"It's really a hero out of a boy!"

Lao Ying was very happy and shook hands with Gu Chen.

Then Gu Chen greeted and shook hands with the other people one by one.

This situation made him very puzzled, if he should always see him, it would be reasonable, but it would be abnormal for so many people to see him.

He wasn't stupid enough to make them see himself because of who he was.

After all, Huahai City is the largest city in the country or a municipality directly under the Central Government, and the real leaders here basically have a bright future.

Even the richest man has to be flattered when he comes.

"I don't know what the leaders ordered to come to the kid?" Gu Chen suppressed the puzzlement in his heart and asked aloud.

"Naturally, it is to meet our conscientious entrepreneur! Charity Ambassadors! An outstanding young home in Huahai City!

Lao Ying smiled when he heard this, and then praised without hesitation.

"That's right! It seems that we still have real patriotic entrepreneurs in Huahai City! What a blessing for society! At this time, the mayor also praised.

"You leaders have won awards, this is what a kid should do!" Gu Chen only figured it out at this time.

It turned out that his previous contribution to earthquake relief was too great, which attracted official attention.

This made him speechless, what an unintentional insertion!

Originally, he only wanted to act according to his ideas, but he did not expect that the rewards he received were so great, not only his reputation in society was rave reviews, but now he also attracted official ignorance.


When everyone saw Gu Chen's performance, they did not invite merit or urgency, they were really promising, and they appreciated Gu Chen more and more.

After that, everyone began to discuss and chat from people's livelihood to business, from social development to international issues.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, everyone has completely let go.

"Mr. Gu! I wonder what you think about what happens next? Lao Ying looked at Gu Chen and asked flatly.

The main play came, Gu Chen was shocked when he heard this, and he was directly sobered up by three points of drunkenness.

For these leaders who are as stable as old dogs and whose hearts are like foxes, they never speak silently.

After thinking for a moment, Gu Chen also replied very normally: "Let's follow the steps!" Now the market is very stable, what I can do is to stabilize and develop slowly! I don't know if the leaders have any preferential policies!

Lao Ying and the others looked at each other and laughed.

"You boy, your mouth is really tight!" The second-in-command also quipped.

Gu Chen's heart was shocked when he heard this, and the meaning of listening to this was really there! Suddenly, my heart was hot.

"Hehe, I don't know if the leaders have any good policy support!"

Gu Chen looked at everyone and squinted his eyes and said.

"Recently, the international community has been advocating the development of new energy and new technology, and the national policy is also closely following the international situation, so the energy sector will be the object of national development support in the future, and our Huahai City is also a pilot." I wonder if Mr. Gu is interested in entering this industry?

At this time, a business boss coughed and looked at Gu Chen and said with a smile.

Gu Chen was stunned, his mind moved quickly, for this piece, he did not intend to start.

But now listening to these bigwigs, maybe it will really be the trend in the future!

Suddenly, his eyes rolled and he looked at Lao Ying: "Ahem, a few leaders, the kid is naturally interested, but I don't know where to start?" I don't know if there are any ideas to provide.

Since they all said so, there must be an idea, or even a direction of development, Gu Chen asked directly.

"Since Mr. Gu is interested, it is the best! In the area of the new energy science and technology park, there is a scientific research base completed, if Mr. Gu is interested, you may wish to contact them.

At this time, the business boss pondered for a moment, and then answered gladly.

They naturally discussed for a long time before they came, and they wanted to tilt the policy towards Gu Chen and give help, and they checked Gu Chen and knew that the enterprises under him were all large groups, and they could not give much help, they could only start from other places.

It just so happens that the capital withdrawal of a research base, coupled with the country's future policy is to support energy science and technology, coupled with Gu Chen's strong funds, there is no need to worry about the shortage of capital chain.

After all, in the energy technology industry, without the support of large capital, it is impossible to play at all.

You must know that this is not something that can bear fruit in a short period of time, and it is impossible to stop the daily funding, otherwise the previous achievements will be lost.

So this is a gold-swallowing behemoth.

Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, he was not familiar with this aspect, so naturally it was impossible to agree directly.

"Oh? Then I'm going to have a good investigation! Or thank you for the news of the leader!

Gu Chen directly smiled and thanked him.

"As long as Mr. Gu has a heart, he will naturally know!"

The big man of industry and commerce waved his hand and said without care.

"That's right! If Mr. Gu still needs other help, he can come to me directly, and I will definitely not shirk within the policy!

