"Thank you Hongyun Transportation Group for donating 10 million! Let's warmly thank them for their loving help! "

In the second half of the meeting, the magnetic voice of the host resounded throughout the audience.

However, the mayor's face is not very good-looking.

Last night, he sent someone to remind the other party not to donate anything else, as long as they can drive the supplies to the disaster area! But unexpectedly, the other party did not mention it, and only donated cash.

But he didn't want to say anything, after all, people donated at least 10 million!

Subsequently, as he expected, most of the groups directly donated money and materials, but the most scarce medical resources were clueless.

On the other side, Gu Chen directly held a meeting of his group, and the heads of each group came over, and Chu Xinyi in Yangcheng held a direct video conference.

In front of a round table with a wide view, Gu Chen watched everyone look at him.

"One thing I announced at today's meeting is that I will set up a charitable foundation."

As soon as the words fell, several group general managers looked at each other.

"Everyone should know about the earthquake that occurred in the central part a few days ago!"

Seeing everyone nodding, Gu Chen continued: "As a famous entrepreneur in society, we take it from the people, and naturally we must use it for the people, not only to develop and grow, but also to have a sense of social responsibility.

"Just yesterday, I learned through the news that the disaster there is urgent, so I decided to launch a rescue operation!"

"Manager He, all the transportation vehicles under the remote stop for me, ready to drive to the disaster area at any time!"

Gu Chen watched Manager He solemnly give the order.

"Yes!" Manager He directly got up and agreed when he heard this;

"President Chu, how is the current situation of the Grandview Group shopping mall?"

Then Gu Chen looked at the projector.

"Mr. Gu, at present, due to the hindrance of the development of Grandview Group in previous years, the warehouse is full of a large number of clothes and aged food." When Chu Xinyi heard this, she read all the information she had compiled in the past few days.

Gu Chen nodded expressionlessly: "Good!" Since these things are all inventory, just pack them all for me and send them to the disaster area, you and Manager He will discuss with each other! Chu

Xinyi agreed.

"And President Jiang, who mobilized 10,000 pairs of simple tents from Taiyu and various living needs."


Jiang Dongqiang immediately got up and answered after hearing this.

"Everyone, the disaster situation is urgent, this time just let me see your cooperation with each other, between various groups and departments!"

Then Gu Chen concluded his speech.

"Yes! Mr. Gu is also relieved!

Everyone replied in unison.

They admired Gu Chen very much, and they were so willing, so they naturally worked very hard.

"Good! Then get ready to go! By the way, each group of condolences entering the disaster area must allocate manpower, no less than the supervisor, and tell them that as long as they go to the post, they will be given priority for promotion! Bonus 10,000! And after any accident, the pension is generous! Gu

Chen thought of something and quickly added.

"Understood!" Then several people left directly, and they were directly shocked by Gu Chen's big hand.

After Gu Chen sent them away, he was not leisurely.

But he remembers that he still has a pharmaceutical group, and that is what he values.

After all, there are not many disasters, and the wounded must be the most, so there must be an urgent shortage of doctors, nurses and medicines.

Thinking of this, he directly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number that Taobao gave him before.

"Hello? I'm Gu Chen! "

Gu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

"Hello Mr. Gu, I am Sun Yunyi, currently the general manager of the pharmaceutical group."

There was a pause of a few seconds on the other end of the phone, and then there was a long, thick sound.

"Hello Manager Sun, I want to ask, how many doctors and nurses are there in the pharmaceutical group?" Gu Chen said hello and asked.

Although Sun Yunyi didn't know why Gu Chen asked this, he still answered honestly: "Mr. Gu, at present, our pharmaceutical group has its own fifteen pharmaceutical production plants, nearly 500 kinds of various drugs, a total of 132 hospitals, 1,576 pharmacies across the country, more than 2,300 doctors and more than 5,800 nurses. After

listening to the other party's report, Gu Chen was overjoyed, he didn't expect his strength to be so strong.

"Good! Such! Manager Sun, let me make a long story short, I think you also know about the earthquake in the central region, so I need you to put together a medical team for me, and a large number of medicines, I will rush over immediately and discuss with you in detail! Gu Chen ordered directly.

"Eh? Gu always has to go to the disaster area?

"That's right! At present, there is an urgent shortage of doctors and medicines in the disaster area, and as a Chinese person, I naturally have to make a contribution to this!

"Good! Mr. Gu, please rest assured! I'll go down and arrange it right away!

Sun Yunyi didn't expect this Gu Chen to be so deeply aware of righteousness, and he immediately admired it in his heart, and immediately agreed.

The pharmaceutical group is headquartered in the imperial capital in the north.

Gu Chen could only rush from Huahai to the imperial capital at the fastest speed.

