"Facade for rent?"

Song Yiming was taken aback for a moment: "What do you want to do, do business?"

Zhao Yi smiled: "Yes, but I don't want to make money. I just want to help some students who have a difficult family background and want to work part-time. It doesn't even matter if I lose some money..."

Zhao Yi's words are true. He really didn't want to make money.

In the past period of time, Zhao Yi has concluded that the greater probability of getting the tasks or rewards of the divine assistance system is to participate in social activities and make various attempts that have not been done, but in helping others. Basically, they have been rewarded by the system, which may be in line with the core idea of ​​the divine assistance system.

Helping others is the foundation of happiness. He helps others and God helps him.

It is definitely not enough to give these people money directly. It is not to help, but to harm them. Let them get paid through labor. This will not only help them solve financial difficulties, but also hone their work and survivability in advance, so that they can be better in the future. Adapting to the cruel society outside is the real way to help.

Because of this, Zhao Yi came up with such a way. Don’t you have enough time to go out? It’s okay. I will open a shop in school. You use lunch breaks, evening breaks and weekends to work. Isn’t that okay?

If he can get rewards, then he will be happier, even if there is no reward~, he will not be disappointed.

Chu Lili's eyes widened: "You work for Han Kexin's convenience-open a shop directly?"

Song Yiming tilted his head: "Han Kexin?"

Chu Lili explained what happened during the day: "Han Kexin is unwilling to accept help from others, so Zhao Yi wanted to use this method to help her..."

Zhao Yi added: "I am not only helping her alone, I definitely need more than one employee. By that time, poor students with poor school conditions can recruit a few more, which is considered a good deed."

Song Yiming looked at Zhao Yi with admiration: "What store are you going to open?"

Zhao Yi laughed and said: "Looking at the size of the store, it is nothing more than eating and drinking. If the store is small, open a milk tea shop. If the store is large, open a fast food restaurant like KFC, selling a variety of drinks and fast food, and the price will be fixed at that time. A little bit lower, small profits but quick turnover. I think that with so many students in the school, there should always be a customer base.

"If the business is good, in addition to the employees in the store, you also need a delivery person. I think it should be able to solve the part-time problem of many people. Again, I just want to help my classmates. I am not prepared to make money from this. , I really look down on this little money."

Chu Lili looked at Zhao Yi with slightly different eyes.

Song Yiming picked up the wine glass and touched Zhao Yi: "It seems that your company is developing very well."

Zhao Yi smiled: "It's okay for the time being."

Chu Lili asked in surprise: "Zhao Yi, do you have your own company?"

Zhao Yi nodded, and immediately made a boo gesture: "Secrecy."

Chu Lili suddenly smiled: "It seems that I underestimated you."

Zhao Yi smiled, his eyes fell on Song Yiming: "Brother Ming, how?"

Song Yiming smiled and said, "I'll call and ask, you guys wait."

Song Yiming didn't avoid the two of them either. He directly took out the phone and made a call: "Director Shen, I, Song Yiming, there is something I want to consult..."

· ·········· Ask for flowers·······

After Song Yiming finished the call, he smiled and said, "There are two utility rooms beside the basketball court. They are piled up with unused things. The hospital deliberately cleans them out for rent. If you can really do what you just said, take it. The probability of coming down is very high..."

Zhao Yi immediately assured: "No problem, the contract can be signed, the rent can be higher, and what I just said can also be written into the contract."

Song Yiming nodded: "Okay, you can be regarded as a college student starting a business, and you are also helping poor students solve their financial difficulties. The college will definitely support it, and I will help you implement it tomorrow."

....... ......... 0

Zhao Yi raises his glass: "Thank you Ming Brother."

Song Yiming smiled and said: "What are you polite with me? You are doing good deeds. As a counselor, I also have a light on my face. If you do well, it counts as my grade."

After drinking for a while, the barbecue we ordered was almost finished. Zhao Yi was about to add vegetables. Song Yiming stopped and said: "It's almost done. We will have classes tomorrow. Let's do it today. I will let you know the results later."


After Zhao Yi settled the bill, Song Yiming left first, Zhao Yi and Chu Lili strolled back down the road.

Chu Lili looked at Zhao Yi with bright eyes. After walking for a long time, Zhao Yi turned his head and said, "Have you seen enough?"

Chu Lili smiled: "I haven't seen enough."

Zhao Yi replied casually: "Okay, then you continue!"

In this way, the girl who reached Chu Lili all the way downstairs, Zhao Yi singled out his pocket, waved her right hand casually at her, turned his head and left.

Chu Lili looked at Zhao Yi's unrelenting figure, his eyes brightened, and there was an emotion in his eyes about to move... Maru.

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