"Qin Bingluo."

Under Deng Lin's introduction, Qin Bingluo reached out to Zhao Yi, but his expression was rather cold.

"Zhao Yi."

Zhao Yi stretched out his hands to hold them, Qin Bingluo's hands were white and slender, soft and beautiful.

Qin Bingluo is tall and tall, estimated to be about 1.68 meters, with a neat ponytail, wearing a loose T-shirt, white shorts, and sneakers. He looks a bit extravagant in vitality.

Qin Bingluo's face is very good-looking. If it is scored with 100 points, it can score at least 95 points. There are almost no flaws, but the cold temperament on her body gives people a sense of distance that is difficult to approach and difficult to reach.

Qin Bingluo obviously didn't have much thoughts about the stranger Zhao Yi. After a brief acquaintance, he sat down with Fang Yue to chat.

Deng Lin sat next to Zhao Yi and said in a low voice: "Don't mind, old man, Xiao Qin has a slightly cold personality, especially for people who are unfamiliar. Just wait until you are familiar with it."

Zhao Yi didn't think about 800 too much. Everyone has different personalities and everyone is not familiar with it. It's completely normal that they don't want to talk about it.

"Understand, Brother Deng doesn't need to make a special trip to talk about it. I'm not so narcissistic that I think that beautiful women will take the initiative and enthusiasm when they see me..."

Deng Lin smiled and glanced back: "Is it troublesome that your sister-in-law said about taming cats? If it's troublesome, then forget it."

Zhao Yi smiled and said: "It's really not troublesome. This beast taming is actually the same as other skills. It is not difficult for those who are difficult, but it is not difficult for those who meet. It is just that if you want to deepen the training of beasts, you need a certain talent."

"That's good, I'm just worried that it will be too troublesome and delay your time."

Deng Lin sighed and said in a low voice, "Your sister-in-law and I have no children either. She raises cats and dogs as their sons. If you can help, she must be very happy. You have helped me a lot. ."

Zhao Yi was a little curious: "Brother Deng, you are not young anymore, why haven't you had a child for so many years?"

Deng Lin smiled bitterly, and said in a low voice: "I want it, I can't."

Zhao Yi hesitated and asked in a low voice, "Is it a physical problem?"

Deng Lin nodded: "We have done the checkup, my side... the vitality is too low, and the chance of conception is extremely low. Even if you do an IVF, you can't succeed. Your sister-in-law has always wanted a baby, but unfortunately I can't satisfy her. This wish, I feel guilty for her in my heart, so I try to spare the time and often take her to travel around to make her happy..."

Zhao Yi's heart moved, thinking of a prize he had won before.

Pregnancy card!

Deng Lin is not completely incapacitated in this situation, but the probability of conception is very low, but according to the explanation of the pregnancy card, as long as there is a chance, it can directly increase the probability to 100% pregnancy.

This pregnancy card is completely tailor-made for Deng Lin's situation. Zhao Yi thought about it a little bit and decided to help Deng Lin.

If this can be done, it will be a great favor, a favor that cannot be measured by money.

What's more, Deng Lin and his wife are very kind. Deng Lin helped to book the whole flight tickets this time, and Zhao Yi didn't ask for a cent to pay...

Zhao Yi thought for a while to confirm: "Brother Deng, are you sure that the chance of conception is low, rather than the absolute inability to conceive?"

"Yes, I'm sure. The probability is low. It's not absolutely impossible. This is the result after I changed many big hospitals. It can't be wrong."

Deng Lin answered fluently, and suddenly came back to his senses, Zhao Yi's question seemed very meaningful.

Is there any way he can do it?

This thought involuntarily appeared in Deng Lin's mind. He subconsciously wanted to deny this conjecture. Zhao Yi is just a young man under twenty years old. He is not a doctor. What can he do?

This is what many experts say there is no way...

But Deng Lin suddenly remembered something. Before, he saw the horse obeying Zhao Yi's words, and he was so desperate. At that time, he guessed whether Zhao Yi knew how to tame beasts. However, he also directly denied it at the time. Really understand animal training!

Now, does he really have a way?

Deng Lin's eyes suddenly became two points eagerly: "Brother, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Looking at Deng Lin's implicit expectation but trying to restrain his eyes, Zhao Yi didn't sell it, and smiled: "If it's just a low chance and no other problems, then I might be able to help Deng brother."

He really has a way!

Deng Lin’s back straightened abruptly, and his eyes were suddenly excited: "Brother, don’t joke with me about this. Your brother, I have everything now, but I don’t have children. This is already us. The greatest pain in the hearts of the couple..."

Zhao Yi smiled: "Brother Deng, how could I make a joke about this, I am really sure.".

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