Then his face became gloomy.

"What did you say?"

Suddenly he roared coldly at Gu Chen.

"I said, are you blind or brain-dead?"

Gu Chen squinted his eyes to reveal a fierce gaze.


Suddenly, the people nearby clearly heard Gu Chen's words, and they were stunned, but they knew the family background of this Feng brother, but they didn't expect Gu Chen to be so iron-headed, and suddenly became a melon-eating audience.

They have already figured out tomorrow's headlines.

"Two rich second generations are actually jealous for a woman!"

"Contemporary Daji, someone fought for it!"

However, they are generally optimistic about Brother Feng, after all, people are the top rich second generation in Huahai City, and Gu Chen, they have no impression, they all think that which little rich second generation came out.

"You look for death!"

Brother Feng suddenly became angry when he heard this, and when he wanted to start directly, several rich second-generation people behind quickly pulled Brother Feng, you must know that this is not another place, dare to make trouble here, even Brother Feng also has to take off a layer of skin.

"Brother Feng Brother Feng! Don't be impulsive, this is the Huahai venue!

"Yes! Brother Feng, it's not worth it for this kid!

Hurriedly persuaded, they didn't expect Gu Chen to be so rigid, and they were immediately dumbfounded.

"Okay! Kid, you kind of leave a name! Lao Tzu does not waste you! Lao Tzu with your last name! Brother

Feng suddenly threw away the people on both sides, and said to Gu Chen with a grim face.

When Gu Chen was about to speak, a voice came from behind.

"Haha, Ye Feng, I'll tell you that you really can't waste him!"

At this time, a teasing voice sounded.

Everyone looked at each other, but it was another young man who walked over, looking at Ye Feng with a pitiful look in his eyes.

"How? Yang Tian, you want to help him?

Obviously, Ye Feng, the man named Brother Feng, misunderstood the meaning of the other party, and suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Haha, where do people need my help!"

Yang Tian suddenly laughed loudly and said with disdain.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Feng's pupils suddenly shrank sharply, "What do you mean?"

"Ye Feng, Ye Feng, if your father knows that you offended Mr. Gu, he will probably kill you angrily!"

Yang Tian didn't look at the other party after saying a word, but looked at Gu Chen with a straight face.

"Hello, Mr. Gu! I'm Yang Tian, it's nice to meet you!

Then Yang Tian greeted Gu Chen with a smile.

"Hello!" Gu Chen replied lightly.

Yang Tian then solemnly said, "I'm very sorry for what happened at the bar before!" I hope Mr. Gu doesn't mind! "

Little things! Mr. Yang doesn't have to care!

Gu Chen didn't know what the other party meant, but he replied anyway.

Everyone outside saw Yang Tian attach so much importance to Gu Chen, and a huge question mark suddenly appeared in their hearts.

"Who is this Mr. Gu? Why does Yang Shao attach so much importance to it? "

Gu Chen, they don't know, but now no matter how stupid they are, they know that Gu Chen's identity is not simple, not to mention that they know that Yang Tian's identity is not lower than Ye Feng, or even higher.

Especially Ye Feng, he is now riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off, and it is not to walk, nor to stay.

At this time, Gu Chen's mobile phone rang.

He took it directly.


"Mr. Gu, where have you been?"

Gan Le's voice came out through the mobile phone.

"I'm at the party!" Gu Chen asked puzzled.

"Huh? Mr. Gu, have you arrived? Why didn't I see you? When

Gan Yuan heard this, his voice suddenly raised a few points.

"I'm on the first floor!"

"Huh? Mr. Gu, how do you go to the first floor!

"Not on the first floor, where?"

"Eh? Sorry, Mr. Gu didn't make it clear to you yesterday, I'll come down right away!

Then Gan Yuan hung up the phone.

At the same time, everyone next to them heard that this Gu Chen should also be on the second floor, but he also came to the first floor.

Suddenly, their expressions were richer, and they felt more exciting about this excitement, that is, the TV series were not so good-looking.

"The two rich second-generation large-scale tearing scenes, who is better?"

Everyone is looking forward to it.

A few minutes later, everyone from the Huahai Chamber of Commerce headed by Gan Yuan walked down one after another.

"Mr. Gan, hello hello!"

"Mr. Liu, hello, hello!"

"Wang Dong, hello, hello!"

Suddenly, the first floor instantly became enthusiastic, looking at Gan Yuan and several people greeting one after another, these people are all big guys in Huahai City! It's not comparable to these second generations!

Not to mention that they are still affiliated with the Huahai Chamber of Commerce, which has recently become popular.

"Mr. Gu! Long time no see!

"Mr. Gu is really demeanor!"

After a few people nodded, they came to Gu Chen's side and greeted each other with a smile.

This scene was naturally seen by everyone, and they were all unbelievable, they did not expect that this Mr. Gu came from such a powerful background, and even these big guys greeted one after another.

Yang Tian had an expression that deserved to be so, but Ye Feng was different, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Although these people's worth is not as high as their own Laozi, they don't look at other people's birds and don't bird him, but they are so enthusiastic about Gu Chen.

