"All right! Without further ado, we have to hurry to the disaster area!

At this time, Sun Yunyi said a word and planned to get into the car.

"Wait! This gentleman, I am a journalist! Want to follow you and record this, I don't know if it can be done?

At this time, Fan Yuxi saw that the other party was leaving, and his heart suddenly moved, and then he asked.

Although she didn't know why Gu Chen didn't explain at that time, she wanted to report this news through her identity and let more people know about it, which can be regarded as repaying Gu Chen's misunderstanding.

"Huh?" Sun Yunyi was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect that this woman was still a reporter.

However, thinking that no one knew about Gu Chen doing these things, he appreciated Gu Chen's qualities even more, and he was very happy to do such a great good deed without asking for anything in return or fame.

But he also wants the outside world to know how much good Gu Chen has done, and it just so happens that there is a reporter here.


So he agreed directly.

He then gradually left under the hope of General Lee.

"Gu Chen?"

He read the name out of his mouth and made up his mind that he must report it and not let the true philanthropist be beaded.

Gu Chen, who was far away in the imperial capital, naturally did not know this, he did not know that Fan Yuxi already knew, and felt guilty about him, nor did he know that this General Li planned to report to the above to ask for credit for himself.

At this time, he was learning about the various businesses and functions of the pharmaceutical group.

Near the evening, Gu Chen finished dealing with the group's affairs.

After another video conference and some company affairs were resolved, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"President Gu, your accommodation has been arranged, I wonder if it will pass now?"

At this time, a young man walked in, looked at Gu Chen and asked respectfully.

As he got to know Gu Chen, the more shocked he became, who could have known that the young man in front of him was already standing at the top of money!

A sneeze can shake the market several times, and a stomp can decide the work of tens of thousands of people.

As a result, he was shocked from the beginning to his current worship.

If he is abroad, Gu Chen is estimated to be a generation of giants.

He remembered such a sentence.

When money stands up, even the truth must be silent!

"Hmm! Let's go!

Gu Chen naturally did not know the psychological activity of the man in front of him, got up and moved his lower cervical spine, and then said.

So the man took Gu Chen to a nearby star hotel.

"Mr. Gu, I'll pick you up tomorrow!"

After sending Gu Chen back to the room, the man said respectfully.

Gu Chen nodded, and then closed the door.

He has been working for the next few days, due to the joint action of several major groups, various small problems continue to appear, as everyone's tacit understanding gradually comes out, the fewer and fewer problems behind, the better the efficiency of the operation of each group.

At this time, some hot searches gradually appeared on the Internet.

It was Fan Yuxi who passed on his own photo video in the past few days.

Since the earthquake just happened before, she dared to run again, so she gradually became famous on the Internet, and netizens naturally believed in her news.

"Which big man founded this Huaxia charity? What a conscientious entrepreneur!

"Good! From food, clothing, housing and transportation, to medical treatment, there is even the shadow of this Chinese charity! Ten thousand people blood letter to ask for news from this organization!

"Love love, who said that we don't have patriotic entrepreneurs in Huaxia!" Isn't that right! "

It's really willing, I'm sure these donations definitely exceed hundreds of millions!" What a rich man!

"Wow! I heard that this organization includes Taiyu Group, Remote Group, Pharmaceutical Group, Grandview Group and Longteng Group. I don't know which big guy has such a platoon and invited so many groups to join, no wonder it is so atmospheric!

"So rich! How nice it would be to me! "

For a while, the Internet was full of praise.

Gu Chen naturally saw it, but he smiled lightly, he didn't do this for this, but to make himself a valuable person.

After all, since obtaining the mutated Taobao, he has no interest in money, and money is really just a string of numbers in his eyes.

So that night, after seeing the photos of the disaster area, he seemed to understand something, which is why he was so atmospheric.

After all, for him, earning money is not enough to have hands?

To be honest, the praise on the Internet still made him very comfortable.

The feeling of helping others is fascinating!

There are naturally many talents on the Internet, and it is really not easy to find the group of Huaxia Charity within this time.

But they could not have imagined that these groups turned out to be one person, except for Huahai's business circle.

They learned that the recently popular Huaxia charity was actually founded by Gu Chen! All of a sudden, their thoughts were complicated.

They couldn't figure out why Gu Chen was so bold.

After all, who is willing to use the development time of various groups to do this charity?

Even some people are still secretly calculating that Gu Chen has probably lost nearly one billion in this period!

