"Climbing Longji Mountain can start directly from the innermost part of my school. There is a mountain road, going up, and finally to the top of the mountain. Not only can you climb the ridge, but there is also a temple to burn incense..."

"Well, then we will follow the route you said."

"Well, drive directly to the innermost part of the school, where there is a parking lot."


On the weekend, Zhao Yi, Liu Yufei, and Su Yade's mountain climbing contract was finally fulfilled.

Zhao Yi drove directly to the innermost part of the school, parked the car in an empty space, and the three people got out of the car.

Zhao Yi carried a small bag on his back, well, this bag was brought by Liu Yufei.

Essential for mountaineering.

Water, snacks, paper towels...

Men don’t want it, women don’t want it too.

When climbing a mountain, aren’t men the ones in charge of backpacks?

The three people climbed up the stone staircase path. The path was steep. For Zhao Yi, this was not a warm-up, but for Su Ya and Liu Yufei, who were weak and lacked physical exercise, it was a bit difficult.

Fortunately, Liu Yufei is young, young and vigorous. Although his physical strength is not strong, it is good to be young and okay.

Su Ya is going to be much worse. No matter how well her figure is maintained, she is still quite young after all. She usually drives or sits in the office and doesn’t go to the gym. Where can she get better? ?

Although Longji Mountain has a ready-made stepped trail, it is very steep. After the three climbed up the mountain, Su Ya and Liu Yufei were already flushed and sweating slightly.

"It's been a long time since I climbed the mountain. It seems that I really lack exercise."

Su Ya took out a tissue and wiped the sweat on her face, and said with a slight emotion: "This mountain is not steep, just climbed up like this, the sweat came out of the vest!"

Liu Yufei smiled and said: "Mom, I'll wipe it for you, otherwise there will be wind in the mountains, and sweat on the vest will easily catch cold..."

Su Ya glanced at Zhao Yi, her expression slightly hesitant.

Zhao Yi laughed and walked to the front of the two, leaving room for the two to operate.

Liu Yufei helped Su Ya dry her sweat, and smiled: "Mom, you are really in good shape, you don't have any fat on your waist, how do you keep it?"

Su Ya smiled and said, "I do yoga when I'm fine on weekdays. Just eat less."

Liu Yufei stuck out his tongue: "Eat less, I can't stand it. I like to eat all kinds of delicacies."

Su Ya smiled and said: "You are young now, with a fast metabolism, and it is difficult to get fat after eating, but at my age, you still have to pay attention, otherwise you will have fat on your stomach and it will be ugly."

Liu Yufei praised: "Mom is so beautiful. Look at the eyes of those who climbed the mountain just now. They all looked at you. If I didn't call your mother deliberately, the man would want to come up and strike up a conversation. You look Just like my sister..."

Su Ya's face was slightly red, but there was still unconcealed happiness in her eyes.

Just now Zhao Yi went to the bathroom on the road. Su Ya and Liu Yufei were waiting outside for a rest. There were really men on the road who wanted to strike up a conversation, but they were shocked by Liu Yufei's mother.

The surprised expression on the man's face when he retreated made Su Ya very happy. Doesn't it mean that she is young and beautiful?

The three of them continued to move up, and soon they arrived at the temple on the mountain.

After eating a fast meal in the temple, the three of them wandered around the mountain for a while, and it was already the afternoon, and they embarked on their way home.

However, when I first walked up the stone ladder, something went wrong.


Su Ya let out a low cry, tilted her body, and suddenly rushed towards the side of the stairs.

Zhao Yi was walking behind Su Ya. Seeing that she was about to fall, he subconsciously stepped forward and grabbed Su Ya's panic-raised wrist because of the fall...

The response is amazing!

Su Ya was pulled by Zhao Yi, her body twisted abruptly in the air, and then she threw herself on Zhao Yi's body.

Su Ya's left hand was held by Zhao Yi, and her right hand was supported on Zhao Yi's shoulder. In a hurry, she lay directly in Zhao Yi's arms.

A faint perfume scent rushed into Zhao Yi's nose, Zhao Yi's mood was somewhat different for a while.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Liu Yufei came over in a panic, Su Ya suddenly woke up, her complexion instantly turned red, she quickly let go and stayed away from Zhao Yi.

But Su Ya's movements were so violent that she took a step and let out another scream.


Zhao Yi grabbed her arm and supported her: "Aunt Su, are you crippled?"

Su Ya said bitterly: "It should be, the ankle is very painful."

"Come on, sit down on the next step, and I'll check it for you."


Zhao Yi helped Su Ya to sit down on the stone ladder on the side of the road, squatted down, took off Su Ya's sports shoes, and carefully checked.

"Aunt Su, there is no problem with the bones, it should be a muscle ligament strain, temporarily unable to bear the force, otherwise it will aggravate the injury..."

Liu Yufei looked back at the top of the mountain, and then at the slope: "But this place can't go up or down..."

An expression of annoyance and helplessness also appeared on Su Ya's face.

Zhao Yi smiled and said, "It's okay, I will carry Aunt Su on my back..."


After thinking about it, I am ready to finish it slowly, and the timeline will be quickened later. Now I have collected everything that should be collected, and the money that should be earned will be earned, filling in all the previous pits.

Originally I wanted to write about the Zhonghai Circle and Beijing Circle, but I felt that it was almost a repetition, so I didn't linger. .

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