Zhao Mingyang, general manager of Longhui Real Estate, also glanced over, with a slight surprise in his eyes.

The real estate circle is not big or small, and the companies that can spend hundreds of millions to buy land for development are basically in each other's hearts, but they have never heard of a company called Global Real Estate.

Zhao Mingyang raised his placard again.

"Longhui Real Estate, 320 million!"

Although the minimum bid was an increase of one million, Zhao Mingyang wanted to express his determination to win, so he increased by ten million in one breath.

This is the first auction, and Longhui Real Estate wants to win.

Gao Ming raised his placard again without hesitation.

"Sihai Real Estate, 330 million!"

Zhao Mingyang's face sank, this real estate in the world is a stubborn stubbornness~ ah.

"Longhui Real Estate, three hundred forty million to ten million!"

Gao Ming kept his face cold and continued to raise his cards.

"Four Seas Real Estate, 350 million yuan!"

There was an uproar around!

"Where did these four-sea real estate come from, so strong?"

"Three hundred and fifty million, great value!"

"Even if this price is taken, there won't be much profit."

"Longhui Real Estate has encountered a strong opponent!"

Zhao Mingyang did not bid any more, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to give up.

"Congratulations to Sihai Real Estate, the price of 350 million yuan, successfully bid for the d3 plot."

Zhao Yi clenched his fists secretly.

"Next, we will proceed to the auction of the second parcel, which is the d4 parcel. The starting price of the d4 parcel is 300 million..."

"Start bidding below!"

"Pengtian Real Estate, 310 million!"

"Dongyuan Real Estate, 320 million!"

The price soared all the way, quickly reaching 400 million, and the bidding speed slowed down significantly.

When everyone almost stopped bidding, Gao Ming raised his card again.

"410 million."

Everyone looked again.

"I'll go, do you still want to buy the real estate in the world?"

"Where did these four-sea real estate come from? What's the details?"

"The strength is very strong."

"This auction does not limit the number of purchases. Everyone depends on money. As long as he has enough strength, he can buy as much as he wants."

"Impossible, this piece of land itself does not have much value. If you want to develop a villa, one piece of land is enough. Why buy so much? Is he going to build a particularly large group of villas?"

"It's not impossible. If a land is developed, the profit is actually not big, but if a few more land groups are developed into a super-large-scale quality villa group, not only will it be a word of mouth, but the profit will also be higher."

Gao Ming didn't pay attention to other people's arguments at all, and raised his placard intently.

"Congratulations to Sihai Real Estate, 450 million yuan, for purchasing the d4 plot."

"Next, we will conduct a bidding for the third parcel, that is, the d5 parcel. The starting price is 100 million..."


"Congratulations to Sihai Real Estate, 330 million yuan, for winning the d5 plot."

"Congratulations to Sihai Real Estate, five hundred and fifty million yuan, for winning the d6 plot."

"Congratulations to Sihai Real Estate, 440 million, for winning the d7 plot."


The entire auction house was shocked.

Are the people at Global Real Estate crazy?

Where did this come from? It's clear that he is preparing to take all the plots of land in this posture!

· ········· Ask for flowers········

Although other people think this is absurd, this thing is really developing in this way.

All the land prices for this piece of land are carefully calculated by actuaries, so every real estate company has a reserve price in mind, which means they can bid at the most. Otherwise, if the land is obtained over this price, there will be no profit. In other words, for real estate companies, this is obviously unacceptable, and you can't work in vain.

However, during the bidding process, people from all companies discovered a horrible situation, that is, the people of Global Real Estate have no bottom line at all.

.. .... 0

No matter how much you bid, they will be higher than you anyway!

Even if there are real estate companies in the middle, they bit the bullet and tried to bid the super high price in their hearts, but it is still useless. Gaoming is like a cold placard machine.


This Four Seas Real Estate is really a lunatic!

How much land has he bought?

How much did it cost?

At least several billions, but they haven't stopped!

Although many real estate companies are not particularly keen on this land, after all, the geology of this land has made this land a tasteless one, but now the strong rise of Four Seas Real Estate makes people feel a little unable to sit still.

This is really going to be a grand slam, is it all to be won?

Is it because the wind blows the money for your real estate in the world?

Although surprised and even felt like being beaten up, no one would have trouble with money, would not make jokes with money, and could not spend money to buy land by himself, so he would lose money in the end.

They also don't understand why Sihai Real Estate spends so much money on so much land. Is this planning to spend money to buy it? NS.

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