Private loft, Gu Chen was invited.

A traditional Chinese wing room.

Gu Chen also nodded secretly when he looked here, during this time, he really saw many not famous but very good restaurants in Huahai, it seems that the place of rich people is really secret!

At this time, after Chairman Zhou, who was sitting on the other side, saw Gu Chen coming, the sadness on his face also dissipated a little.

"Mr. Gan?"

Gu Chen saw Gan Yuan on the seat at a glance, and he was suddenly a little curious.

"Mr. Gu!" Gan Yuan greeted with a smile.

Gu Chen nodded, looking at Chairman Zhou and understanding, it was nothing more than seeing that he was quite familiar with Gan Yuan, and calling him here also brought him closer.

"Mr. Gu is sorry, I asked you out at this time." Chairman Zhou looked at Gu Chen apologetically at this time.

Gu Chen quickly waved his hand: "President Zhou is polite!"

When he sat down, he gestured to Gan Yuan with his eyes, and the other party returned a reassuring look.

"This time I called Mr. Gu out, but the old man had no choice, and he had to die a horse as a living horse doctor!" I also ask for Mr. Gu's forgiveness! Seeing

Gu Chen sit down, Chairman Zhou first thanked him and then smiled self-deprecatingly, and then looked very downcast.

"I wonder if something happened to President Zhou?" Gu Chen asked curiously.

Chairman Zhou's lips moved, looking at Gu Chen who was looking at him, and he let out a long sigh before saying the matter.

It turned out that his unscrupulous grandson and a few fox friends went to the Yangcheng side, and they thought it was in Huahai, very high-profile, and competed with a local Hao disciple at a drinking party.

In front of this group of their young people, face is heavier than anyone, on this occasion, if anyone admits defeat, wouldn't it be very humiliating, plus several people drank some alcohol, so from a dispute to a big fight.

But there is Yangcheng, their territory, the result is obvious, not only was they beaten fiercely, but also greatly lost face.

So these Huahai majors naturally would not be willing, and once again found an opportunity to beat the local man severely and directly hit the hospital. And also the direct trouble of brain damage is known to everyone.

This can greatly lose the face of the local Hao family, so they are directly beaten no matter what, fortunately, someone knows that the kid is the grandson of President Zhou, otherwise it is estimated that he will be half-crippled if he does not die.

Next, Chairman Zhou knew that his grandson had provoked the snake, so he wanted to bring his grandson back, but his face was not easy to use, and people did not give him face at all, and finally there was no way but to use official power to find the Yangcheng chief, but people directly reported the case, so they stalemated.

Now his grandson is still locked up in the Yangcheng detention center!

After listening to Chairman Zhou's words, Gu Chen couldn't help but shake his head, not knowing what to say.

Not only is he also brainless.

"Mr. Gu, now I don't have anything to do, my network is all in Huahai, so I want to ask you for help!"

At this time, Chairman Zhou could be described as pale and looked at Gu Chen and begged.

"This..." Gu Chen was stunned when he heard this, he really wanted to refuse this matter.

After all, he was in Yangcheng, not to mention, it had nothing to do with it, plus he had never had a good impression of the disciples.

For this matter, he can only blame himself, and he is still so arrogant on other people's territory, that is really not knowing whether he is dead or alive.

But seeing that Chairman Zhou was old and begged himself personally, it made him very embarrassed, but no matter how embarrassed he was, he had to say.

"President Zhou, I'm really sorry about this! If you say something bad over there in Yangcheng, I guess I don't know you well!

Gu Chen smiled bitterly and refused without leaving a trace.

Where could Chairman Zhou, who was old and perfect, not hear the meaning of Gu Chen's words, he was suddenly anxious.

It's not that he hasn't looked for others, plus he is the president of the Huahai Chamber of Commerce, and the resources and connections are extremely rich, but people are not vegetarians.

The Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce was much more famous than their Huahai Chamber of Commerce, so he had no choice.

However, he knew that Gu Chen had a deep background and was also very close to the official, and if he agreed, he would be sure to take care of this matter.

But Gu Chen's meaning, he didn't want to get involved in this matter.

And Gan Yuan did not speak, quietly drinking wine and eating dishes.

After all, compared to Chairman Zhou, he has no cards.

So the atmosphere became awkward again.

Chairman Zhou was like a deflated at this time, very pale, and he regretted it in his heart at this moment.

"Mr. Gu, if there is any way, you can help Chairman Zhou, right?"

At this time, Gan Yuan couldn't stand it, and looked at Gu Chen and asked.

Chairman Zhou on the side was like a drowning man grabbing the rope and looking at Gu Chen.

Ling Gu Chen was a little strange, in his eyes, Gan Yuan was not a nosy master.

