In the basketball game, because Zhao Yi and Guo Donglai merged with both swords, they really won the championship, which is a big hit.

In the evening, all the workers in the second class had a happily gathering in a Chuan Chuan shop in Back Street.

In the end, Li Yang did not go to Decheng for a self-driving tour, because the female student named Su Mei finally did not agree. It is probably the reason why everyone is not familiar enough. This made the single Guo Donglai a little bit relieved.

Anyhow, it was not that I was left alone...

The candidates were finally determined, Zhao Yi and Liu Yufei, Lu Tao and his female companions, Zhou Lin and Chen Wei, also added a Wei Chuan before leaving.

Wei Chuan has recently been keen to drive his newly bought Ferrari F8 to various universities to sell water. He is young, drives a good car, has spare money in his hands, and is generous to his sisters, so he is naturally not disadvantaged.

Although Wei Chuan was a little older, but not long after graduation, his personality was a little bit off, so he wouldn't be unable to play together.

This matter was actually Wei Chuan ready for a treat at 950, and asked Zhao Yi in the group if he had time on the weekend. After learning that Zhao Yi had organized a self-driving car, he immediately signed up to participate. As for the girl, I would like to sell water for takeaway.

Anyway, take the girl out, don't ask, ask is a friend.


Sleep together at night?

Can't friends talk about life and ideals in one room?

I play two people fighting the landlord, I play mobile games, can't I?

Maybe it was because Zhao Yi covered the entire cost, so Zhou Lin and Chen Wei didn't bring anyone there. After all, the relationship between Zhou Lin and Zhao Yi was left alone, and the others felt a little embarrassed.

Originally, four men and four women were enough to drive two cars, but Wei Chuansao drove his new car, Ferrari F8, with only two places. Zhao Yi only drove the Ferrari together.

Zhao Yi and Liu Yu Fei sat down, Lu Tao drove his Porsche, carrying Zhou Lin, Chen Wei and his female companion, and three cars drove straight to Foshan.

The car can only reach the scenic parking lot, and then you have to buy a ticket to take the ropeway up the mountain.

It was also the first time that Lu Tao’s female companion Zhao Yi met. It was not the best friend last time. If so, Zhao Yi could not worry about it. After all, it was Ye Qian who brought him a drink with him last time.

However, people like Lu Tao and Wei Chuan are extremely reliable in doing things, and there is no chance for such girls to meet each other. For example, today Zhao Yi is bringing Ye Qian, maybe Lu Tao will invite him to that little beauty, after all Everyone can be regarded as acquaintances...

"Jing Foshan has beautiful scenery. This time is when the colorful forests are full of mountains, but there are no recreational facilities on the mountains. So we go to the sky in the daytime to see the scenery, go down the mountain in the afternoon, and then go to Tianxing town for the night. Amusement facilities include star-rated hotels, bars, KTV, and hot springs..."

Lu Tao smiled and said, "Are you doing a strategy?"

Zhao Yi took Liu Yufei's hand and smiled: "That is, as an organizer, in order to make you have fun, am I easy for me?"

Wei Chuan laughed and said, "Then I can respect you, brother, a few drinks at night."

Zhao Yi looked at Wei Chuan contemptuously: "Just your drink?"

Wei Chuan reached out and put his arm around the shoulders of the beautiful girl Huang Zhen next to him. He laughed and said, "It's so real to have my girlfriend, Brother Yi, you're dead tonight!"

Zhao Yi did not show any weakness: "Hehe, don't brag, you have it at night!"

Zhou Lin also took Chen Wei's hand and watched Zhao Yi and Wei Chuan brag and sigh.

According to the introduction, he already knew that this young man was the little boss of the famous Tenglong hot pot in Jiangzhou, but he called Zhao Yi Yi brother?

Obviously Zhao Yi is so much younger than him, but he shouts in the slightest, very smoothly.

It seems that what Zhao Yi said is really right. He is really in trouble now.

Both Wei Chuan and Lu Tao were very enthusiastic towards Zhou Lin. They didn't treat him as an outsider for one reason, because Zhao Yi said that they are his high school classmates and best friends.

Everyone jogged up the mountain and played all the way until after four o'clock in the afternoon, everyone came down from the mountain and continued to drive to Tianxing Town.

After getting out of the car, Zhao Yi walked to Zhou Lin casually: "I booked four rooms before, and there is no problem with you. If it doesn't work, I will add another one, no problem..."

Although Zhao Yi wanted to help Zhou Lin, he still had to follow the opinions of the parties involved. After all, Zhou Lin and Chen Wei hadn't really come together yet, and Chen Wei might not agree to live in a room.

Zhou Lin hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Let's just have one room first. If it doesn't work, I can add another one by myself."

Zhao Yi nodded: "Okay, then I will save a room first. If you want to add it, you can report my name. There is no need to worry about this. This time, it is to deepen the feelings...".

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