Metropolis: Signed To Shenhao At The Beginning Of The Game

Chapter 151 The Long Nation's Largest Family

Ye Chen parked the helicopter.

The five sisters all enthusiastically gathered around Ye Chen.

"younger brother."

"Little brother."

"Brother is handsome again."

"I heard that my brother is doing business again in Black Wind City. It's really amazing."

The last sentence was said by the eldest sister Ye Yanran.

Although she had just returned, she knew everything about the country.

Faced with the compliments from several sisters, Ye Chen smiled and nodded, "Don't boast, praise me more seriously."

"Master, you are back."

At this time, Number One also stepped forward to greet Ye Chen.

Ye Chen glanced at Number One, and suddenly felt a little strange.

Because No.1 actually changed the style of the past and put on a stylish leather jacket.

Putting on other clothes, it looks more feminine.

"Number One is pretty again." Ye Chen praised. Suddenly, No.1 was excited for a long time.

After a period of enthusiasm, Ye Chen followed the five sisters back to the living room and began to discuss the establishment of a family.

Family establishment is not something that can be established in one sentence. Rather, it needs the approval of the Dragon Country to establish a family.

The family is divided into three, six or nine classes, enjoying different levels of treatment. For the Dragon Kingdom to recognize the existence of the family, it must have certain assets and influential industries.

Therefore, six siblings, in the living room, set out their respective properties.

First of all, the eldest sister Ye Yanran, Ye Yanran Enterprise owns a Ye Group and a branch company Ye Tong, with a total market value of 150 billion.

The second sister, Ye Qingzhu, doesn't have any industry, only real power. The third sister Ye Nazha owns a cultural and entertainment company with a market value of tens of billions. The fourth sister, Ye Xinyan, owns a Longmen Hospital with a market value of tens of billions and holds numerous medical patents.

The fifth sister, Ye Chuchu, has no industry, and some of them are scientific research patents.

In other words, the five sisters, the eldest sister, the third sister and the fourth sister, have properties, a total of 270 billion fixed industries.

Of course, this is just a fixed asset.

In addition, the five sisters also have a little savings.

The eldest sister Ye Yanran has tens of billions of deposits. Although the second sister Ye Qingzhu did not do business, he did not receive any less money when he fought on the battlefield, the dragon owner's rewards and gifts from others. The savings plus some treasures collected add up to tens of billions.

When Ye Chen heard this, he was relieved for the second sister.

The third sister has only a few hundred million in deposits, and the fourth sister's money is used for scientific research and research prescriptions, not a few hundred million. Not to mention the fifth sister, all food and clothing are provided by the state, and only scientific research patents. But countless scarce resources can be mobilized.

Although the fifth sister has no deposit, if those patents are sold, it is estimated that she is no worse than the eldest sister.

Of course, what they count is deposits, not patents.

Therefore, the sum of the deposits of the five sisters is about 100 billion.

In other words, the five sisters’ properties and deposits add up to nearly 400 billion.

This number can be classified as a first-class corporate family in Longguo.

After all, there are very few Dragon State trillions of power except for state enterprises.

In the capital, there are only four big families, with assets exceeding one trillion yuan.

"By the way, brother, how much savings do you have."

The five sisters stared at Ye Chen hopefully.

Ye Chen smiled slightly and said, "At present, there are more than 110 billion."

"What? 110 billion."

"I'll go, brother, you won't steal the bank, no, you won't be able to steal so much from a bank."

"Brother, you have so much money, my goodness."

"It adds up to more savings than all of us, my brother is amazing."

"More than 100 billion, doesn't that mean that our six sisters and brothers add up to 200 billion in total, my God."


When the five sisters heard Ye Chen's answer, they were collectively shocked.

"Brother, you shouldn't have done anything illegal, after all, so much money."

As the eldest sister, Ye Yanran stared at Ye Chen's face and asked seriously.

Ye Chen said helplessly: "Why, I just have some industries."

"What industry can make so much money." Ye Qingzhu also stared at Ye Chen with a serious face.

Ye Chen can only honestly explain: "I have more than a dozen companies in the entertainment industry such as KTV, bars, and nightclubs. There is also a hotel, half of the shares of Thousand Degrees, half of the shares of Douyu, and Beijing's Dishini. , There is also a commercial building. By the way, and the pharmaceutical factory opened for me by my sisters, the valuation has soared to 50 billion..."

Five sisters: "..."

"In addition, I also established a mountain rock mining company in Heifeng City, and am preparing to build another battery factory, which is under construction..."

Five sisters: "..."

When the five sisters heard that Ye Chen reported the property one by one, they all froze in shock.

The property of a single brother alone has reached hundreds of billions.

I can't believe it.

"Of course, I didn't earn these things. I'm only in my twenties and I don't have the ability. These are all the properties and assets left to me by the master."

Ye Chen lied again at the end.

At this time, the sisters breathed a sigh of relief.

The master is omnipotent, giving his younger brother so much property, it's not a problem at all.

It's just that after knowing that their brother is so rich for the first time, they are a little overwhelmed.

In other words, the property value of their six siblings totals more than 270 billion.

And over two hundred billion, Ye Chen monopolized more than one-third.

Coupled with nearly 200 billion in deposits.

They have a total of nearly 500 billion in total assets.

Five hundred billion, kill the Nine Young Family in every minute, and easily rank first in the Nine Young Family.

Although there is still a distance from the four major families, it can already conquer the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, the pharmaceutical factory has just started, and has not completely released production.

If I live some more days. , The complete rise of the pharmaceutical factory, relying on a pharmaceutical factory, can kill the nine small families in seconds.

What's more, Ye Chen also has the world's most potential graphene factory in Heifeng City.

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before their Ye family became the largest family in the Dragon Kingdom.

"I have already submitted an application for the establishment of the family to the Royal Court of the Long Kingdom. It is estimated that the Royal Court will send someone to send a family certificate tomorrow. I just didn't expect that my brother would have so many assets."

Ye Yanran looked at Ye Chen, quickly took out a laptop to open a website, and said to Ye Chen: "Brother, do you want to add your industry to it."

"Of course it is."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, took the laptop, and was about to start filling in.

The more post-industry assets you fill in, the higher the imperial court’s score will be.

The higher the score, the higher the family rank.

Ten billion assets can apply for small families, and hundreds of billions of assets can apply for large families.

The nine small families are all big families.

Of course, there are more than nine hundred billion families in Beijing.

As the capital of the Long Kingdom, there are countless hundreds of billions of families in the capital.

Only the nine small families, only the top batch of these hundreds of billions of families, plus the inheritance of the older generations, only appeared in nine ranks.

And if the assets exceed one trillion, it will become the top big family.

For example, the four major families, each with assets exceeding one trillion yuan. It completely surpassed the existence of the Nine Young Family.

Of course, it takes so much time for the Ye Family to become a top big family.

"Brother, if you fill in your property, we must re-establish a new company to incorporate all of its properties and have a unified holding. If you fill in, the shares will also be distributed to the sisters."

Ye Yanran looked at Ye Chen with a smirk on her face.

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