At this time, Lao Ying also began to speak.

"Good! Thank you for the leadership! So

everyone began to stagger and push cups.

In the end, everyone said goodbye one by one, leaving only Lao Ying and Gu Chen.

After all, the driver who picked up Gu Chen before was the old driver.

"Get in the car! Let's send you back first! Lao Ying said to Gu Chen with a smile.

"That kid is more respectful than obedient!"

After Gu Chen asked the assistant to go back by himself, he got into Lao Ying's car.

On the road.

The old man, who was still a little drunk, instantly sobered up.

Gu Chen, who was watching, secretly smacked his tongue.

"Haha, boy, you don't think we're all drunk, do you?"

Seeing Gu Chen's appearance, Lao Ying suddenly smiled.

Hearing this, Gu Chen knew that everyone looked drunk, but in fact, they were all pretending, and they couldn't help but secretly scold the old fox.

"I heard that you still cooperate with the military?"

As soon as these words came out, Gu Chen looked at Lao Ying in shock.

You know, it's a secret!

"Don't think about it! It was Lao Chen who told me! Actually, I've been following you for a long time! But I didn't expect that your kid did really well this time! Lao Ying quickly explained with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, Gu Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that Academician Chen said it, then it would be fine, if it was passed out, he would not be able to tell clearly.

At this time, he figured out one thing.

"It turns out that you made that incident, no wonder I think it was so fast, or thank you for the leader!"

Gu Chen then immediately thanked with a smile.

"You don't need to thank you, that time just gave me an excuse to clear the tumor, and I have to thank you!"

Lao Ying waved his hand and said indifferently.

Gu Chen didn't understand what he meant, and he didn't want to know too much, so he changed the topic, and the two chatted for a while before arriving at Gu Chen's house.

"Thank you leader! I'll go first! Gu Chen said gratefully.

"Okay! If there is anything in the future, as long as it is not a matter of breaking the law and discipline, you can call me!

During this time, Gu Chen was very fond of his temper, which made him appreciate it very much, so he said so.

To the shock of the driver driving in front.

The first time he heard the leader say this, he must know that this leader is extremely clean and upright, and he has never used his authority to make a profit!

It's that it's useless to find a leader for anything in the leader's family!

So when he heard this, he was immediately impressed by Gu Chen and envious!

"Huh? Thank you for the leadership! Gu Chen didn't know this, but he was naturally extremely happy to hear the leader say this.

This was a feudal minister in ancient times! This commitment is also very helpful to him.

Then Gu Chen hummed a ditty and walked home.

Next, Gu Chen was looking for someone to inquire about the energy research institute while dealing with affairs, but every day countless media reporters wanted to interview him, but they were all rejected by him.

In the end, when he got annoyed, he would directly and forcefully say: "If you come again, you will send a lawyer's letter directly!" This

frightened many journalists and stopped.

At present, all groups are developing rapidly, especially Longteng Group, a disaster really makes it deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it is no worse than several other mobile phone products.

They had no choice but to accept this fact.

Until one day.

Perhaps it is that the development of Gu Chen is too smooth, and a direct news makes several major domestic mobile phone factories extremely happy.

At this time, Gu Chen was still inspecting branches across the country, and suddenly received a call from Wang Wei.

"President Gu, the big thing is not good!"

This sentence made Gu Chen frown.

"What happened?"

"Mr. Gu, I just received a call from the person in charge of Google, and they said that they would cancel the system authorization of our group! And give us only three days! Otherwise they will force them to go offline and sue us!

At this time, Wang Wei's voice was very anxious and uneasy, and this news could be described as a bottom draw for their dragon teng.

Directly knocked their Big Mac back to the prototype.

If they go public, it is estimated that as soon as this news is sent, it will definitely plummet geometrically.

As the general manager of the group, how could he not panic! In his opinion, this time Longteng Group is really finished this time!

"Huh? Google? How could they have made this decision? It doesn't do them any good, huh? Gu Chen asked puzzled.

He didn't have a panicked expression at this time.

"I also asked the other party, and they said it was the decision of the shareholders of the group! Extremely tough, there is no room for relaxation. Wang

didn't have the slightest sense of spirit at this time, like a tardy old man.

Gu Chen did not speak when he heard this, and was thinking about analyzing the news.

And Wang Wei didn't speak to see Gu Chen, and he probably didn't know what to do! Suddenly, it was even more desperate.

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