(Thank you for the 1000 VIP points and 2000 VIP points rewarded by the “King of Eggs” boss, thank you brothers for your support.) )

“The list of heavenly kings is out, and 3 days pass really quickly.”

Looking at the vigorous player, Ran Hongyi and Gong Qingyu glanced at each other.

Gong Qingyu sighed: “It’s good to be young!” ”

“I really want to go back to my youth and fight with these children and cheer freely.”

“It’s fine now.”

Ran Hongyi smiled slightly: “We are pioneers, cornerstones, they achieve legends and create the future…”


Gong Qingyu looked at the top of Tianwang Mountain.

Although the distance is extremely far, I still see Lin Feng, who is like a moon held by everyone.

Yes, a legend was born!

This world is yours after all.

On top of the mountain.

Huangfu Yu and other Magic Capital University players picked Lin Feng up and threw him into the sky.

And so on, everyone is shouting with excitement and tears of excitement.

Lin Feng let everyone cheer and experience the fun of flying.


“Lying groove, Li Mengmeng, you throw it and don’t touch it.”

“Zhang Xue, what are you doing with my hands?”

“And you, that senior sister who can’t be named, where do you put your hands.”


Lin Feng suddenly became clever.


The male classmates are all normal, but the women are more dishonest than the other.

If it weren’t for the large number of people, Lin Feng even suspected that these seniors would have dealt with themselves on the spot.

“Aaaaah! Lin Feng, we love you to death. ”

“Junior brother, you are so big… Awesome. ”

“Chen Yaya, I despise you, good sisters don’t even know to share, I want it too.”

“I can share anything but Lin Feng, ah! Why are you squeezing me, look at the move! ”

“No, I’m so badly injured, I need Lin Feng’s own person.”

One by one, the senior sisters were soft and weak when they played the game, but this time they were as powerful as the god of war.

Even Huangfuyu and Li Fengxian were savagely squeezed out.

Two you look at me and I look at you, messy in the wind.

Nima, these women are crazy, even crazier than Li Fengxian, a madman.

I didn’t see much during the fight.

As soon as I arrived chasing stars, it was like changing people.

Woman…… How strange.

“Ah, I’m sore.”

Even the true Buddha stumbled out.

“Lying groove, how come your thick skin and flesh have been scratched by someone?”

Li Fengxian and Huangfu Yu’s eyes were about to protrude.

The face of Lian Zhen Buddha, who is known for his defense, was actually broken?

You dare to believe this!

“Ahem, I don’t know who keeps squeezing me.”

Even the true Buddha touched his face: “Originally, I didn’t pay attention, and someone from the descendants scratched my scalp and scratched my face, and I was squeezed out.” ”

Huangfu Yu: “…”

Li Fengxian: “…”

Looking at those crazy girls, both of them shuddered.

Made, thankfully we ran fast.

This is simply more exciting than the battle of Tianwang Mountain.

In the audience, Chu Xianlan, who was originally crying with joy, stomped her foot angrily.

“I really know people and don’t know their hearts, I can’t imagine that Senior Sister Yaya is usually so quiet, and she would do that kind of thing to Lin Feng.”

“And that Senior Sister Zhang Xue, what a cold person, usually hates men the most, as a result, it is not to grab Lin Feng’s hand and lick it hard.”

“Aaaaah! It’s all liars. ”

Chu Xianlan was about to go crazy after speaking.

That’s my man, not yours, let it go!

On the head stage, the four principals looked at each other grimly.

“This kid… Yanfu is not shallow. ”

Yan Jitian said, I don’t know whether it was envy or sour.

“Hmph, the current young man does not know shame.”

Liu Qingmei said angrily: “Sure enough, there are what kind of students there are principals.” ”

“It’s really not right and down…”

Liu Qingmei suddenly couldn’t speak.

Around the top of the mountain, girls from other schools had already seen their eyes hot.

At this moment, they rushed over.

Among them, especially the female students of Central South University have the fastest speed.

“Hehe, Principal Liu is right to criticize!”

Feng Man Bow smiled and said, “It’s really heartbreaking that something like this happened.” ”

Lu Tian glanced at the wind full bow, and did not fight anywhere.

Nima, your expression is heartbroken?

Bah me!

The peak of Tenno’s Mountain.


“Go away, Lin Feng is from our school.”

“Lin Feng is all human, why are you so petty.”

“Look at the move!”

“I hit!”

“Sisters rush, you can’t let the little goblins in the magic capital monopolize Lin Feng.”

A battle between women began.

Lin Feng teleported out directly with a roar.

Nima, that’s crazy.

If it wasn’t for the live broadcast, he would have taken it directly on the spot, but now, he still honestly went back.

On the Heavenly King Platform.

Ji Wuxiang walked down with the help of the Dijing player and sat on the ground with his butt.

“Boss Ji, are you all right?”

The contestant burst into tears and was filled with sadness.

Ji Wuxiang has never been as powerless as he is today.

He grew up in the imperial capital, studied in the imperial capital, and his joys, sorrows and sorrows were all in the imperial capital.

All his struggles, all his sweat are also for the imperial capital!

But he lost!

It failed all teachers and students, and failed the glory of the martyrs.

Lost completely.

Others don’t know, but Ji Wuxiang is very clear that Lin Feng did not do his best!

Maybe you don’t want to kill yourself, or maybe you have other ideas.

Facing Lin Feng, Ji Wuxiang felt a deep sense of frustration.

Powers are the most aggressive and dizzyingly fast.

Combat experience is equally abundant.

Ji Wuxiang didn’t know how he could overcome him and surpass him.

“Count without phase.”

At this moment, Lin Feng walked down from the stage.

“Winning or losing is only temporary, but the momentum of moving forward cannot be lost!”

“You lost, but the Terrans haven’t admitted defeat yet!”

“The Terrans, they don’t need someone who can’t withstand setbacks.”

Lin Feng’s words exploded like thunder in Ji Wuxiang’s ears.

Immediately, Ji Wuxiang reluctantly stood up and looked at Lin Feng.

“You’re right!”

Ji Wuxiang took a deep breath and said, “Thank you, Lin Feng!” ”

“This year’s Battle of Tianwang Mountain is over.”

At this time, Huangfuyu and Li Fengxian also walked over: “However, the competition between us is not over. ”

“Ji Wuxiang, I will surpass you!”

Ji Wuxiang forced a smile: “Lin Feng, I will also surpass you.” ”

“Ha, I’ll wait, I hope you won’t get frustrated by then.”

Lin Feng said.

He is telling the truth, in the future, he will only be stronger!

The gap between them and themselves will become bigger and bigger until they look up!


At this time, Mu He clasped his hands together and smiled slightly: “Lin Feng, throughout the ages, in the battles of Tianwang Mountain, you are the most convincing one. ”

As soon as these words came out, Rao Ji Wuxiang nodded.

Yes, crush Wu Yao’s three old heavenly kings.

One move severely damaged the witch Wulili, one of the four heavenly kings, and defeated Ji Wuxiang with reservations.

With such a record, who dares to disobey ?!

Who can do such a record?

Lin Feng is the first, and maybe even the last!

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