the inland is actually not as large as it was a long time ago, and even continues to narrow this gap.

Therefore, when Li Jiahao heard that someone would be smuggled to Xiangcheng Island from the mainland, he was still very surprised in his heart.

Because it's completely unnecessary.

No matter where you are, people with skills can eat, people with craftsmanship can live, and only those who have no ability, no craft and laziness will feel hard in life.

This means that Xiangcheng Island is not a good place to smuggle now, and the opportunity to dig for gold everywhere has passed.

Unless someone really has the ability to come to Xiangcheng Island, he can still occupy a world and carry out his own business.

But a group of people who need to smuggle people, how can there be any strong professionalism, is the top talent in their own industry.

That's why Li Jiahao feels strange and unnecessary.

For ordinary people, there is actually no difference between Xiangcheng Island and the mainland.


However, after some investigation, the male secretary found that the port they smuggled over was within a front station observation boundary that they had set up a long time ago.

Therefore, the male secretary can judge from the fishing boat they are riding on, this is a group of smugglers from the interior.

"Do you think they have something to do with our recent situation?"

And Li Jiahao is still a little puzzled, isn't he checking whether there is any problem with his asset transfer now.

Why did you suddenly find out about these smugglers before?

"My intuition tells me that at this critical time, it is definitely not easy for smugglers who can run from the outback who can work hard."

"And the most important thing is that I didn't find any records of their work."

The male secretary directly said such an answer very confidently.

This made Li Jiahao fall into silence, because a long time ago, when the smugglers were very hot, it was he Li Jiahao who did the most business in this area.

Why, because at that time, Li Jiahao was taking houses everywhere, taking land, and then what should he do after getting these things, of course, to build them all as soon as possible.

But because Li Jiahao's steps are too big, it is easy to pull his own light when walking, so the question is, where should such a large part of the gap go to find someone to fill it?

The answer is simple, of course, from those ordinary migrant workers in the hinterland.

At that time, Li Jiahao could be said to cover the sky with one hand, and directly opened his port on the side of a serious port.

The daily shuttle to and from the inland or Xiangcheng Island is simply lively.

Even sometimes, some people have seen Li Jiahao's smugglers and tourists passing by, but there is nothing at all, why, Li Jiahao's capital power! It's too powerful, there's no way.

Although later, because of the saturation of manpower and the increased supervision of Xiangcheng Island, many casualties on the construction site were too bad, so Li Jiahao was slightly sanctioned.

So that after that, Li Jiahao's manpower business has suffered twists and turns, but fortunately, Li Jiahao, a person with high art, is bold, and directly outsources his human resources business, and he is only responsible for collecting money, even if there is a problem with the smuggling of immigrants, he has no relationship.

Until today, Li Jiahao is still a bus-like existence of all smugglers on Xiangcheng Island, and all his small actions off the line cannot be concealed from him.

But now, the male secretary suddenly told him that a group of stowaways of unknown origin had appeared on his territory, and even after arriving on Xiangcheng Island, he did not have any work, so he suddenly disappeared.

This made Li Jiahao feel that something was wrong.

"Check, check it well."

After giving this order to the male secretary, Li Jiahao silently returned to his nutrition pool and began to cultivate.

No way, I'm not in grade anymore.

Still need a little... A little wellness.

The male secretary didn't speak, just bowed his head and probed there.

It seemed that this efficiency was a bit too low, so he directly put all the information on his tablet on the wall, and then said to Li Jiahao.

"Come, help me check it together."

Li Jiahao glanced at the male secretary who still had no expression in surprise, this was the first time this year that he had spoken to himself like this.


Therefore, Li Jiahao, who had just entered his own nutrition pool, immediately got up again and began to check the traces of this group of smugglers who came to Xiangcheng Island from the mainland.

"It's strange, it seems that someone is picking them up."

"Yes, and a bunch of people who can hide themselves."

After some exploration, the two finally found the gang of robbers in a certain suburban location, after a takeaway that spanned twenty kilometers.

But after that, Li Jiahao and the male secretary no longer had any substantive clues.

"Forget it, these people won't run into us anyway, I just think this matter is a little strange."

In the end, if you continue to investigate, the time and manpower spent will not be as simple as it is now.

So in order not to waste time, the male secretary voluntarily chose to give up.

Although Li Jiahao had any other opinions, the male secretary had already begun to check out their main source of industry funds.

That is the financial market.

After all, Xiangcheng Island was still known as the city of plate stars a long time ago, and the foreign exchange market has simply reached its limit.

Although it has since relented due to certain legal problems, it is still at the forefront of the world.

"The stock market problems I saw before are now normal, and our foreign exchange market, including but not limited to commodities, precious metals and other things, as well as some virtual currencies, are still very healthy, and the indices are also very normal."

"There are no problems."

After some judgment by the male secretary, he found that he definitely did not find any problems on his side.

But I don't know why, he vaguely felt a feeling of being surrounded.

"I don't quite understand why..."

"But I know there must be something we overlooked."

The male secretary finally said such an ambiguous sentence, and Li Jiahao answered him after a while.

"Keep looking and see if there is a problem with our sinking market."


A simple sentence immediately made the male secretary start to explore wildly.


On the other hand, as time flew by, Gu Chen gradually woke up from his nap.

At this time, Chen Yu was tired and fell asleep on his desk, and the computer in front of him was covered with notes.

There are many stock symbols on it, and some records of transactions.

Gu Chen could see at a glance that at the end of the market, this Chen Yu must have experienced a very difficult but also very intense period.

And turned his gaze, Sun Shulan's side is much better, Tong Zixin is holding a cup of coffee in his hand, gently and indifferently smiling and talking to Jiang Min Mia next to him, the three seem to get along very well.

Sun Shulan is still mixed around Xiang Senluo, the two are not tired of crookedness at all, of course, there is also a couple who are the same, only when the dog head is super mixed among them, he will secretly glance at Mia with his eyes from time to time.

Just a glance can make this dog head super feel satisfied, at least Gu Chen looks like this.


Gu Chen likes this atmosphere very much, everyone looks very happy, and this can be regarded as the future management team of Xiangcheng Island.

"President Gu."

And his attention was always part of Tong Zixin, who was always on Gu Chen, and immediately called out after seeing Gu Chen's awakening action with Yuguang.

Suddenly, everyone present stopped their own conversation, stopped all behavior, and everyone's eyes turned to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen greeted Tong Zixin without the slightest stage fright.

"Good afternoon."

The faint smile and just the right amount of gentleness made everyone think that the person in front of them was an angel for a moment.

Tong Zixin also had soft light in his eyes, and then as if remembering something, he took out a cup of coffee from the bag beside him and handed it to Gu Chen.

"Mr. Gu, please."

Gu Chen took the coffee very naturally and began to inquire at the same time.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep, what's the situation now?"

A very simple sentence, but suddenly everyone in the audience looked at me and I looked at you, as if it was very difficult to speak.

"Something went wrong?"

When Gu Chen saw Tong Zixin and Sun Shulan like this, he felt that there was something wrong with the last concentric coin.

But soon, Tong Zixin answered Gu Chen's situation at that time like a representative.

"There is no thing Mr. Gu, mainly in the time that you slept in the past, a lot of things really happened, and we didn't know where to start for a while."

The gentle Tong Zixin explained this, and Gu Chen understood.

"I don't want to grab the work."

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