Lu Tao speaks the truth, and daily life is the best way to see a person's character.

Zhao Yi has nothing to say to the girls and friends around him.

If he can help, he will definitely help. He helped Chu Lili solve the troublesome ex-boyfriend. He opened a shop to provide a part-time job for poor student Han Kexin, brought himself and others to earn money, brought roommates to earn money, and invited the whole class to eat but not high-profile... …

Would such a person be a cold-blooded person?

Is it right for people to fight back when they encounter dangers that threaten their own safety?

If Lei Wei is really looking for death by himself, then according to Lei Wei's domineering character, he has come to this point, and then he will only become more and more crazy, like brown sugar, if he does not kill him, he will not count.

Under this premise, Zhao Yi killed him. Is there a problem?

If you have this ability, you will do the same.

Lei Wei still has a certain status in the Jiangzhou dude circle. After all, his father is the chairman of a tens of billions of listed companies. Coupled with his arrogant style, even people who don’t deal with Lei Wei know this person. He is in The news of Tyrande's disappearance quickly spread throughout the circle, and the facts plus speculation, everyone who could know.

The name Zhao Yi also appeared in Jiangzhou circles for the first time.

Although no one believes that Lei Wei's death is related to Zhao Yi, after all, Zhao Yi is a freshman, but everyone has an impression subconsciously.

This Zhao Yi may not be messed up.

What if?


Lei's house.

Lei Gang was sitting on the sofa with a gloomy expression. His face, which was usually red and full of spirits, had now become haggard and vicissitudes of life.

Leiwei is dead!

His only son is dead!

He rubbed his face with his hands, and there was unabashed fierceness in his flushed eyes.

Lei Wei was killed purposefully!

Was Lei Wei offending people himself, or was someone retaliating against him, or was he warned?

Could it be them?

From the perspective of outsiders, Leisen Pharmaceuticals is developing well. In fact, only the internal core and high-level talents know that Leisen Pharmaceuticals is facing a very important juncture.

Lei Sen Pharmaceutical has always been controlled by Lei Gang. Although he has only 28% of the shares in his hand, there are many people who support him, but now another group of shareholders headed by He Kun hopes that the company and Com Pharmaceuticals will merge. , In other words, being acquired, in this case, they can obtain greater benefits.

If the merger is successful, the control of Leisen Pharmaceuticals will fall into the hands of Com Pharmaceuticals, and Lei Gang will also lose control and become a shareholder without rights.

This is not the scene he wants to see, he is not short of money, what he wants is control!

However, the shareholders headed by He Kun are not originally the controllers, so they only need to maximize their interests, no matter what happens after the merger, they only want money!

Because they oppose their proposal, so they choose this way to warn themselves, or to say, to warn their suitors, let them give up their support?

A middle-aged man with glasses was brought in by a servant. This man was his secretary, Du Jian.

Lei Gang saw Du Jian coming in, put down the top of his face, and stood up.

"Go to my study and say."

The two entered the study. Lei Gang sat down and asked some eagerly: "What's the result?"

Du Jian shook his head: "I asked a group of powerful local people on Tyrande. I spent a lot of money and offered cross rewards, but they all said it was not what they did. At the same time, they sent someone to help us investigate. All monitoring records show that after Leiwei checked into the hotel, he went out alone and then disappeared halfway. The situation in the missing area was complicated and there was no surveillance. The locals said that Leiwei was dealt with in such a situation..."

Lei Gang gritted his teeth: "Handle?"

Du Jian said in a deep voice: "Yes, the world has evaporated. That area is an area where accidents often occur. Many foreign tourists will disappear in this area. Maybe they were abducted and sold, or they were robbed of their body parts, or they were killed. , The local forces said that such a person is impossible to find..."

Lei Gang took a deep breath: "Who is the murderer, do you have any news?"

Du Jian shook his head: "That woman has also evaporated from the world, and there is no trace at all. The woman obviously used the beauty heat to get Leiwei into the bait, then tricked Leiwei into Tyrande, and then killed Leiwei over there. I have investigated Zhao Yi and others, Lu Tao, Sun Liang, and Wei Chuan obviously do not do such things. Zhao Yi targeted by Lei Wei is just a freshman, and he has been living in Tianfu before, and his background is very innocent. There shouldn’t be such a channel..."

Lei Gang said with red eyes: "So, maybe it's them?"

Du Jian hesitated: "There is no evidence."

Lei Gang pondered for a moment: "Continue to investigate, don't be afraid to spend money, and convene a board of directors to quickly prepare. You must first deny their plan, otherwise, the delay will change."

Du Jian replied cleanly and neatly: "Yes!".

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