"Good evening everyone!"

The so-called person who stretches out his hand and does not hit the smiling face, Gu Chen also has a faint smile.

"I wonder what happened to Mr. Gu?"

Whoever was present was not a human spirit old fox, and naturally noticed that something was wrong.

One of the bosses, surnamed Liu, asked first.

At this time, when several people turned to look around, they saw Yang Tian and Ye Feng on the side.

"Hey, isn't this the Yang family kid and the Ye family kid?"

Naturally, some people recognized Yang Tian and Ye Feng.

"Hello Uncle Wang! Hello Uncle Gan! Hello Uncle Liu!

Yang Tian naturally greeted him politely.

Ye Feng's face froze, and then he shouted to several people with a smile and quickly left the place.

"Little thing, by the way, Mr. Gan, what is that Ye, what background?"

Gu Chen looked at Ye Feng's back and turned his head to ask Xiang Gan Yuan.

Gan Yuan came back to his senses, it turned out that Ye Feng had offended Gu Chen, and then he told all about Ye Feng's background.

"Mr. Gu, his name is Ye Feng, he is the son of Ye Qinglong, our top rich man in Huahai City, his family is engaged in electronic products, just now Ye Qinglong is still asking me if Mr. Gu is here, I guess I want to see you."

After Gan Yuan finished speaking, he sympathized with Ye Qinglong for a few seconds.

It's really a pit daddy, he knows Ye Qinglong's purpose to see Gu Chen, now which in the electronics industry does not rely on Gu Chen's snort?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Gan Le behind him, fortunately he was witty at that time, otherwise he would also be a pit daddy!


Hearing this, Gu Chen understood, and suddenly flashed.

"That's right! Does Mr. Gu want to go to the second floor? At this time, Mr. Liu asked.

"Huh? Go check it out! Gu Chen looked at the awe-inspiring gazes around him, and after thinking about it, let's go up!

Then everyone gathered Gu Chen, and the three of them walked towards the stairs outside the hall.

Everyone on the first floor looked at this scene and secretly regretted that there was an opportunity to soar in front of me, but I did not cherish it, and now I regret it, but it is too late.

Entering the second floor, the environment changed with one after another, more magnificent, so that Gu Chen couldn't help but secretly spit out, who designed this? It's cheesy.

At this time, everyone on the second floor also looked over, they were not like the first floor, all the people present were real bigwigs, the news was naturally extremely well-informed, and they recognized Gu Chen's identity at once.

Suddenly, one by one, hot eyes were cast.

Of course, there are also many puzzled eyes.

"Which young master is this? Unexpectedly made the Huahai Chamber of Commerce treat it so solemnly? "

After all, the line is like a mountain, Gu Chen is calling for wind and rain in the electronics industry, but he is a newcomer in other fields, and naturally there are many big guys who don't know."

Coming to the location of the Huahai Chamber of Commerce, everyone present greeted with a smile.

"Mr. Gu!"

"Hello everyone!"

Gu Chen smiled and nodded in greeting.

Then everyone sat down and talked.

"By the way, how is the charity gala mainly held?"

After chatting for a while, Gu Chen asked curiously.

"Naturally, according to the auction method, the auction proceeds will be donated as a donation amount through the Huahai venue!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard Gu Chen's question, and then reacted, Gu Chen was relieved to participate for the first time, and a middle-aged man sitting diagonally opposite Gu Chen explained.

"So it is!" Gu Chen nodded to show that he understood.

However, it is unknown how much of this amount is spent on charity.

Gu Chen also knew this, so he didn't have a good impression of this charity party.

At this time, there was a sound and everyone looked at it, but there were already two hosts on the stage on the first floor who were talking.

"Welcome to the 12th Huahai City Charity Gala, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone on behalf of the Huahai City official and the recipients."

Suddenly there was a warm applause below, whether it was true or false, at least at this moment everyone was happy.

After that, the person in charge of this party was a vice mayor, and the presidents of several major chambers of commerce all took the stage to speak, and everyone was drowsy.

However, Xu Shishi's girl looked particularly seriously, which made Gu Chen shake his head, saying so high-sounding, it was almost the same to deceive people who were not deeply involved in the world.

But everyone present is not an old fox, but everyone's expressions are full of seriousness.

Gu Chen secretly smacked his tongue, they are all acting skills!

Finally, the lengthy speech came to an end, and the next climax, the charity auction.

The host who spoke at the beginning also took the stage again.

A man and a woman, in order to show the importance, the official directly called two pillars of the TV station to come and press the scene.

After all, the average host can't shake his legs when he sees so many rich people?

"Thank you Mr. Huang for his charity and contribution of ten treasures, as well as Mr. Zhou, Mr. Li, Ms. Wang and other ten philanthropists in the caring world who contributed more than 30 collectibles, as well as the enthusiastic support of the official."

The male moderator directly reported the source of income of the charity goods and the charity ambassador.

"All proceeds from this auction will be donated to charity, I wish you all to get your favorite things in the future, and at the same time contribute to charity, thank you!"

"Now, the twelfth charity auction has officially begun!"

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