"Snowflake Beef!"

"Here is a tendon!"

"Hairy belly, duck intestines, this must be there, a piece of sturgeon fillet, this can be eaten in a few seconds, it is very tender!"

"Goose intestines are better than duck intestines!"

After the whole class was seated according to the odds and evens, the five big table people, except for one seat with two girls, were all one man and one woman. This scene was still very spectacular.

Zhao Yi even instructed the two boys to hang up a big red banner that had been prepared a long time ago.

"I wish the first class gathering of Class 2 Business Administration of Class 2020 a complete success."

The staff of the hot pot restaurant, even Wei Chuan, were stunned.

As the host of the event, Zhao Yi clapped his palms and attracted everyone's attention. He smiled and said: "There is nothing to say, everyone is open to eat, open up to drink, do whatever you want to eat, don't forget to post on the forum. In addition, don’t waste it. Of course, the most important point is that our male classmates must take good care of our female classmates. The two female classmates with bad luck reluctantly take care of each other..."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the two female classmates also laughed forward and backward, and the atmosphere was extremely strong.

A total of 41 people, one more, Zhao Yi proactively added a stool to himself, hung a corner, and gave up the position to Song Yiming.

Soon, the dishes ordered by everyone came up, very rich.

Each student remembered his task, and they all touched out the phone, clicked, and took N pictures from different angles.

"I'm paying respect first, the nine nine-square grids must be walked away!"

"I will post to the forum!"

"I also post one, thank you boss, thank you brother Yi!"


The five tables of guests laughed and laughed, forming a beautiful landscape in the hot pot restaurant.

The guests came to the door one after another, all attracted by this male-female mix-and-match style of sitting, each of them couldn't help turning their heads frequently, and some even took out their mobile phones to quietly take pictures of this incomparably enviable scene.

Youth, vitality, love, friendship, and noisy are filled with emotions that make people yearn for or recall the past.

Zhao Yi, the organizer, was naturally unable to get down, carrying a wine bottle, wandering around the table, and took a group photo for each table.

After a round, Zhao Yi slid to the door of the store and scattered a cigarette to Wei Chuan who was sitting in a chair.

Wei Chuan looked up, saw Zhao Yi, stood up, smiled and took the flue: "Brother Yi...this way the man and the woman sit apart, what do you think?"

Zhao Yi smiled and said: "Yes, it has to be fresh, otherwise, it would be interesting for men to fight wine at the table and women to eat at the table. After all, today's purpose is not to drink, but to connect with each other."

Wei Chuan laughed and gave a thumbs up: "Brother Yi, you are a real cow. Maybe after today's party, you will have a lot more in your class, right?"

"The master led the door and practiced personally, but in the end I couldn't control it."

Zhao Yi smiled and said casually: "I will sort out my photos and videos, plus the posts on the school forum that have caused repercussions. I will send you a copy at that time. I remember that your hot pot restaurant has a Douyin operating account. Let’s let someone edit it, and post it on the theme of "Tenglong Hotpot Entering University Campus". The scene of men’s and women’s matching should attract the attention of many young people. The hotpot restaurant may also gain a wave of popularity, of course. If there is no response, it will be regarded as a daily fun event, and there is no need to invest in costs anyway."

Wei Chuan was taken aback, and looked back at the five tables that attracted the attention of the whole hot pot restaurant customers. He suddenly felt that it was indeed a good publicity point.

Jiangzhou hot pot is famous, but because of this, there are so many hot pot restaurants in any street. The competition is extremely fierce. Although Tenglong hot pot is already a well-known brand hot pot, who would think that it is more famous?

The idea Zhao Yi said may not be effective in the end, but if it really works, it may be a wonderful trick!

Now that there are so many popular Internet celebrity shops on the market, aren't they just relying on platforms such as Douyin and Chopsticks?

Wei’s family has been operating a hot pot restaurant for many years. Wei Chuan is very familiar with this trendy promotion method. He is also a young man. When I think about it carefully, I suddenly feel that what Zhao Yi said is quite reliable. The idea of ​​Tenglong hot pot coming out of the university campus seems to be promoted and implemented in all stores close to the university.

What is the cost of a hot pot meal per class?

But if a word-of-mouth effect can be formed in the university near the hot pot restaurant, what will be the follow-up return?

If operating accounts such as Fadouyin attract social attention and have great benefits for brand exposure, how much profit can it bring?

The most important thing is that the investment in this promotion is basically zero!

"Brother Yi, what you said, I think it's really interesting...".

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