Time flies by and it’s half past three in the afternoon!

Until then, the bedroom door was open. After Xia Mo came out wearing Li Sisi's pajamas, she closed the bedroom door with her backhand and then went to the washing room.

More than ten minutes later, after Xia Mo finished taking a shower, she returned to the bedroom wearing Li Sisi's pajamas.

Twenty minutes later, when the bedroom door opened again, Chu Tian and Xia Mo walked out together.

Chu Tian held Xia Mo's hand and came out with a smile,"Sister, can you do this? If not, I'll drive."

Xia Mo smiled and bit her lip, kicking Chu Tian while saying;" Stop talking nonsense! Stop talking nonsense. How did you say it? You are not allowed to mention this matter. You are holding it in your heart."

"I do not have it. Chu Tian smiled and said,"I just asked you if you can drive. You are overthinking it. Let's go and take you to Sister Sisi's company.""

As he spoke, Chu Tian opened the door, then took Xia Mo's hand and left here together........

Four forty in the afternoon!

In the compound of Shuiduoduo Media Company, Chutian parked Cullinan next to Li Sisi's Lafa 20, then opened the car door and walked out with Xia Mo.

Xia Mo looked around briefly and said while walking to the office building with Chu Tian;"Hey, Xiaotian, how many trainees are there in this company now?"

"About 30." Chu Tian said,"Currently, it seems that we have only recruited 30 trainees. We will give them systematic training first, and then we will select some outstanding talents and give them a good thumbs up."

As he spoke, Chutian stopped in front of the steps and stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Xia Mo stopped and said,"What are you doing?"

"Go up the stairs. Chu Tian said with a serious look on his face,"Sister, I will support you.""

"Need not! Xia Mo glared and said,"What are you trying to help me with? I don't need any help, I can get up on my own."

Chu Tian chuckled and said,"That's okay.""

While talking, Chu Tian just walked into the office building with Xia Mo. Suddenly, a tall woman with shoulder-length hair ran down the stairs with red eyes.


Chu Tian couldn't help but frown when he saw that the girl didn't even say hello to him, but just ran out of the office building and even slipped out of the courtyard.

A vague impression!

This girl seems to be one of the thirty trainees.

But, what is the situation, why are you crying? Could it be that you are being bullied?

No way!

Xia Mo looked at the girl who ran out and couldn't help but said,"Xiaotian, is this a trainee in the company?"

"hiss....."Chu Tian frowned, took a breath, and said,"I have an impression, it seems"

"So what's going on? Xia Mo said,"Why did she run out crying? Is there any unspoken rules in our company?""

"Um.....I'm not sure about this either."Chu Tian shook his head and said,"However, there can't be any unspoken rules. If you want to lurk, I will lurk. Let's go up and understand the situation first."

As he spoke, Chutian took Xia Mo upstairs.

Soon, in front of Li Sisi's office, Chutian opened the door and walked in.

In the spacious office, Li Sisi was sitting behind the desk, looking at Some information in her hand.

When she noticed someone coming in, Li Sisi raised her head and looked up, overjoyed, and said,"Xia Mo, Xiaotian, why are you two here?"

"Miss me Sisi sister. Chu Tian smiled, opened the refrigerator, took out two bottles of juice, handed one to Xia Mo, and said,"Sister Sisi, why did I just see a girl running out with red eyes?" Are you a trainee from our company?"

"Yes, Sisi. Xia Mo took the juice, sat on the sofa, and said,"The company can't be so chaotic, right? It's just opened and there's already bullying happening?""

"Hi, no."

Seeing Chu Tian and Xia Mo mention that girl, Li Sisi smiled helplessly, stood up and said,"No one bullied her, it was this girl who did it herself and was driven away by me."

"Do it yourself? Chu Tian frowned slightly, sat down next to Xia Mo, and said,"Sister, what's going on?""

"No self-love."Li Sisi sat across from Xia Mo and Chu Tian and said,"Our company has clear rules. During the trainee period, we are not allowed to fall in love or engage in some shady transactions."

"You also know that in the entertainment industry, this kind of thing is very influential for actresses. If we make someone famous, and as a result, her previous scandal comes out, it will be like a time bomb. It's over, it's like giving it for nothing"

"Well, I know this. Xia Mo said,"Especially for actresses, this kind of thing is particularly influential. So, is she in love?""

"It's more serious than this."Li Sisi curled her lips and said,"She rented a house in a nearby community and went up and downstairs with the landlord's family. As a result, she went to have sex with the landlord."

"She moved here with full calculation, and it only took a week, and she had sex with her landlord in just one week. The problem was that the landlord's wife installed a surveillance camera at home, and she even filmed the two of them doing this."

"You guys are late. The landlord's wife just came to our company to make trouble. It was not half an hour after she left."

"Such a thing has happened, you ask, how can this person be kept? Isn't this just fooling around, especially since it was recorded? Who dares to praise her? She became so angry that once the video was played, all her work was in vain."

"So, I just kicked the person away and just stayed there wherever it was cool and fucked around."

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