Even the guests at a few tables nearby were super speechless after hearing what Ye Chen said.

There were even a few men and women wearing glasses quietly mocking Ye Chen, thinking that Ye Chen wanted to pretend to be forceful in front of a few beauties.

"Shhh, keep your voice down, people who like to pretend to have a bad temper, don't let him hear it."

"Hmph, so what? We are not ordinary people either."

"Really, I have never encountered such a pretender in my life. It is cheaper than 30,000 to die. I think he will really die if he doesn't pretend to be lively."

"Yes, yes, there are deep-sea arowanas that can endure it. That's the most expensive ingredient. I'm afraid he can't afford it."

Although the discussion in the surrounding tables was quiet, Ye Chen and Number One heard them all.

Ye Chen didn't say anything, they just whispered and didn't name them.

But Number One couldn't stand the host who others looked down on, so he slapped the table with a slap, pointed at the guests at those tables, and said coldly, "I will force you to blow your mouth again."

Suddenly, the surroundings were quiet, and they were all shocked by No.1's sturdy words.

That unrelenting momentum, cold and solemn eyes, like a bottomless abyss, makes people shudder.

"Damn, this woman's eyes are so cold, she looks like she's going to fall into the ice cellar."

"She must have killed people, and more than one."

"It's more than just killing people. From her eyes, it can be seen that she doesn't even fluctuate in her mood when she kills. This is definitely a cruel person."

The voices of several comments around him sounded, and the table of people who wanted to resist suddenly became silent.

A joke, arguing with someone who has life in their hands, they don't want to die yet.

"Sorry, for the momentary mistake, please forgive me."

Several men stood up helplessly, arched their hands to Ye Chen and the others, as an apology.

But One still didn't want to let them go, and even wanted to go over and beat them up.

This moved Ye Chen very much.

The heartfelt heart of Number One can be seen from the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon can be proved.

Ye Chen grabbed No.1's hand and said with a touch of emotion, "Why do you have a general knowledge of a group of hanging silks. The best way to prove yourself doesn't have to be hands-on, it's up to me."

After speaking, Ye Chen picked up the menu, flipped through a few, and said lightly: "If it's extra, I won't say much. Give me ten servings of the existing ingredients in your store, and you want the most expensive one."


This time, everyone around him took a breath.

"The most expensive, or ten?"

"My God, did he look at the menu at all."

"He doesn't really think this is an ordinary restaurant, right? It's the most expensive dish in the heavens on earth. Just take out a portion worth millions..."

"What? Just one good dish is millions? So expensive?"

"Yes, and millions are not the best, there are more expensive..."

Ye Chen's words immediately made everyone around him look over.

Among the many gazes, Ye Chen suddenly noticed a gloomy look staring at them.

After a casual glance, Ye Chen realized that in the corner were an acquaintance and a majestic man with a peaked cap.

Just taking a look, they immediately lowered their heads, and Ye Chen immediately retracted his gaze.

Both are preventing each other from being discovered.

This acquaintance is the young master of the family with many historical birds.

And the stranger.

This made Ye Chen feel a murderous intent.

Could it be that the historians are conspiring against their Ye family again.

Ye Chen thought so, and the number one next to him also found the person, and said to Ye Chen lightly: "Master, that's a killer, I can feel it."

"What? Killer?"

The old butler who ordered the food was startled, frowning and peeking at Shi Niao for an extra table.

Yang Mimi and Nie Wushuang were also shocked.

Only Ye Chen said blankly: "Oh? Another killer, how strong is he?"

"Not much." One said casually, but quickly added another sentence, "It's far worse than our eighteenth guard."

"That's good." Ye Chen nodded.

"Master, do you want to take him down?" Number One pondered for a while and asked Xiang Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said indifferently: "No, you send a message to your sisters and ask them to assign people to protect my sisters, and Heifeng City will also send two people, and the Yun family will send one."


There is no need for Ye Chen to explain too much, and Number One will know who should be protected.

So the order was issued soon.

The reason why Ye Chen didn't move them was because the assassin was not a threat to him.

He felt that he would take one step at a time to see what the historian wanted to do.

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't hurry up to serve the food." Ye Chen reminded the old butler in a daze.

The old butler was awakened immediately, and he answered again and again.

At this moment, the old butler finally realized that Ye Chen was unusual, and his attitude became even more humble.

Facing the arrival of the killer without changing his face, this is also a big man.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn't care about the killer, Yang Mimi and Nie Wushuang just stayed for a while, and didn't care much.

Soon, ten of the most expensive dishes in the heavens and on earth were served.

All are scarce ingredients from all over the country.

Among them is the deep-sea dragon fish discussed by others.

It is a kind of fish with claws.

This fish has a total of five catties, 300,000 catties, and five catties equals 1.5 million.

In addition to this fish, there are grilled colorful scallops.

Colorful scallops are also products of the deep sea. They can be encountered but not sought. Every scallop has a palm size, which is a special case that only appears in millions of scallops. A scallop is 200,000, and a stack of twelve is 1.2 million.

Of course, these are all prepared ingredients. Some millions or even tens of millions of ingredients are out of stock, or they will all be served.

Ten top-quality ingredients, a total of 18 million paid at the checkout, shocked the entire hall.

After checking out, Ye Chen and the others continued to eat. After all, it tasted really good.

But as Ye Chen continued to eat, the killer in the corner quietly left, Shi Niao surreptitiously took out his mobile phone and sent out a message.

"Brother Jingtian, have you finished eating? The thief-like beauties I mentioned earlier appeared, and there are still three."

After sending the information, I received a reply soon.

"Are you sure? If you dare to lie to me, you know the end."

Seeing the message that Gou Jingtian answered, Shi Niao shuddered.

It's not just that he is afraid of shocking the sky, most of the young masters of the capital families, basically no one is afraid of him.

Gou Jingtian, backed by the four great families, was not named for nothing, Gou Shao, one of the Four Young Masters in Beijing.

He is sloppy and cruel, there is nothing he can't do.

On weekdays, the young masters of the capital had to hide when they saw him.

Today, he came to accompany the killer invited by the family owner to have dinner, but when he met Gou Jingtian, he said a few words about a peerless beauty.

The result was shocking, but he took it seriously, insisting on telling him as soon as he got the news.

Shi Niaoduo didn't dare to fool around, so he bit his head and finally managed to deal with him away.

Unexpectedly, I met Ye Chen and a few beautiful women here.

After a while, he had an idea.

That's a disaster, and it's frustrating on both sides.

On the one hand, let the killer continue to maintain the original plan and carry out the kidnapping operation.

On the one hand, he pulled Gou Jingtian off the court and asked him to provoke Ye Chen.

Shi Niao knows Ye Chen's character. Once the two meet, it will never end. Wouldn't it be beautiful when their historians take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

Thinking of this, Shi Niao's courage came up again, and he hurriedly responded to Gou Jingtian's message, "Don't worry, Jingtian Brother, but you have to hurry up, or they will leave."

After speaking, Shi Niao Duo waited nervously.

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