The other side.

“Hahahaha, come and kill!”

Liu Yi held a psionic gun and rolled and shot at the same time.

His dragon horse wings have been broken.

Without spiritual energy, Liu Yi’s combat power plummeted, but he was still not afraid of death.

“Lao Tzu’s brother is Lin Feng, my brother is powerful, Lao Tzu can’t be shamed!”

Shooting while talking.

Looking closely, Liu Yi’s hands trembled and he almost couldn’t hold the gun.

There were even terrifying scratches on his face.

On weekdays, Liu Yi cares very much about his appearance.

Even a messy hair is not tolerated.

But at this moment, Liu Yi had ignored the wound on his face.

After a battle, the former playboy disappears and is replaced by a fierce warrior who is not afraid of death!

“Old Willow!”

Not far away, Gan Ning burst into tears.

The pressure in the Grandmaster-level circle is extremely high, and they are not.

Facing dozens of times more exotic beasts than them, Gan Ning had a deep sense of powerlessness.

His left palm is gone, I don’t know where he lost it.

Seeing Liu Yi, who was fighting bloodily, Gan Ning knew that Liu Yi’s oil had dried up.

“Crying your sister!”

Liu Yi roared: “them hard for Lao Tzu!” ”

“Marde, you have to stand and die when you die!”

“Hahaha, Lin Feng knows it, and he will definitely avenge me!”

Saying that, there was a fierce shot, but then there was no more bullets in the psionic gun.

Liu Yi’s spiritual energy had been exhausted.


At this moment, a strange beast descended from the sky.

Liu Yi threw the psionic gun aside and cracked his mouth: “Come on!” ”

Just when Liu Yi was about to fight to the death, a red light flashed.

In an instant, the strange beast disappeared directly!

Immediately afterwards, a scene that shocked and delighted Liu Yi appeared.

His injuries actually recovered instantly!


The white dragon and horse wings reappeared, and the spiritual energy was also filled.

“Lin Feng!”

“It’s my brother coming!”

Liu Yi suddenly burst into tears: “Hahaha, the beasts saw it, Laozi is alive again!” ”

With Liu Yi’s strength, he couldn’t even touch Lin Feng’s shadow.

However, Liu Yi has this confidence.

Not far away, Gan Ning’s severed left hand suddenly grew.

Psionic energy is also directly restored.

Gannin was shocked, who the hell did this?

Before he had time to think about it, he saw Liu Yi flying into the air, crying and killing enemies.

“Old Willow, you still have the face to talk about me!”

Gannin was angry, and Mader cried harder than me.

“I cry when I want to!”

Liu Yi wiped a handful of tears: “Let’s do it!” Old Gan! ”

“Cao, are you going to me or a beast?”

“Do it all!”




A four-star beast king slapped Ling Wei into the forest below with one palm.


The sharp branches cut through Ling Wei’s clothes, revealing a large area of spring light.

Immediately, the four-star beast king was like thunder falling from the sky.

But right now.


Lin Feng punched out, and the Beast King was killed!

At the moment when Ling Wei was about to fall, Lin Feng picked him up!

“Lin Feng?”

At this time, Ling Weiqiao’s face was pale, and there was an extra hideous wound on her chest.

Ling Wei blushed after reacting.

Although there was no one around, I still felt ashamed.

Wuji God is more and more mobilized.

Suddenly, Ling Wei’s wound healed.

However, although the wound healed, the clothes on the upper body could not heal.

“Still look!”

Ling Wei said angrily, only feeling hot all over her body.

This guy’s eyes are about to fall.

“The teacher is so white…”

Speaking of teleporting to other battlefields.

Ling Wei clenched her silver teeth and took out a piece of clothing to put on.

Immediately, he flew towards the other Beast King circles again.

With the supernatural star flash, everything around it seems to be static.

Especially in those circles below the generals.

Whether it was those soldiers or exotic beasts, in Lin Feng’s eyes, there was no difference between being pressed the pause button.

In this case, Lin Feng saved people and killed enemies.

When those people reacted, not only were they injured and their spiritual energy recovered.

And the alien beast in front of him is gone.

In this way, Lin Feng wandered around.

Although the battlefield spans hundreds of kilometers.

However, with the speed of the star, these hundreds of kilometers were only two blinks of an eye for Lin Feng.

Under Lin Feng’s divine power, the mortality rate on the human side was constantly lowered.

Almost every dying person recovered in an instant and immediately continued to kill the enemy.

Those low-level alien beasts suddenly discovered that humans seemed to be immortal!

Everyone seems to have infinite power.

It was clear that he had already fallen, but then he immediately stood up alive.

And the low-level alien beasts almost disappeared in large quantities.

Under the control of Lin Feng’s mysterious level, the phaseless thunder can completely accurately hit every alien beast without harming humans.

Gradually, the alien beast began to panic.


This battle, there is no way to fight!


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind in the base!

Lin Feng looked at it.

But he saw Chu Tianyang coming with the 10 grandmasters of Dijing University with a murderous spirit.

After receiving Ye Zun’s order, Chu Tianyang called a madness.

I can’t wait to teleport over.

After finally arriving at the magic capital, he stopped and immediately entered the underground cave.

10 grandmasters is the limit of what Teikyo University can support.

“It’s Principal Chu!”

Many people were shocked.

But he continued to bury his head in the battle.

In fact, to fight to this point, they no longer need reinforcements.


Chu Xianlan was stunned, she came late enough.

“Old wind, hold on!”

Chu Tianyang had tears in his eyes.

Although he usually quarrels with the wind full bow, as a good brother for decades, Chu Tianyang’s feelings with the wind full bow are still very deep.

Knowing that the battle on this side of the Demon Capital Cave was tight, he volunteered to bring people over.

Chu Tianyang’s speed increased to the extreme, and a ray of light streaked through the air.

But when he looked at the battlefield below, he suddenly froze.

“Hey, why is the casualty rate so low?”

In the eye, the corpses of alien beasts are all over the place.

But on the human side, there are very few casualties!

You know, this is a large-scale battle.

Not to mention the 100,000 soldiers killed and injured, at least tens of thousands, right?

But now?

Chu Tianyang roughly estimated, it seems to be more than a thousand?

Do you dare to believe this?


Guan Sheng, the principal in charge on the side, said abruptly, “Principal Chu, look!” ”

Chu Tianyang suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were about to fall.


On the Beast Ancestor Mountain, the wind full bow and Ran Hongyi seemed to be a fierce god in the world, and the nightmare overlord was defeated step by step and scarred.


Chu Tianyang was stunned.

Shouldn’t this old wind be dying of breath?

Isn’t it supposed to be beaten by the Red Lotus Overlord to vomit blood?

How to live a dragon?

Except for the blood on his clothes, he didn’t seem to be injured at all?

“Old Chu, you came just right!”

Feng Manbow was killing and said, “You are not needed here, you go and kill those hunting beast generals.” ”

As soon as this remark came out, Chu Tianyang directly blacked the question mark?

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