When he went to the imperial capital, the various groups under his Huahai City had already begun to operate rapidly.

After knowing such a benevolent act of their boss, all employees were honored and began to work with admiration and great enthusiasm.

About an hour later, the plane quickly stopped at the airport closest to the pharmaceutical group.

Sun Yunyi personally came to pick it up.

"President Gu, welcome to the imperial capital!"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man full of spirit showed a smile when he saw Gu Chen.

"Hello Manager Sun! Didn't expect you to be a doctor too?

Gu Chen looked at the white coat on the other party and suddenly said unexpectedly.

"Haha, I didn't expect President Gu to be so young, it's really extraordinary! The old man was in awe! Sun Yunyi said with a laugh.

He is not an ordinary person, he has been practicing medicine for generations, the ancestral medicine king Sun Simiao, and his medical skills are famous at home and abroad, but he did not expect that he was the general manager of the pharmaceutical group and the president of the imperial hospital of the pharmaceutical group.

Let Gu Chen be cool, this is picking up a leak?

Later, Sun Yunyi introduced Gu Chen to other leaders of the group and some masters of medical skills.

"Mr. Gu is good!"

"You're welcome!"

The smile on Gu Chen's mouth did not stop at this time.

The group went all the way to the group headquarters, a rigorous building where all kinds of employees went their separate jobs in an orderly manner.

All the way to the chairman's office.

"President Gu, the things you told me to order before have already been ordered, but I don't know how big a scale President Gu needs?"

Sun Yunyi asked directly.

Gu Chen smiled and asked, "Without affecting the company's operation, how large can Dean Sun put together?" After

knowing the identity of the other party, Gu Chen was no longer called a manager, but honored as Dean Sun.

"At present, I can put together a medical team of two hundred people!"

Sun Yunyi was stunned, and then felt very interesting.

"Dean Sun may encounter aftershocks this time, maybe there will be danger, so I will volunteer for this voluntary rescue activity!"

Gu Chen was overjoyed when he heard that a medical team of two hundred people could be assembled in such a short time, and then thought of something to explain.

"Naturally! Mr. Gu, please rest assured! I said at the beginning that it is necessary to volunteer, otherwise there can be more!

Sun Yunyi looked at Gu Chen very approvingly, and replied with a smile.

"Good! Dean Sun said so, then I am relieved! Since they are not afraid of danger, then I can't treat them badly, and Dean Sun can convey to me that as long as they participate in disaster relief, they will be rewarded.

Gu Chen naturally admired these white-clothed angels, and he didn't talk nonsense, and said cheerfully.

"Good! In that case, I wonder when Mr. Gu will leave? Sun Yunyi appreciated Gu Chen more and more, and asked with a smile.

"The sooner the better! My side is ready, and so are my other companies! As long as Dean Sun gets it here, you can go right away! "Gu Chen is not nonsense, simple and clear.

"This time I personally led the team, since President Gu has made such contributions, my old man is not as rich as President Gu, but he can still make a contribution!"

"Dean Sun, I still need you to sit in the rear! How can you go? Hearing that Sun Yunyi wanted to personally lead the way, Gu Chen was startled and quickly persuaded.

Several other people around him are also dissuaded, after all, the development of pharmaceutical groups over the years is so convenient, Sun Yunyi has contributed a lot.

"Don't worry! The old man is physically tough! You don't need to persuade! The group now has Mr. Gu sitting in town, naturally it is extremely relieved!

Sun Yunyi waved his hand directly.

"Good! This time, the medical team was personally led by Dean Sun! I hope Dean Sun returns intact! Seeing

this, Gu Chen no longer dissuaded, and directly ordered.

"Yes! Please rest assured! Sun Yunyi directly assured;

Then he went down and ordered.

An hour later, the pharmaceutical group made every effort to raise drugs and medical machinery and send them to the branches of the long-distance transportation group, and then immediately sent to the disaster area, and the large troops of Huahai City also set out.

Suddenly, the scene was huge, like a giant dragon, and Dean Sun also took more than 200 doctors and nurses to the nearest place in the disaster area by special plane, and then joined the large army to rush to the disaster area.

Gu Chen sat in the imperial capital and commanded the whole process.

His various group divisions began to operate, and truckloads of supplies went to the disaster area.

In the far middle.

At this time, the only way forward in the disaster area.

There are already all kinds of vehicles parked here, and all kinds of materials are stacked, but they can't be transported.

At this time, guarding the place was a general and the highest local governor.

They stood anxiously inside the military tent.

"General Li, what should I do now! The inside has really reached the end of the mountain, if the materials cannot be transported in, then you and I are sinners!

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and looking like a literati walked back and forth, with a worried face.

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