They couldn't come up with such a large amount of money.

The main thing is reluctance!

For a while, Gu Chen became the unjust leader, and the money he earned was actually spent on charity like this, what a loser!

But how could they know that Gu Chen was really easy to make money, and this money was really not even a drop in the bucket in his eyes!

But Gu Chen's practice made them admire, they were reluctant to do this, but it did not prevent them from appreciating this kind of person.

So Gu Chen's phone began to be busy again.

"Hello? Mr. Gu, I really didn't expect you to be the president of Huaxia Charity!

At this time, a surprised voice came out.

"Mr. Gan said and smiled, how to hang his teeth!" Gu Chen smiled and replied without care.

"Mr. Gu's high wind and bright festival really makes me admire! I dare to say that apart from Mr. Gu, who else would be willing to give up this billionaire! Gan Yuan's voice reached Gu Chen's ears through his mobile phone.

Gu Chen listened to this inexplicable feeling quite enjoyed, the corners of his mouth almost opened and said without care: "President Gan said and laughed, I just did my job as an entrepreneur!" When

he heard this, he suddenly felt a pause in his heart, but he didn't expect Gu Chen's ideological realm to be so high, and he was suddenly ashamed.

Compared to Gu Chen, he donated like a flower child, although he was more than others.

Then he took a few more words and hung up.

The day after that, Gu Chen's phone did not stop.

On the other hand, after the news was transmitted back to Huahai City, the official was also greatly shocked.

Inside the conference room.

The old should sit first.

"Guys, the commendation just came from above! Say that we Huahai have produced a real entrepreneur! A big praise for us and affirmation of our work! Lao Ying said with a smile on his face at this time.

As soon as the words fell, the other people also showed joy, they did not expect this benefit, which showed that their achievements were already known above.

This is rare, when they want to go to the next step at this level, they have to rely on ability and merit.

"I didn't expect that this Huaxia charity was founded by a young man in our Huahai City! I really didn't expect it!

"yes! There are really not many young talents who know how to give back to society!

"I see! We should vigorously support, and the policy is tilted in resources!

"That's right!"

For a while, all the leaders praised Gu Chen, after all, this Gu Chen should have gone to heaven to listen.

I can't say that I will deal with it again in the future.

"Good! When this President Gu returns, shall we invite him over?" How to say, you have to meet the heroes! "Old Ying said directly.

For Lao Ying's words, the other leaders naturally had no objections and directly agreed.

If Gu Chen knew what they thought, he would definitely laugh.

He really didn't spend any money on this rescue activity!

After all, from the fleet to the materials are their own company, to put it bluntly, it is to earn less, but it is definitely not a loss!

In the following week, as all parties in the country arrived in the disaster area, there was no need for help, so the major rescue organizations gradually returned, except for the medical team.

So Gu Chen's various groups gradually returned to normal, but what he didn't expect was that because of his kindness and atmosphere, people all over the country were very praised, and for a while, his group's orders rose sharply, and the reputation exploded, which he did not expect.

Not only him, but also other group bosses were envious when they saw this scene, and their intestines were repentant.

Seeing this scene, Gu Chen was happy, but he didn't expect this benefit?

This is a reputation that money can't buy!

At this time, he had just appeared at Hongqiao Airport, and as soon as he came out of the special passage, he saw dozens of reporters with cameras blocking the door.

Shutter sounds and flashes are endless.

"Hello Mr. Gu! I am a reporter for the declaration, can I interview you?

"Hello Mr. Gu! I'm a TV reporter, can I ask you a question?

"I am a reporter from Xinghai Entertainment

..." "I am..."

For a while, various voices rose and fell one after another, rushing to Gu Chen, and various microphones pointed at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen frowned, he didn't expect that his whereabouts so secret had been discovered, and he had a headache.

This is not the first case, after his identity was exposed before, countless reporters squatted at the door of the group every day in the imperial capital, as long as he appeared, it was like a bee smelling pollen, directly rushing up, which made him not very annoyed.

So he planned to quietly return to Huahai, but he didn't expect to be discovered.

At this time, the staff of the airport also discovered the situation here and immediately sent security guards to maintain the scene.

"Everyone, please don't crowd, let go, don't obstruct public order!"

Suddenly, the security guards reassured while driving away.

And passers-by outside were very curious when they saw so many reporters, and they all gathered around, thinking which star was coming!

Seeing this, Gu Chen gave a grateful look to the many security guards, and then left the place under the cover of the assistant and driver.

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