"Mr. Gu, Chairman Zhou's grandson is certainly not contentious, but he is not useless, and in the last disaster, he even formed a disaster relief team with that group of Zi Qiao. There is also President Zhou who has been doing charity all his life and saved countless people, and my family was also President Zhou who helped back then, otherwise he would have died a long time ago, so Mr. Gu, please help!

Gan Yuan also got up and bowed to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen didn't expect this origin, and fell into deep thought for a while.

Chairman Zhou on the side was a little grateful: "Xiao Gan! You don't have to, you have already repaid the kindness back then!

Then gritted his teeth and looked at Gu Chen: "Mr. Gu, I am also old, the future is your world, as long as you help me save my grandson, I would like to recommend you for the position of president of the Huahai Chamber of Commerce!" After

speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if the whole person had changed.

Hearing this, Gu Chen unexpectedly glanced at President Zhou, this position of president is very exciting! Although it is only a title, this title represents the façade of the entire Huahai City business circle!

The network resources inside were irresistible to anyone, but they were not attractive to Gu Chen.

After all, at present, he has jumped out of the limitations of these circles and has become a giant existence, and one person can represent a circle.

Seeing Gu Chen shaking his head, Chairman Zhou suddenly lowered his head, his spirit was lost, and Gan Yuan was helpless, anyway, he also said that he also had a clear conscience for President Zhou.

"Chairman Zhou, I haven't said anything yet!" Seeing President Zhou like this, Gu Chen said with a smile.


Chairman Zhou immediately looked at Gu Chen in disbelief.

"I'm not interested in the position of Chairman Zhou, I only have one request, in the future, Ling Sun must not do a dirty thing!"

Gu Chen had no interest in the position of president of the Chamber of Commerce, what he changed his mind was that the other party still had a kind heart, plus last week, the president did charity all his life, and naturally did not want to make him an old man sad.

"Mr. Gu, please rest assured! In the future, the old man will teach well at home when he retires.

Chairman Zhou assured with great excitement when he heard this.

"Good! But first of all, I also have no acquaintances in Yangcheng, so I don't dare to guarantee this matter! President Zhou, please don't expect a lot! "

Don't say enough, Gu Chen took the lead to say hello, if he really didn't do it in the end, wouldn't it be a breach of trust, and this blow would definitely not be able to stand it for Chairman Zhou."

"Understood! The old man knows this matter! As long as Mr. Gu helps, the old man is extremely grateful! Chairman

Zhou naturally understood this truth, not only was he not dissatisfied, but he was very grateful.

After a few cheerful chats, several people dispersed.

Back home, Gu Chen asked someone to check on Chairman Zhou's grandson, Zhou Zihao.

"President Gu, I have already checked the Zhou Zihao that you want to check me, and the information has also been sent to your mailbox."


Gu Chen nodded, and then walked to his study, opened the computer, and sure enough, there was an email message.

Click on it, about Zhou Zihao's name, date of birth, and experience from childhood to adulthood are all written in it one by one, Gu Chen is very satisfied.

After reading it half an hour later, Gu Chen stared at the desktop and did not speak, and Gan Yuan did not say anything wrong before.

Although this Zhou Zihao is a gentleman, what he does is not evil.

This time in Yangcheng was also caused by a woman.

After figuring it out, he called Mei Jiale, deputy manager of Yangcheng Grandview Group.

"Hey, Mr. Gu?"

Mei Jiale's respectful voice came out.

"It's me! How long have you been in Yangcheng? Gu

Chen didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly.

Mei Jiale on the other side was inexplicable when she heard this, but she still answered honestly: "President Gu, I forgot to tell you that I am a native of Yangcheng." Gu

Chen was stunned when he heard this, and then shook his head, this is really a coincidence.

"Exactly, Manager Mei, I want to ask you something, do you know the Yang family?"

"Yang family?"

Mei Jiale thought for a while: "President Gu is talking about the Yang family in the Yang family's manufacturing industry?


Gu Chen nodded, and the information that was called to check before also had information about Zhou Zihao's enemy family this time.

It is the Yang family, starting with manufacturing and imports, which is very famous in Yangcheng and even Guangzhou Province, with deep influence, and is one of the important members of the Chaoshan Chamber of Commerce.

No wonder as Chairman Zhou can't solve it, the real ground snake.

"I want to ask you, didn't someone surnamed Zhou have a conflict with the Yang family disciples in Yangcheng before? Do you know this? Hearing

that Mei Jiale knew, Gu Chen began to ask.

"I've heard of it, all the upper echelons of Yangcheng know about this! That surnamed Zhou really couldn't see the situation clearly. Breaking ground on Tai Sui's head is really..." Mei

Jiale didn't know what to say, and suddenly he thought that the other party was Huahai's rich son, and the boss was too.

"President Gu, do you know this one?"

Suddenly asked curiously;

"No, I don't know!"

Hearing Gu Chen's words, Mei Jiale frowned.

"But I know his grandfather!"

As if knowing what was in his heart, Gu Chen said with a smile.

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